Essential Revision Notes in Peadiatrics, Książki medyczne
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//-->© 2012 PASTEST LTDEgerton CourtParkgate EstateKnutsfordCheshireWA16 8DXTelephone: 01565 752000All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright owner.Third edition 2012Second edition 2006First published 2002ISBN 978 1905635 764eISBN 978 1909491 045A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.The information contained within this book was obtained by the author from reliable sources. However, while every effort has been madeto ensure its accuracy, no responsibility for loss, damage or injury occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result ofinformation contained herein can be accepted by the publishers or author.PasTest Revision Books and Intensive CoursesPasTest has been established in the field of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education since 1972, providing revision booksand intensive study courses for doctors preparing for their professional examinations.Books, courses and online revision available for:Medical undergraduates, MRCGP, MRCP Parts 1 and 2, MRCPCH Parts 1 and 2, MRCS, MRCOG, DRCOG, DCH, FRCA,Dentistry.For further details contact:PasTest, Freepost, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 7BRTel: 01565 01565 prepared in the UK by Keytec Typesetting Ltd, Bridport, DorsetPrinted and bound in the UK by Page Bros (Norwich) LtdContentsContributorsPreface to the Third editionCHAPTERS1. CardiologyRobert Tulloh2. Child Development, Child Mental Health and Community PaediatricsJoanne Philpot and Ruth Charlton3. Child Protection and SafeguardingJoanne Philpot and Ruth Charlton4. Clinical GovernanceRobert Wheeler5. Clinical Pharmacology and ToxicologySteven Tomlin6. DermatologyHelen M Goodyear7. Emergency PaediatricsSerena Cottrell8. Endocrinology and DiabetesHeather Mitchell and Vasanta Nanduri9. Ethics and LawVic Larcher and Robert Wheeler10. Gastroenterology and NutritionMark Beattie and Hemant Bhavsar11. GeneticsNatalie Canham12. Haematology and OncologyMichael Capra13. Hepatology [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
//-->© 2012 PASTEST LTDEgerton CourtParkgate EstateKnutsfordCheshireWA16 8DXTelephone: 01565 752000All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright owner.Third edition 2012Second edition 2006First published 2002ISBN 978 1905635 764eISBN 978 1909491 045A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.The information contained within this book was obtained by the author from reliable sources. However, while every effort has been madeto ensure its accuracy, no responsibility for loss, damage or injury occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result ofinformation contained herein can be accepted by the publishers or author.PasTest Revision Books and Intensive CoursesPasTest has been established in the field of undergraduate and postgraduate medical education since 1972, providing revision booksand intensive study courses for doctors preparing for their professional examinations.Books, courses and online revision available for:Medical undergraduates, MRCGP, MRCP Parts 1 and 2, MRCPCH Parts 1 and 2, MRCS, MRCOG, DRCOG, DCH, FRCA,Dentistry.For further details contact:PasTest, Freepost, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 7BRTel: 01565 01565 prepared in the UK by Keytec Typesetting Ltd, Bridport, DorsetPrinted and bound in the UK by Page Bros (Norwich) LtdContentsContributorsPreface to the Third editionCHAPTERS1. CardiologyRobert Tulloh2. Child Development, Child Mental Health and Community PaediatricsJoanne Philpot and Ruth Charlton3. Child Protection and SafeguardingJoanne Philpot and Ruth Charlton4. Clinical GovernanceRobert Wheeler5. Clinical Pharmacology and ToxicologySteven Tomlin6. DermatologyHelen M Goodyear7. Emergency PaediatricsSerena Cottrell8. Endocrinology and DiabetesHeather Mitchell and Vasanta Nanduri9. Ethics and LawVic Larcher and Robert Wheeler10. Gastroenterology and NutritionMark Beattie and Hemant Bhavsar11. GeneticsNatalie Canham12. Haematology and OncologyMichael Capra13. Hepatology [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]