Enhancing Emotional, Ksiazki, Publikacje
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Enhancing Emotional, Social, and Academic Learning
With Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback
Rollin McCraty, PhD
HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA
Keywords: heart rate variability, stress, stress management, test anxiety, positive emotions
Heart rhythm coherence biofeedback is an exciting new
technology that has broad-based applications in educa-
tional contexts for improving emotional, social, and aca-
demic competencies. Using this technology to facilitate
the learning and practice of positive emotion-focused
techniques, students learn to enter a state of psychophys-
iological coherence—a highly efficient functional mode
associated with increased nervous system harmony,
enhanced emotional stability, and improved cognitive
performance. Classroom-based programs incorporating
this intervention have facilitated improvements in emo-
tional health, social behaviors, and academic perform-
ance in diverse student populations.
of emotions, learning, and performance. It is well known
that emotional stress negatively affects learning and per-
formance. More specifically, sustained stress and negative
emotions result in the desynchronization of brain and
nervous system activity, which in turn inhibits higher cog-
nitive processes necessary for functions such as attention,
memory recall, abstract reasoning, problem solving, and
creativity. Thus, when students come to school with high
levels of emotional stress, the resulting “inner noise”
impairs the very cognitive resources needed for learning,
memory, and effective academic performance.
In contrast, our research indicates that the physiologi-
cal activity associated with sustained positive emotions
enhances synchronization of neurological activity and
improves the cognitive functions that generate rational
thought, creativity, and intentional action. In essence, we
have found that positive emotions give rise to a distinct
mode of physiological functioning, termed
logical coherence
. Physiological correlates of this mode
include a smooth, sine wave-like pattern in the heart rate
variability trace (heart rhythm coherence), which reflects
increased synchronization between the activity in the two
branches of the autonomic nervous system; a shift in
autonomic nervous system balance toward increased
parasympathetic activity; increased heart–brain synchro-
nization (the brain’s rhythms become more synchronized
to the heartbeat); increased vascular resonance; and
entrainment among diverse physiological oscillatory sys-
tems. These physiological changes result in a highly effi-
cient state in which the body, brain, and nervous system
function with increased synchronization and harmony—
in simple terms, a state of being highly “in sync.” Several
independent studies have shown that increasing psy-
chophysiological coherence is associated with improve-
ments in cognitive performance on tasks requiring focus
and attention, discrimination, quick and accurate reaction,
and memory. Moreover, the coherence mode is also asso-
ciated with increased emotional stability and a reduction
in the perception of stress and negative emotions
(McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, & Bradley, 2005).
With the passage of the federal No Child Left Behind
legislation, increasing student academic performance has
risen to the top of both local and national education agen-
das. However, even as pressures to improve academic per-
formance continue to increase, children are increasingly
coming to school emotionally unprepared to learn. This is
frequently compounded by the lack of a healthy social
and emotional environment
the school to support,
motivate, and emotionally engage students. As research
has begun to illuminate the important connections
between emotions, learning, and performance, it has
become apparent that effective classroom-based inter-
ventions are needed to foster and integrate children’s
emotional, social, and academic development in order to
provide them with tools and skills needed to increase self-
awareness and emotional self-management; promote
effective communication; practice healthy, responsible
behaviors; and build functional, collaborative relation-
ships. Heart rhythm coherence biofeedback is increasing-
ly being used in school settings as an engaging and effec-
tive tool to help achieve these ends.
Psychophysiological Coherence:
Getting “In Sync”
Research conducted over the past decade by the Institute of
HeartMath has provided new insight into the physiology
Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback to Enhance Learning
generate psychophysiological coherence with increasing
, a system-wide repatterning process occurs,
whereby the associated synchronized, harmonious pat-
terns of activity become ever more familiar to the brain
and nervous system. These patterns thus become estab-
lished in the neural architecture as a new, stable baseline
or norm, which the system then strives to maintain. The
result is that unhealthy or maladaptive patterns are pro-
gressively replaced with ones that foster increased phys-
iological efficiency, mental acuity, and emotional stabili-
ty. Moreover, even when one experiences stress, chal-
lenge, or emotional instability, the familiar, coherent,
stable state is more quickly and easily accessible
(McCraty, in press; McCraty & Childre, 2002).
Figure 1. Shift to coherence. Real-time heart rate variability pattern of an
individual using a HeartMath positive emotion refocusing technique (at
the dotted line) to shift from a state of frustration to a feeling of appreci-
ation, which is associated with psychophysiological coherence.
