Erika Pike - In His Pocket, 03 Single white vampire, Several Books MM-207

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In His Pocket
Erica Pike
This book is a work of fiction. Names, incidents, places, and characters are products of the
author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Resemblances to actual locales or events or
persons living or dead are coincidental.
In His Pocket ¨ 2011 by Erica Pike
In His Pocket ¨ 2013 by Erica Pike
Published by
Ice Cave Publishing
This is a FREE fiction and shall remain free. This work may be distributed it in its entirety, as
long as proper credit is given to the author. This work may not be reproduced in any way
without a written permission from the author. All rights reserved.
Cover design by Erica Pike
Editing by Sarah Heitzman Yule
Photo by ¨ Vladimir Wangel Î Depositphotos
ISBN: 978-9979-72-401-8
Originally Published by
No Boundaries Press
First Edition: January 2012
Second Edition: June 2013
Disclaimer: This work contains sexual intercourse between two adults and some vulgar
language. It not meant for the eyes of underage people.
Please visit
for more information about the author, her titles, and
other tidbits.
Thanks to Pati for all the encouragement, to Paul for beta reading, and Sarah for the
wonderful edits. A great, big hug to the people who read my books Î love you all.
In His Pocket
Matt was only fourteen when I found him digging through my trash. He was a
scrawny, pale, shaggy-haired kid with so much hunger in his big, brown eyes that I took him
in and fed him. Right after I made him shower to get rid of the horrible stench of weeks on the
streets. The sweater I gave him to wear hung like sharpie skin on his skinny arms, and the
hem reached down to his knobby knees. He ate three bowls of stew that night and burped with
a contented sigh afterward.
After a lot of internal debate, I decided to let him crash on my couch with the intent of
taking him to the social services the following day. When morning came, however, Matt
managed to persuade me to take him in permanently. It wasnÓt just his big, puppy-dog eyes.
He also told me horror stories from his life that brought out all sorts of protectiveness from
within me. Apparently Matt was no stranger to social workers after having drifted between
foster homes for years. It took me several weeks to clear things so he could live with me, but I
did it, and weÓve been living together ever since.
Taking Matt in put a big shiner on my love life. I couldnÓt bring guys home for fear
that social services would catch wind of my sexuality, and take Matt away. I wasnÓt having
any luck with men anyway, so it wasnÓt a big loss.
Raising a troubled kid was not an easy task. We had a healthy balance of good times
and badÎthe good far outweighing the bad. Matt, happy to be allowed to stay, made things as
easy on me as he could in the beginning, but he quickly grew more confident. Well, letÓs just
say that he left me dumfounded more often than not.
When he was fifteen, I woke up with Matt hovering over my body, staring down at my
morning wood. I dragged him off to my closet, dug out a key to my drawer, and shoved a
issue into his hands saying that if he was curious about body parts, he should
be looking at the
right ones
. Matt cast me a dark scowl, lifted the pile, and pulled out a
random magazine from the middleÎa battered
ÐWait,Ñ I said as he stood up. ÐYou mean you knew about..?Ñ
ÐAnd you know IÓm..?Ñ
Matt walked toward the door with the
in hand.
ÐWait, does this mean youÓre..?
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