Empire UK 2015 09, Czasopisma

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//-->Featuring rst looks at...RYAN REYNOLDS UPS THE ANTIHERODEADPOOLTHE FORCE AWAKENSORIGINAL REBELS ON PARADEMEET THEREALLYDIRTY DOZENSUICIDE SQUADQUENTIN TARANTINO, X-MEN: APOCALYPSE,JENNIFER LAWRENCE, WARCRAFT ANDMORE ZOMBIES THAN YOU CAN SHAKE A LEG AT!© 2015 TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.PROPERTY OF FOX. PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY. SALE, DUPLICATION OR OTHER TRANSFER OF THIS MATERIAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.004EDITOR’S LETTERAPOLOGIES TO SPIDER-MAN, BUT THE TWO GREATcomic-book heroes — the ones who have always transcendedthe lushly coloured boxes their creators tried to cage them in— are in many ways complete opposites, an implacable hatredof villainy aside. Superman lives by day; wields his omnipotenceresponsibly; and as he lines up with the military to take onGeneral Zod in Man Of Steel, looks comfortable on the side ofthe establishment. Batman is solidly nocturnal; his powers aremanmade, not super; and at its best, his relationship with thelaw is uneasy tolerance. Butmano a mano,who would triumph?Superman is the odds-on favourite, but would you bet againstBatman springing a surprise?You might get a clue on the outcome from our exclusiveBatman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice special on p.76. Thestage is set, the stars are in place, and the scale of the duelis such that even Don King would struggle to hyperbolise.What either hero would have made of notorious hip-hopgroup N.W.A probably doesn’t bear thinking about. Theirdebut album, Straight Outta Compton, brought gangsta rapto a worldwide audience with dark tales of drug dealingand drive-by shootings. Now they have their own biopic ofthe same name. Get the lowdown on the West Coast’s SexPistols, starting on p.94.To balance the testosterone a little, we also have anexclusive interview with Amy Schumer, cinema’s hottest newfunny-woman (p.70), and a retrospective of all things Ewok— the cuddliest sector of the Star Wars universe (p.100). Oh,and there’s a little thing all about you, as our groundbreakingsurvey reveals the likes and dislikes, viewing habits and rmfavourites of the movie nation. Recognise yourself? Startchecking on p.106.Whatever your chosen method of combatting evil, there’ssomething in here for you.r*--6453"5*0/0--:(*##4EDITOR-in-CHIEFMORGAN REES004SEPTEMBER 2015 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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