Heart Rhythm Coherence
Biofeedback Training
Heart rhythm coherence biofeedback training is a pow-
erful tool to assist students in using positive emotion-
focused techniques effectively and learning to self-gen-
erate increased coherence. Psychophysiological coher-
ence, measured by the degree of heart rhythm coher-
ence, can be noninvasively monitored, quantified, and
facilitated using practical technologies adaptable for
classroom and counseling settings. One such device is
the Freeze-Framer heart rhythm feedback and coher-
ence-building system (Quantum Intech, Boulder Creek,
CA). This interactive hardware/software system moni-
tors and displays individuals’ heart rate variability pat-
terns in real time as they practice the positive emotion-
focused techniques taught in an included tutorial pro-
gram. Using a fingertip or earlobe sensor to record the
pulse wave, the Freeze-Framer plots changes in heart
rate on a beat-to-beat basis. As students practice the
techniques, they can readily see and experience the
changes in their heart rhythm patterns, which generally
become smoother and more sine wave-like as they feel
appreciation and other positive emotions (see Figure 1).
This process reinforces the natural association between
the coherence mode and positive feelings. The real-time
physiological feedback also essentially takes the guess-
work out of the process of self-inducing a positive emo-
tional state, resulting in greater consistency and effec-
tiveness in practicing emotional shifts.
The software also analyzes the heart rhythm patterns
and calculates a coherence ratio for each session. The
coherence level is fed back to the user as an accumulated
score or success in playing one of three enjoyable games
designed to reinforce the emotion-refocusing skills.
Coherence-Building Tools
Based on this research, the Institute of HeartMath has
developed a set of positive emotion-focused techniques
that help people learn to self-generate and sustain psy-
chophysiological coherence and its associated benefits
(Childre & Martin, 1999; Childre & Rozman, 2005).
Studies have shown that the practice of these techniques
lowers stress, decreases cortisol and increases dehy-
droepiandrosterone (DHEA), and leads to significant
improvements in many aspects of psychosocial function-
ing and performance across diverse populations. These
techniques have also been shown to produce significant
improvements in health status in various clinical popu-
lations (for a summary see McCraty, Atkinson, &
Tomasino, 2001; McCraty & Childre, 2002).
In brief, HeartMath techniques combine a shift in the
focus of attention to the area around the heart (where
many people subjectively feel positive emotions) with
the intentional self-induction of a sincere positive emo-
tional state, such as appreciation. Such a shift in focus
and feeling serves to increase heart rhythm coherence
and nervous system harmony, which results in a change
in the pattern of neurological signals sent to the cogni-
tive and emotional centers in the brain. This, in turn,
facilitates higher cognitive faculties and emotion regula-
tion abilities that are normally compromised during
stress or negative emotional states, thus sharpening
one’s discernment abilities; increasing resourcefulness;
and often enabling problematic issues, interactions, or
decisions to be assessed and dealt with from a broader,
more emotionally balanced perspective.
Research suggests that enduring benefits of these
techniques stem from the fact that as people learn to
Finally, the software includes a multiuser database to
store results and track users’ progress.
Because this technology uses only a simple pulse
sensor and involves no electrode hook-up, it is
extremely versatile, time-efficient, and easy to use,
and thus readily adaptable for use in educational set-
tings. In addition, children are generally easily
engaged by their ability to make an immediate connec-
tion between the changes in their heart rhythm pat-
tern and corresponding changes in their emotional
states. The audiovisual tutorial teaching the
HeartMath tools and the three interactive games
included with the Freeze-Framer also facilitate the sys-
tem’s use in educational applications. This system has
proven engaging and effective for children of widely
diverse sociocultural backgrounds and academic levels,
and it has also been used with great success in working
with special education students and children with
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Teachers using the system in their classes have fre-
quently reported a noticeable positive shift in class-
room dynamics, one toward reduced tension, conflict,
and distractibility accompanied by greater calmness,
focus, attention, and cooperation. In some cases, such
shifts have been followed by striking improvements in
students’ learning and academic performance over a
very brief period of time (Arguelles, McCraty, & Rees,
2003; Figure 2).
Figure 2. Getting in sync. A student uses the Freeze-Framer heart rhythm
coherence feedback system.
stressor in a laboratory test, the trained students exhib-
ited increased stress resiliency in relation to a control
group; real-time heart rate variability data indicated
that the students were able to favorably modulate their
autonomic response to stress by using the HeartMath
techniques (McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, Goelitz, &
Mayrovitz, 1999).
