Esther M Friesner (ed) - Chicks 01 - Chicks In Chainmail, Angielskie [EN](4)(2)

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Edited By
Esther Friesner
Introduction, Esther Friesner
Lady of Steel, Roger Zelazny
And Ladies of the Club, Elizabeth Moon
Exchange Program,Susan Shwartz
Goddess for a Day, Harry Turtledove
Armor-Ella, Holly Lisle
Career Day, Margaret Ball
Armor/Amore, David Vierling
The Stone of War and the Nightingale's Egg, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
The Growling, Jody Lynn Nye
The New Britomart, eluki bes shahar
On the Road of Silver, Mark Bourne
Bra Melting, Janni Lee Simner
The Old Grind, Laura Frankos
The Way to a Man's Heart,Esther Friesner
Whoops!, Nancy Springer
The Guardswoman, Lawrence Watt-Evans
Teacher's Pet, Josepha Sherman
Were-Wench. Jan Stirling
Blood Calls to Blood, Elisabeth Waters
Maureen Birnbaum in the MUD, George Alec Effinger
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any
resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 1995 by Esther Friesner
All material is original to this volume and is copyright © 1995 by the individual authors.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
 P.O. Box1403
ISBN: 0-671-87682-1
Cover art by Larry Elmore
Printed in theUnited States of America
For Alice Lewis and for
They know why
And a special round of thanks to Toni Weisskopf,
who girded on editorial armor and said,
"Yes. she
use that title."
Esther Friesner

I'll bet you're wondering about the title of this book. Well, I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear right
from the outset: It's all my fault.
When I told people the concept I wanted to use for this anthology, the reaction I got everywhere was
not just favorable, it was downright enthusiastic (viz: "Cool!").
When I mentioned the
I wanted to use, the reaction I got everywhere—from editor, publisher, and
potential contributors alike—was: "Are you
you want to call it that?"
But we called it by that title anyway. All my fault. No one else to blame so don't try.
I've never been one to leave sleeping stereotypes lie. It's been my humble opinion for a while now that
the Woman Warrior in today's crop of fantasy literature has gone beyond stereotype all the way to
quadrophonic. She's strong, she's capable, she's independent, and she's
. She's more than a
match for any fighting man. But mostly, alas, she's got a posture problem, either from that chip on her
shoulder or from toting around the full weight of an Author's Message.
(Granted, this beats the heck out of her venerable Woman Warrior ancestresses, whose posture
problems all came from physiques that made them look like they'd been hit from the back by the
proverbial brace of torpedoes. You can still view this less-than-endangered species by opening the pages
Spandexina! Mutant Babe of the Parallel Universe.)
Now I'll be the first to admit, today's crop of Ladies Who Lunge (and Parry and Thrust) has it all over
their predecessoresses in one department: Wardrobe. In the olden days, when comics still cost a dime
and licorice whips wasn't the name of an X-rated movie, if you did have a Woman Warrior she would
almost invariably be clothed in some variation on the chain-mail bikini. Like the U.S. Postal Service,
neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night would be enough to get her to change into something
more sensible, less drafty, and less likely to cause certain strategic areas of the anatomy to freeze or fry
on contact. (To say nothing of the unjustly ignored problem of the armored wedgie.)
Indeed, the one advantage of the chainmail bikini was how easy it was to slither out of when the Woman
Warrior finally found the one Unspoiled Barbarian Swordsman who could make her a
(I think they sell the kit for that at Wal-Mart.)
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