Entertainment Industry Economics A Guid - Harold L. Vogel, ebook, ebook.1400, Temp 1

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//-->This page intentionally left blankEntertainment Industry EconomicsA Guide for Financial Analysis, Seventh EditionThe entertainment industry is one of the largest sectors of the U.S. economyand is in fact becoming one of the most prominent globally as well. In thisnewly revised book, Harold L. Vogel examines the business economics ofthe major entertainment enterprises: movies, music, television programming,advertising, broadcasting, cable, casino gambling and wagering, publishing,performing arts, sports, theme parks, and toys and games. The seventh edi-tion has been further revised and broadened and differs from its predecessorsby restructuring and repositioning the previous Internet chapter, includingnew material on the economics of networks and advertising, adding a newsection on policy implications, and further expanding the section on recenttheoretical work pertaining to box-office behavior. The result is a compre-hensive, up-to-date reference guide on the economics, financing, production,and marketing of entertainment in the United States and overseas. Investors,business executives, accountants, lawyers, arts administrators, and generalreaders will find that the book offers an invaluable guide to how entertainmentindustries operate.Harold L. Vogel is the author ofTravel Industry Economics: A Guide forFinancial Analysis(Cambridge University Press, 2001), a companion vol-ume to this textbook. He was senior entertainment industry analyst at MerrillLynch & Co. for 17 years and was ranked as top entertainment industry ana-lyst for 10 years byInstitutional Investormagazine. Mr. Vogel frequentlywrites and speaks on investment topics related to entertainment and media,leisure, and travel and currently heads an independent investment and con-sulting firm in New York City.EntertainmentIndustryEconomicsA Guide for Financial AnalysisSEVENTH EDITIONHarold L. Vogel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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