Esther M Friesner - Chicks 02 - Did You Say Chicks, Angielskie [EN](4)(2)
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Edited By
Esther Friesner
Introduction, Esther Friesner
No Pain, No Gain, Elizabeth Moon
Slue-Foot Sue and the Witch in the Woods, Laura Frankos
A Young Swordswoman's Garden PrimerSarah Zettel
The Old Fire, Jody Lynn Nye
Like No Business I Know, Mark Bourne
A Bone to Pick, Marina Frants & Keith R.A. DeCandido
The Attack of the Avenging Virgins, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Oh, Sweet Goodnight!!Christina Briley & Walter Vance Awsten
A Bitch in Time, Doranna Durgin
Don't You Want to Be Beautiful? Laura Anne Gilman
A Night with the Girls, Barbara Hambly
A Quiet Knight's Reading, Steven Piziks
Armor Propre, Jan Stirling & S.M. Stirling
A Big Hand for the Little Lady, Esther M. Friesner
Blade Runner, K.D. Wentworth
Keeping Up Appearances, Lawrence Watt-Evans
La Difference, Harry Turtledove
Tales from the Siushpile, Margaret Ball
Epilogue: Yes, We Did Say Chicks! Adam-Troy Castro
About the Authors
Milhauser reopened the paperback and resumed reading aloud. We were well into the first dumb fight
scene, where Gort skewers a couple of city guards through the heart, when a glimmering of an idea came
to me.
"Mr. Milhauser, that's not such a great technique. You know, the heart is an awfully small target. Also
you've got to get through the rib cage. Me, I prefer to take them in the abdomen. It's a nice big soft
target. Or if your employer wants them brought back alive, go after the legs and try to cripple them."
That point was engraved on my memory; I'd once had a very embarrassing discussion with Duke Zolkir
after a call. Trans-Forwarded from the P.T.A. had distracted me in the middle of a swordfight so that I
forgot to keep any of the thieves I was after alive long enough to stand trial.
Milhauser gave me a cold, reptilian glance. "Gort," he said, "is the world's greatest swordsman. For him
to pierce an opponent through the heart is child's play."
"Oh, yeah? You just don't know how hard it is. I bet you've never tried."
"I've done my research!" he snapped.
"And I've livedmine. Also, it's not that easy to pierce chain mail."
"Lady, will youstop interrupting'? I've studied the matter in great detail, and…"
"Let's have a demonstration, then." I stood up, wriggling slightly so as to get maximum jingle from my
chain-mail corselet and divided skirt. "I'm willing to let you try and skewer me. Or are you scared to fight
a girrrl?" I added with a teasing pout and another strategic wriggle.
—from "Tales from the Slushpile" by Margaret Ball
Chicks in Chainmail,
edited by Esther Friesner
Did You Say Chicks?!,
edited by Esther Friesner
Chicks 'n Chained Males,
edited by Esther Friesner
The Chick is in the Mail,
edited by Esther Friesner
Mathemagicsby Margaret Ball
Also by Esther Friesner
Wishing Season
Did You Say Chicks?!
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any
resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 1998 by Esther Friesner and Martin Harry Greenburg. All material is original to this book
and is copyright © 1998 by the authors individually.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box1403
ISBN: 0-671-87867-0
Cover art by Larry Elmore
First printing, February 1998
Second printing, August 2001
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of theAmericas
New York,NY10020
Production by Windhaven Press,Auburn,NH
Printed in theUnited States of America
Of course by rights this work must be dedicated to:
Melanie Marttila
without whose efforts the book you now hold in your hands would be calledThe Sequel Formerly
Known As Princeor some such.
However, it has come to this humble editor, as it must to all humble editors (the three of us get together
for drinks sometimes down at Binky's Oyster Bar) that there is room in a really spiffy Dedication for
more than one round of thanks and acknowledgment. Therefore, in this late hour of soft purple twilight
and not enough gin, I would like to append the following tribute to a woman who is perhaps this work's
chief Muse and guiding light, whether she likes it or not.
Also, Binky promised the Humble Editors' Club a round of free drinks if this Dedication caused the lady
in question to send him an autographed photo.
Hail to thee, O Lucy Lawless,
Xenaactress great and flawless!
Beacon by whom we all steer
In this book. Wish you were here.
Thou who art a constant charmer,
Thou who wearest way cool armor,
Thou who provest, day by day,
Women have a lot to say
Whether sword or child in hand,
Spread our message through the land!
Say to every mother's son:
"We are strong, but we're still fun.
