Erik Ringmar-Identity, zrodla i książki NIE polskie

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//-->This book offers an original combination of culture andnarrative theory with an empirical study of identity andpolitical action. It is at once a powerful critique ofrational choice theories of action and a solution to thehistoriographical puzzle of why Sweden went to war in1630. Erik Ringmar argues that people act not only forreasons of interest, but also for reasons of identity, andthat the latter are, in fact, more fundamental. Deployinghis alternative, non-rational theory of action in hisaccount of the Swedish intervention in the Thirty YearsWar, he shows it to have been an attempt on behalf of theSwedish leaders to gain recognition for themselves andtheir country. Further to this, he demonstrates the impor-tance of questions of identity to the study of war and ofnarrative theories of action to the social sciences ingeneral.Identity, interest and actionCambridge Cult ural Social StudiesGeneral editors:JEFFREY C. ALEXANDER,Department ofSociology, University of California, Los Angeles, and STEW ENSEIDMAN,Department of Sociology, University at Albany, StateUniversity of New YorkEditorial BoardJEAN COMAROFF,Department of Anthropology, University ofChicagoDepartment of the History of Consciousness,University of California, Santa CruzMICHELE LAMONT,Department of Sociology, PrincetonUniversityTHOMASLAQUEUR,Department of History, University ofCalifornia, BerkeleyD O N N A HARAWAY,Cambridge Cultural Social Studies is a forum for the most origi-nal and thoughtful work in cultural social studies. This includestheoretical works focusing on conceptual strategies, empiricalstudies covering specific topics such as gender, sexuality, politics,economics, social movements, and crime, and studies that addressbroad themes such as the culture of modernity. While the per-spectives of the individual studies will vary, they will all share thesame innovative reach and scholarly quality.Titles in the seriesILANA F R I E D R I C H SILBER,Virtuosity, charisma, and socialorderLINDA NICHOLSON AND STEVEN SEIDMAN (eds.),SocialpostmodernismThe simulation of surveillanceS U Z A N N E R. K I R S C H N E R ,The religious and Romantic originsof psychoanalysisPAU L LICHTERMAN,The search for political communityK E N N E T H H . T U C K E R ,French revolutionary syndicalism and thepublic sphereALBERTO MELUCCI,The playing selfWILLIAM BOGARD,ALBERTO MELUCCI,Challenging codesIdentity, interest and actionA cultural explanation of Sweden's interventionin the Thirty Years WarErik RingmarLondon School of Economics and Political ScienceCAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESS [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]