Esther Singer Kreitman - The Dance of the Demons (retail) (), Ebooks (various), 2015 Best Ebooks
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//-->Th e D ance of The Dem onsthe helen rose scheuer jewish women’s seriesStreets: A Memoir of the Lower East Sideby Bella SpewackThe Maimie Papers: Letters of an Ex-Prostituteby Maimie Pinzeredited by Ruth Rosen and Sue DavidsonA Cross and a Star: Memoirs of a Jewish Girl in Chileby Marjorie AgosínApples from the Desert: Selected Storiesby Savyon LiebrechtAlways from Somewhere Else: A Memoir of My Chilean Jewish Fatherby Marjorie AgosínThe House of Memory: Stories by Jewish Women Writers of Latin Americaedited by Marjorie AgosínThe Defiant Muse: Hebrew Feminist Poems fromAntiquity to the Present, A Bilingual Anthologyedited by Shirley Kaufman, Galit Hasan-Rokem, and Tamar S. HessStill Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Rememberedby Ruth KlugerMagda’s Daughter: A Hidden Child’s Journey Homeby Evi BlaikieThe Dance of the Demonsby Esther Singer KreitmanT he Dance o fThe Demon se s Th e r si ng er Krei T manTranslated from Yiddish by maurice carrIntroduction by Ilan Stavans • Afterword by Anita NorichBiographical essays by maurice carr and hazel Karrthe helen rose scheuer jewish women’s seriesAT THE CITY U N IVERS ITY OF NEW YOR KNEW YOR K CITYTH E FEMINIST PRE SSAT THE CITY U N IVERS ITY OF NEW YOR KNEW YOR K CITYTH E FEMINIST PRE SSAT THE CITY U N IVERS ITY OF NEW YOR KTH E FEMINIST PRE SSPublished by the Feminist Press at the City University of New YorkThe Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016feministpress.orgOriginally published by the Feminist Press asDeborahin 200413 12 11 10 096 5 4 3 2Copyright © 1936 by Esther Singer KreitmanTranslation copyright © 1954 by Maurice CarrIntroduction copyright © 2004 by Ilan StavansAfterword copyright © 2004 by Anita NorichBiographical essay copyright © 2009 by Hazel KarrThe biographical essay, “My Uncle Yitzhak,” first appeared inCommentarymagazine in1992. Reprinted with permission.All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced or used, stored in any information retrieval sys-tem or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise without prior written permission from the Feminist Press at theCity University of New York, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in criticalarticles and reviews.This book was originally published in Yiddish in Warsaw in 1936 asDer sheydim tants.Thefirst English-language edition was published in 1946 by W. & G. Foyle Ltd, London.The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:Kreyòtman, Ester, 1895–1954.[Sheydim-òtants. English]Deborah / Esther Singer Kreitman.—1st Feminist Press ed.p. cm. — (Helen Rose Scheuer Jewish women’s series)ISBN 1055861-469-9 (Hardcover : alk. Paper)I Title. II. Series.PJ5129.K665S413 2004839'.133—dc222004008829Cover design by Holly Gressley/RumorsText design by Drew StevensconTenTsIntroductionby Ilan StavansviiThe Dance of the Demons1Afterwordby Anita Norich265Biographical EssaysMy Uncle Yitzhakby Maurice Carr283My Grandmother Estherby Hazel Karr301 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
//-->Th e D ance of The Dem onsthe helen rose scheuer jewish women’s seriesStreets: A Memoir of the Lower East Sideby Bella SpewackThe Maimie Papers: Letters of an Ex-Prostituteby Maimie Pinzeredited by Ruth Rosen and Sue DavidsonA Cross and a Star: Memoirs of a Jewish Girl in Chileby Marjorie AgosínApples from the Desert: Selected Storiesby Savyon LiebrechtAlways from Somewhere Else: A Memoir of My Chilean Jewish Fatherby Marjorie AgosínThe House of Memory: Stories by Jewish Women Writers of Latin Americaedited by Marjorie AgosínThe Defiant Muse: Hebrew Feminist Poems fromAntiquity to the Present, A Bilingual Anthologyedited by Shirley Kaufman, Galit Hasan-Rokem, and Tamar S. HessStill Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Rememberedby Ruth KlugerMagda’s Daughter: A Hidden Child’s Journey Homeby Evi BlaikieThe Dance of the Demonsby Esther Singer KreitmanT he Dance o fThe Demon se s Th e r si ng er Krei T manTranslated from Yiddish by maurice carrIntroduction by Ilan Stavans • Afterword by Anita NorichBiographical essays by maurice carr and hazel Karrthe helen rose scheuer jewish women’s seriesAT THE CITY U N IVERS ITY OF NEW YOR KNEW YOR K CITYTH E FEMINIST PRE SSAT THE CITY U N IVERS ITY OF NEW YOR KNEW YOR K CITYTH E FEMINIST PRE SSAT THE CITY U N IVERS ITY OF NEW YOR KTH E FEMINIST PRE SSPublished by the Feminist Press at the City University of New YorkThe Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016feministpress.orgOriginally published by the Feminist Press asDeborahin 200413 12 11 10 096 5 4 3 2Copyright © 1936 by Esther Singer KreitmanTranslation copyright © 1954 by Maurice CarrIntroduction copyright © 2004 by Ilan StavansAfterword copyright © 2004 by Anita NorichBiographical essay copyright © 2009 by Hazel KarrThe biographical essay, “My Uncle Yitzhak,” first appeared inCommentarymagazine in1992. Reprinted with permission.All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced or used, stored in any information retrieval sys-tem or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise without prior written permission from the Feminist Press at theCity University of New York, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in criticalarticles and reviews.This book was originally published in Yiddish in Warsaw in 1936 asDer sheydim tants.Thefirst English-language edition was published in 1946 by W. & G. Foyle Ltd, London.The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:Kreyòtman, Ester, 1895–1954.[Sheydim-òtants. English]Deborah / Esther Singer Kreitman.—1st Feminist Press ed.p. cm. — (Helen Rose Scheuer Jewish women’s series)ISBN 1055861-469-9 (Hardcover : alk. Paper)I Title. II. Series.PJ5129.K665S413 2004839'.133—dc222004008829Cover design by Holly Gressley/RumorsText design by Drew StevensconTenTsIntroductionby Ilan StavansviiThe Dance of the Demons1Afterwordby Anita Norich265Biographical EssaysMy Uncle Yitzhakby Maurice Carr283My Grandmother Estherby Hazel Karr301 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]