The HeartMath tools and technologies have also been
integrated in a curriculum called TestEdge, which is
designed to reduce test anxiety and improve academic
and test performance. In this course, students become
more aware of how their attitudes and emotions affect
their performance; they also learn several positive emo-
tion-based coherence-building techniques and practice
applying them in school-related and other contexts.
Students have found the heart rhythm coherence feed-
back component of the course of particular value. They
often report that practicing the coherence-building tools
with the Freeze-Framer enables them to confirm how it
feels to be in sync, in a high-performance state, and thus
helps them to learn to enter this state at will in prepara-
tion for test-taking or other challenging activities. In
pilot studies, high school students who participated in
the TestEdge program showed a 14%–35% gain in
scores on state-mandated achievement tests as well as
significant improvements in numerous measures of
emotional health (Arguelles et al., 2003). The program’s
success in a number of schools subsequently led to a
Applying Coherence-Building Tools and
Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback
Training in Educational Settings
Programs incorporating HeartMath tools and the
Freeze-Framer coherence-building technology have
been introduced at the elementary, middle school, high
school, college, and graduate levels across the United
States and have been demonstrated in studies to
improve emotional well-being, classroom behaviors,
learning, and academic performance (Arguelles et al.,
2003). In one study, conducted in collaboration with the
Miami Heart Research Institute, heart rhythm coher-
ence feedback training was used to facilitate learning of
the HeartMath tools in at-risk middle school students.
Participating students demonstrated a significant
reduction in risky behaviors and significant improve-
ments in areas including motivation; work manage-
ment and focus; stress and anger management; self-
reliance; and relationships with teachers, families, and
peers. Additionally, when confronted with an acute
Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback to Enhance Learning
large-scale national study, funded by the U.S.
Department of Education, to evaluate the impact of the
program in schools in nine different states. The study,
currently underway, will assess the impact of the pro-
gram on student test anxiety, high-stakes test perform-
ance, psychosocial functioning, and classroom behaviors.
In addition, a substudy will assess the effects of the tools
taught in the program on heart rhythm coherence and
performance on a stress-producing cognitive task (simu-
lating a testing situation).
Most recently, the Institute of HeartMath received a
grant from the U.S. Department of Education to study
the effects of an intervention designed to address the
national problems of student dropout and teacher attri-
tion. Our approach to these issues sees them as sympto-
matic of a larger systemic deficiency facing many
schools in the U.S. educational system—namely,
the lack
of a healthy social and emotional environment that
optimizes the growth and performance of all individuals
in the school system
. High student dropout and teacher
attrition rates—and low academic performance—are
most often produced in schools in which the social and
emotional environment is fraught with discordant rela-
tions, emotional disaffection, and stress. Our initiative
will thus aim to develop, implement, and evaluate a com-
prehensive multiyear, whole-school system program
that aims to build a strong, positive, and nurturing social
and emotional environment in the school system.
HeartMath programs will be delivered to all teachers,
administrators, and other school staff within two whole
school systems (each comprised of a high school and the
corresponding middle and elementary schools that feed
into it). In addition, students at three different grade lev-
els will participate in classroom-based programs in
which they will learn the HeartMath tools. The Freeze-
Framer coherence-building system will be used to facili-
tate both student and staff programs, and units will be
made available for continued use by all school system
members. By providing effective tools for reducing
stress; building supportive, collaborative relations; and
increasing positive emotional engagement among stu-
dents, teachers, and school staff, it is expected that the
intervention will not only reduce teacher attrition and
student dropout, but also lead to improved teaching
effectiveness and student academic performance.
stress and increase nervous system harmony, thereby
improving emotional stability, cognitive functioning,
academic performance, and social behaviors. Coherence
can be facilitated and noninvasively measured in school
settings using positive emotion-focused techniques in
conjunction with heart rhythm coherence biofeedback.
Such approaches have been associated with improve-
ments in test scores, classroom behaviors, and social-
emotional outcomes within a relatively brief time frame
in studies conducted among diverse student populations.
Collectively, results suggest that the integration of
coherence-building tools and heart rhythm coherence
biofeedback technologies in educational curricula can be
an effective means to facilitate and integrate the emo-
tional, social, and academic development of students
while enhancing the climate of the school as a whole.
