Entertainment Weekly 30 September 2016, Czasopisma
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//-->BYE-BYE, BRANGELINAWHAT’S NEXT FOR PITT & JOLIEP. 16SCREAM QUEENS!Cuba Gooding Jr.,Sarah Paulson,Ryan Murphy, andJessica LangeFEUD! AMERICAN CRIME STORY! AMERICAN HORROR STORY!RYA NU R PH YMFRESH OFF WINNING 12 EMMYS,TV’S MOST ORIGINAL MASTERMINDSHARES HIS INNER WORLDSEPT. 30, 2016 • #1433WE HAVE INTEL ON THE MOST AMBITIOUSSEASON OFHORROR STORYYETBYTIM STACKPLUS: WHAT THE ROANOKE?!THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKTed Danson and Kristen Bell234THE GOOD PL ACE:JUSTIN LUBIN/NBC (2); HAMILTON LEITHAUSER + ROSTAM: JOSH GOLEMAN;BE AUT Y AND THE BE AST:DISNEY151TV2 3 4 5I HAD A DREAMTHAT YOU WEREMINE, HamiltonLeithauser+ RostamMUSICTHE GOOD PLACE•What would a nirvanadreamed up byParks andRecreationco-creatorMike Schur look like? Onthis sitcom, Kristen Bell’scharacter mistakenlyfinds herself in a utopianafterlife designed by thebumbling architectplayed by Ted Danson.Heaven indeed.(Thurs-days, 8:30 p.m., NBC)A GENTLEMANIN MOSCOW,by Amor TowlesB O O KSP O D C A ST SHARRY POTTERAND THESACRED TEXTBEAUTY ANDTHE BEAST anni-versary editionM OV I E S•Like the courtly•Former Walkmensinger HamiltonLeithauser teams withex–Vampire WeekenderRostam Batmanglij for10 gems that rangefrom indie pop to ’50s-inspired doo-wop.aristocrat of the title—a count sentenced bythe Bolsheviks todecades of house arrestin an upscale hotel—theRules of Civilityauthor’s latest is elegant,old-fashioned, and end-lessly winning.Divinity School gradsVanessa Zoltan andCasper ter Kuile, whodissect a chapter fromHarry Pottereach weekthrough the lens of athought-provokingtheme, from betrayal togenerosity.(iTunes)•Blessings to Harvard•The Disney classic firstdelighted audiences 25years ago, and you canbe their guest all overagain with this specialedition, complete with asit-down with legendarycomposer Alan Menkenand current collaboratorLin-Manuel Miranda.(G)I L L U ST R AT I O N BYL I N C O L N AG N E WS E P T E M B E R 3 0, 2 0 1 6E W.C O M3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->BYE-BYE, BRANGELINAWHAT’S NEXT FOR PITT & JOLIEP. 16SCREAM QUEENS!Cuba Gooding Jr.,Sarah Paulson,Ryan Murphy, andJessica LangeFEUD! AMERICAN CRIME STORY! AMERICAN HORROR STORY!RYA NU R PH YMFRESH OFF WINNING 12 EMMYS,TV’S MOST ORIGINAL MASTERMINDSHARES HIS INNER WORLDSEPT. 30, 2016 • #1433WE HAVE INTEL ON THE MOST AMBITIOUSSEASON OFHORROR STORYYETBYTIM STACKPLUS: WHAT THE ROANOKE?!THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKTed Danson and Kristen Bell234THE GOOD PL ACE:JUSTIN LUBIN/NBC (2); HAMILTON LEITHAUSER + ROSTAM: JOSH GOLEMAN;BE AUT Y AND THE BE AST:DISNEY151TV2 3 4 5I HAD A DREAMTHAT YOU WEREMINE, HamiltonLeithauser+ RostamMUSICTHE GOOD PLACE•What would a nirvanadreamed up byParks andRecreationco-creatorMike Schur look like? Onthis sitcom, Kristen Bell’scharacter mistakenlyfinds herself in a utopianafterlife designed by thebumbling architectplayed by Ted Danson.Heaven indeed.(Thurs-days, 8:30 p.m., NBC)A GENTLEMANIN MOSCOW,by Amor TowlesB O O KSP O D C A ST SHARRY POTTERAND THESACRED TEXTBEAUTY ANDTHE BEAST anni-versary editionM OV I E S•Like the courtly•Former Walkmensinger HamiltonLeithauser teams withex–Vampire WeekenderRostam Batmanglij for10 gems that rangefrom indie pop to ’50s-inspired doo-wop.aristocrat of the title—a count sentenced bythe Bolsheviks todecades of house arrestin an upscale hotel—theRules of Civilityauthor’s latest is elegant,old-fashioned, and end-lessly winning.Divinity School gradsVanessa Zoltan andCasper ter Kuile, whodissect a chapter fromHarry Pottereach weekthrough the lens of athought-provokingtheme, from betrayal togenerosity.(iTunes)•Blessings to Harvard•The Disney classic firstdelighted audiences 25years ago, and you canbe their guest all overagain with this specialedition, complete with asit-down with legendarycomposer Alan Menkenand current collaboratorLin-Manuel Miranda.(G)I L L U ST R AT I O N BYL I N C O L N AG N E WS E P T E M B E R 3 0, 2 0 1 6E W.C O M3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]