Endurance Sports & Fitness - August 2016, ROWER CZASOPISMA

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//-->AUGUST ISSUE, 2016DR. BRENTWEIGNERRUNS THE WORLDTHE HERREN PROJECTWARNINGS ON DIETARY SUPPLEMENTSSUMMER NUTRITIONPINCHED NERVESBOOK REVIEWGWOKANG YANG HITS THE HILLSTHE ROAD BIKING ISSUEALSO IN THIS ISSUE:CHARLIE ENGLE ONRUNNING SOBERES&FEDITOR’S LETTERWelcome to the August issue of ES&F!We here at the magazine are busy plan-ning for the fall. So much so, that wetend to get a little caught up in it. Thisyear, we decided to publish an Augustissue instead of a July/August Issue. Infact, going forward, I’ve decided to pub-lish on a more month-by-month basis tomatch what’s going on in the world ofendurance sports.I want to thank some key athletes whodedicated their time and effort to makethis issue possible.Gwokang Yanghas been a longtime contributor andsubscriber to the magazine. He waskind enough to write two articles, oneon cycling and one on how he battleda pinched nerve (which, coincidentally,is something I’m suffering from now).Gary Dudney,a well-established ultrarunner, was kind enough to provide notonly an interview, but also his new book,The Tao of Running.I was fortunateenough to read and review this inspiringmanuscript, which I very highly recom-mend.Liz Greenlaw,our nutritionist,provided us another great column; thisone focuses on why potassium is soimportant.Matt Rogers, PhD.,wrotea compelling piece on dietary supple-ments. I cannot stress how important itis that we stay informed about supple-ments, so I am thankful for this article.October brings the Lake Anna, Va.,Anvil race, which consists of double,triple and quintuple IRONMAN distanceraces. There are three Anvil races puton each year by race directorSteveKirby:in Florida (March), Oregon (July)and Virginia (October). We are fortunateenough to have interviewedLauraKnoblach,the youngest athlete ever tofinish a double IRONMAN distance. Shecompleted the race in March 2016 atthe Florida Double. An article about this21-year-old athlete from Minnesota wasposted online in theSt. Cloud Times.On a personal level, this has been atough summer for me. At the end ofJune, just as I was getting back intoshape after my hip surgery in January,I started having an extreme pain in myback between my shoulder blades. I wasprescribed muscle relaxers because mydoctor thought I had a muscle spasm.I also relied on my Oxycodone, left overfrom my surgery. When it was eventuallydetermined that I had a pinched nervebetween the C6 and C7 vertebrae, I wasprescribed Vicodin.I found I could sit through my son’sbasketball games in the evening if I tooka pill. But then something scary hap-pened: I felt a mixed feeling of relief andsadness when the Oxycodone was gone.Something inside of me was changing.I was fantasizing about the painkillers,and I thought, Could I become addictedto these things?It was funny making jokes with mygirlfriends that my life had been reduceddrinking a cup of coffee and popping aVicodin in the morning, but I was gettingconcerned. For the first time in my life, Ihad to manage pain through using drugs– and it gave me a great respect forpeople who live with long-term chronicpain. And don’t get me wrong – I’ve hada ton of running injuries which I healedthrough rest, ice, and ibuprofen; butnever anything that required I popnarcotic painkillers.The problem was that I liked the Vico-din – and even though I’ve stoppedtaking them (there are exactly 2.5left in the bottle), I can’t stop thinkingabout them. They are fun – I can workwhile taking them but feel a little high,too; and it makes the fact that my armis numb and painful not seem so bad.And I loved that fact that the Vicodinsuppressed my hunger; I didn’t eatfor three weeks and lost the sevenpounds I’d gained over the winter.I was digging it a little too much – so Iput the pills away. Good news is, I canget a refill only from my doctors – andwhen I got my first cortisone shot onJuly 25, which has improved my neckpain considerably, I told them: Do NOTprescribe me any more painkillers.It’s no coincidence that this issue fea-tures two athletes who know a thing ortwo about addiction. And what’s evenmore serendipitous is that I didn’tplan for this – but this past March, atthe Badwater Cape Fear 50-miler and50k, I metPam RickardofTheHerren Project,an organizationthat brings awareness to mental healthand addiction issues. She was organiz-ing theIcebreaker Run,a coast tocoast run along the southern end ofthe United