Successful results of these programs in larger-scale
implementations will constitute an important finding
that has the potential to influence educational practices
and improve the quality of education at the national
HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of
HeartMath; Freeze-Framer is a registered trademark of
Quantum Intech, Inc.; and TestEdge is a registered trade-
mark of HeartMath LLC.
Arguelles, L., McCraty, R., & Rees, R. A. (2003). The
heart in holistic education.
Encounter: Education for
meaning and social justice, 16
(3), 13–21.
Childre, D., & Martin, H. (1999).
The HeartMath solu-
. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.
Childre, D., & Rozman, D. (2005).
Transforming stress:
The HeartMath solution to relieving worry, fatigue,
and tension
. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
McCraty, R. (in press). Emotional stress, positive
emotions, and psychophysiological coherence. In
B. B. Arnetz & R. Ekman (Eds.),
Stress: Sculpturing
the brain to health or disease
. Weinheim: Wiley-
McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., & Tomasino, D. (2001).
Science of the heart: Exploring the role of the
heart in human performance
Boulder Creek,
HeartMath Research Center,
Institute of
HeartMath, No. 01-001.
McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D., & Bradley, R.
T. (2005).
The coherent heart: Heart–brain interac-
tions, psychophysiological coherence, and the emer-
gence of system-wide order
. Boulder Creek, CA:
In sum, research suggests that by learning to increase
psychophysiological coherence, students can reduce
HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath,
No. 05-022.
McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D., Goelitz, J., &
Mayrovitz, H. N. (1999). The impact of an emotional
self-management skills course on psychosocial func-
tioning and autonomic recovery to stress in middle
school children.
Integrative Physiological and
Behavioral Science, 34
(4), 246–268.
McCraty, R., & Childre, D. (2002).
The appreciative
heart: The psychophysiology of positive emotions
and optimal functioning
. Boulder Creek, CA:
HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath,
No. 02-026.
Headshot to
Katherine H. Gibney
Correspondence: Rollin McCraty, PhD, HeartMath Research Center,
Institute of HeartMath, 14700 West Park Avenue, Boulder Creek, CA
95006, email: rollin@heartmath.org.
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Enhancing Emotional, Social, and Academic Learning
With Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback
Rollin McCraty, PhD
HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA
Keywords: heart rate variability, stress, stress management, test anxiety, positive emotions
Heart rhythm coherence biofeedback is an exciting new
technology that has broad-based applications in educa-
tional contexts for improving emotional, social, and aca-
demic competencies. Using this technology to facilitate
the learning and practice of positive emotion-focused
techniques, students learn to enter a state of psychophys-
iological coherence—a highly efficient functional mode
associated with increased nervous system harmony,
enhanced emotional stability, and improved cognitive
performance. Classroom-based programs incorporating
this intervention have facilitated improvements in emo-
tional health, social behaviors, and academic perform-
ance in diverse student populations.
of emotions, learning, and performance. It is well known
that emotional stress negatively affects learning and per-
formance. More specifically, sustained stress and negative
emotions result in the desynchronization of brain and
nervous system activity, which in turn inhibits higher cog-
nitive processes necessary for functions such as attention,
memory recall, abstract reasoning, problem solving, and
creativity. Thus, when students come to school with high
levels of emotional stress, the resulting “inner noise”
impairs the very cognitive resources needed for learning,
memory, and effective academic performance.
In contrast, our research indicates that the physiologi-
cal activity associated with sustained positive emotions
enhances synchronization of neurological activity and
improves the cognitive functions that generate rational
thought, creativity, and intentional action. In essence, we
have found that positive emotions give rise to a distinct
mode of physiological functioning, termed
logical coherence
. Physiological correlates of this mode
include a smooth, sine wave-like pattern in the heart rate
variability trace (heart rhythm coherence), which reflects
increased synchronization between the activity in the two
branches of the autonomic nervous system; a shift in
autonomic nervous system balance toward increased
parasympathetic activity; increased heart–brain synchro-
nization (the brain’s rhythms become more synchronized
to the heartbeat); increased vascular resonance; and
entrainment among diverse physiological oscillatory sys-
tems. These physiological changes result in a highly effi-
cient state in which the body, brain, and nervous system
function with increased synchronization and harmony—
in simple terms, a state of being highly “in sync.” Several
independent studies have shown that increasing psy-
chophysiological coherence is associated with improve-
ments in cognitive performance on tasks requiring focus
and attention, discrimination, quick and accurate reaction,
and memory. Moreover, the coherence mode is also asso-
ciated with increased emotional stability and a reduction
in the perception of stress and negative emotions
(McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, & Bradley, 2005).