"Do not fear us, do not hate us,
"Never,neverunderrate us.
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Edited By
Esther Friesner
Introduction, Esther Friesner
No Pain, No Gain, Elizabeth Moon
Slue-Foot Sue and the Witch in the Woods, Laura Frankos
A Young Swordswoman's Garden PrimerSarah Zettel
The Old Fire, Jody Lynn Nye
Like No Business I Know, Mark Bourne
A Bone to Pick, Marina Frants & Keith R.A. DeCandido
The Attack of the Avenging Virgins, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Oh, Sweet Goodnight!!Christina Briley & Walter Vance Awsten
A Bitch in Time, Doranna Durgin
Don't You Want to Be Beautiful? Laura Anne Gilman
A Night with the Girls, Barbara Hambly
A Quiet Knight's Reading, Steven Piziks
Armor Propre, Jan Stirling & S.M. Stirling
A Big Hand for the Little Lady, Esther M. Friesner
Blade Runner, K.D. Wentworth
Keeping Up Appearances, Lawrence Watt-Evans
La Difference, Harry Turtledove
Tales from the Siushpile, Margaret Ball
Epilogue: Yes, We Did Say Chicks! Adam-Troy Castro
About the Authors
Milhauser reopened the paperback and resumed reading aloud. We were well into the first dumb fight
scene, where Gort skewers a couple of city guards through the heart, when a glimmering of an idea came
to me.
"Mr. Milhauser, that's not such a great technique. You know, the heart is an awfully small target. Also
you've got to get through the rib cage. Me, I prefer to take them in the abdomen. It's a nice big soft
target. Or if your employer wants them brought back alive, go after the legs and try to cripple them."
That point was engraved on my memory; I'd once had a very embarrassing discussion with Duke Zolkir
after a call. Trans-Forwarded from the P.T.A. had distracted me in the middle of a swordfight so that I
forgot to keep any of the thieves I was after alive long enough to stand trial.
Milhauser gave me a cold, reptilian glance. "Gort," he said, "is the world's greatest swordsman. For him
to pierce an opponent through the heart is child's play."
"Oh, yeah? You just don't know how hard it is. I bet you've never tried."
"I've done my research!" he snapped.
"And I've livedmine. Also, it's not that easy to pierce chain mail."
"Lady, will youstop interrupting'? I've studied the matter in great detail, and…"
"Let's have a demonstration, then." I stood up, wriggling slightly so as to get maximum jingle from my
chain-mail corselet and divided skirt. "I'm willing to let you try and skewer me. Or are you scared to fight
a girrrl?" I added with a teasing pout and another strategic wriggle.
—from "Tales from the Slushpile" by Margaret Ball
Chicks in Chainmail,
edited by Esther Friesner
Did You Say Chicks?!,
edited by Esther Friesner
Chicks 'n Chained Males,
edited by Esther Friesner
The Chick is in the Mail,
edited by Esther Friesner
Mathemagicsby Margaret Ball
Also by Esther Friesner
Wishing Season
Did You Say Chicks?!
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any
resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 1998 by Esther Friesner and Martin Harry Greenburg. All material is original to this book
and is copyright © 1998 by the authors individually.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box1403
ISBN: 0-671-87867-0
Cover art by Larry Elmore
First printing, February 1998
Second printing, August 2001
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of theAmericas
New York,NY10020
Production by Windhaven Press,Auburn,NH
Printed in theUnited States of America
Of course by rights this work must be dedicated to:
Melanie Marttila
without whose efforts the book you now hold in your hands would be calledThe Sequel Formerly
Known As Princeor some such.
However, it has come to this humble editor, as it must to all humble editors (the three of us get together
for drinks sometimes down at Binky's Oyster Bar) that there is room in a really spiffy Dedication for
more than one round of thanks and acknowledgment. Therefore, in this late hour of soft purple twilight
and not enough gin, I would like to append the following tribute to a woman who is perhaps this work's
chief Muse and guiding light, whether she likes it or not.
Also, Binky promised the Humble Editors' Club a round of free drinks if this Dedication caused the lady
in question to send him an autographed photo.
Hail to thee, O Lucy Lawless,
Xenaactress great and flawless!
Beacon by whom we all steer
In this book. Wish you were here.
Thou who art a constant charmer,
Thou who wearest way cool armor,
Thou who provest, day by day,
Women have a lot to say
Whether sword or child in hand,
Spread our message through the land!
Say to every mother's son:
"We are strong, but we're still fun.
"Do not fear us, do not hate us,
"Never,neverunderrate us.
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