States. The Icebreaker Runwas initiated to bring awareness to themental health struggles these athletesbattle with: alcoholism, self-destruction,drug abuse and depression. What’seven more amazing was thatCharlieEngle,who I “met” virtually not longafter he was released from prison, wasrunning the race.So the last leg of the Icebreaker Run wasin Alexandria, Va., this June, and I tookthe chance to join Rickard and the othermembers of her team, most of whom Iknow, to support the cause. How couldI know that later that month, I’d pincha nerve and gain an understanding ofwhat drug addiction and pain manage-ment could mean?Things happen for a reason, as they say.I strongly believe the universe wantedme to get a taste of what it could be liketo get hooked on something. I’m not, ofcourse, but I have an understanding –and understanding leads to compassion,and compassion breeds love...some-thing we need more of these days in thisvery troubled world.AUGUST 2016 ENDURANCE SPORTS & FITNESS MAGAZINE3FEATUREFEATURE14Gwokang Yang24COMMENTARY12On Being SoberBy Charlie EngleGary DudneyTABLE OF CONTENTSEDITOR’S LETTER3What A SummerBy Alix ShutelloIt’s humbling to be surrounded by such a great andcaring community of athletes.NUTRITION6Potassium: Putting Electrolytes at the Forefront ofYour FitnessBy Liz GreenlawElectrolytes are the important minerals in your bloodand other body fluids that carry an electric charge, andthey need to stay in a delicate balance to keep yourbody functioning properly.ATHLETE PROFILE8Pam Rickard: A Voice for RecoveryBy Alix ShutelloAn alcoholic who is 10 years sober, Rickard spends herdays honing her running as a voice for recovery.As Engle celebrates his 24th year of sobriety, the strugglesare there, but the desire to succeed and help others is astronger force inside him after all these years.FEATURES14Road Biking: Completing the Formosa 900By Gwokang YangIn February of 2016, Gwokang Yang finished a 900-kilome-ter bike tour of Taiwan in 9 days with 35 other avid bikersfrom Taiwan, China, Macau, and Australia, and the UnitedStates. The tour was run by Giant Adventure, a subsidiaryof Giant Bicycles.24Ultra Runner, Gary Dudney Has a Lot to Teach Us AboutEndurance RunningBy Alix ShutelloDudney’s impressive resume of completing hundreds ofraces makes him a subject matter expert on going longdistancesENDURANCE RACING MAGAZINESUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONSubscribe today at www.EnduranceSportsandFitness.comENDURANCE SPORTS & FITNESS MAGAZINEwww.facebook.com/EnduranceSportsandFitness.com@AlixShutello @EndurRacingMagwww.facebook.com/EnduranceSportsandFitness.comTwitter: @AlixShutello @EndurRacingMagSUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONTHANK YOU TO OUR ADVERTISERS:Subscribe today at www.EnduranceSportsandFitness.comRuss Lyon Sotheby’s International Realty, CorioVelo,Badwater®, and The High, a movie by Barry Walton328Athlete Profile: Pam RickardSCIENCE17Dietary Supplements, Health, and Performance: Let theBuyer BewareBy Matt Rogers, PhD, CSCSRogers gives the reader an extended education on what tolook for and what to look out for when considering a dietarysupplement.HEALTH22Recovering From a Pinched NerveBy Gwokang YangYang experienced problems with a pinched nerve aftercompleting his road bike tour in Taipei, Taiwan. He providesa great write-up on the methods he used to find relief andget back to cyclingBOOK REVIEW28The Tao of RunningBy Alix ShutelloGary Dudney is author of the The Tao of Running: YourJourney to Mindful and Passionate Running, available onAmazon or at Barnes & Noble online.RACE REPORT30Laura Knoblach: The Youngest Double ANVILFinisher in the WorldBy Alix ShutelloKnoblach is the youngest female athlete to complete theDouble Anvil (double Ironman distance) race.CONTRIBUTORSES&F is made possible by the contributions from athletesand seasoned writers who bring their unique ideas,expertise and perspectives to the magazine.- Gary Dudney, Endurance Runner and Author- Charlie Engle, Endurance Runner and Author- Liz Greenlaw, Nutritionist- Pam Rickard, Endurance Runner/The Herren Project- Matt Rogers, PhD, owner at Sport Science Running &Fitness- Gwokang Yang, Endurance CyclistRUSS-LYON SOTHEBY’SSILVER STATE 508RACE FOR THE STATETJC EVENT SOLUTIONSMANY THANKS TO OUR ADVERTISERS!ON THE COVER:GWOKANG YANG, ENDURANCE CYCLISTAUGUST 2016 ENDURANCE SPORTS & FITNESS MAGAZINE5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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