With the passage of the federal No Child Left Behind
legislation, increasing student academic performance has
risen to the top of both local and national education agen-
das. However, even as pressures to improve academic per-
formance continue to increase, children are increasingly
coming to school emotionally unprepared to learn. This is
frequently compounded by the lack of a healthy social
and emotional environment
the school to support,
motivate, and emotionally engage students. As research
has begun to illuminate the important connections
between emotions, learning, and performance, it has
become apparent that effective classroom-based inter-
ventions are needed to foster and integrate children’s
emotional, social, and academic development in order to
provide them with tools and skills needed to increase self-
awareness and emotional self-management; promote
effective communication; practice healthy, responsible
behaviors; and build functional, collaborative relation-
ships. Heart rhythm coherence biofeedback is increasing-
ly being used in school settings as an engaging and effec-
tive tool to help achieve these ends.
Psychophysiological Coherence:
Getting “In Sync”
Research conducted over the past decade by the Institute of
HeartMath has provided new insight into the physiology
Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback to Enhance Learning
generate psychophysiological coherence with increasing
, a system-wide repatterning process occurs,
whereby the associated synchronized, harmonious pat-
terns of activity become ever more familiar to the brain
and nervous system. These patterns thus become estab-
lished in the neural architecture as a new, stable baseline
or norm, which the system then strives to maintain. The
result is that unhealthy or maladaptive patterns are pro-
gressively replaced with ones that foster increased phys-
iological efficiency, mental acuity, and emotional stabili-
ty. Moreover, even when one experiences stress, chal-
lenge, or emotional instability, the familiar, coherent,
stable state is more quickly and easily accessible
(McCraty, in press; McCraty & Childre, 2002).
Figure 1. Shift to coherence. Real-time heart rate variability pattern of an
individual using a HeartMath positive emotion refocusing technique (at
the dotted line) to shift from a state of frustration to a feeling of appreci-
ation, which is associated with psychophysiological coherence.
Heart Rhythm Coherence
Biofeedback Training
Heart rhythm coherence biofeedback training is a pow-
erful tool to assist students in using positive emotion-
focused techniques effectively and learning to self-gen-
erate increased coherence. Psychophysiological coher-
ence, measured by the degree of heart rhythm coher-
ence, can be noninvasively monitored, quantified, and
facilitated using practical technologies adaptable for
classroom and counseling settings. One such device is
the Freeze-Framer heart rhythm feedback and coher-
ence-building system (Quantum Intech, Boulder Creek,
CA). This interactive hardware/software system moni-
tors and displays individuals’ heart rate variability pat-
terns in real time as they practice the positive emotion-
focused techniques taught in an included tutorial pro-
gram. Using a fingertip or earlobe sensor to record the
pulse wave, the Freeze-Framer plots changes in heart
rate on a beat-to-beat basis. As students practice the
techniques, they can readily see and experience the
changes in their heart rhythm patterns, which generally
become smoother and more sine wave-like as they feel
appreciation and other positive emotions (see Figure 1).
This process reinforces the natural association between
the coherence mode and positive feelings. The real-time
physiological feedback also essentially takes the guess-
work out of the process of self-inducing a positive emo-
tional state, resulting in greater consistency and effec-
tiveness in practicing emotional shifts.
The software also analyzes the heart rhythm patterns
and calculates a coherence ratio for each session. The
coherence level is fed back to the user as an accumulated
score or success in playing one of three enjoyable games
designed to reinforce the emotion-refocusing skills.
Coherence-Building Tools
Based on this research, the Institute of HeartMath has
developed a set of positive emotion-focused techniques
that help people learn to self-generate and sustain psy-
chophysiological coherence and its associated benefits
(Childre & Martin, 1999; Childre & Rozman, 2005).
Studies have shown that the practice of these techniques
lowers stress, decreases cortisol and increases dehy-
droepiandrosterone (DHEA), and leads to significant
improvements in many aspects of psychosocial function-
ing and performance across diverse populations. These
techniques have also been shown to produce significant
improvements in health status in various clinical popu-
lations (for a summary see McCraty, Atkinson, &
Tomasino, 2001; McCraty & Childre, 2002).
In brief, HeartMath techniques combine a shift in the
focus of attention to the area around the heart (where
many people subjectively feel positive emotions) with
the intentional self-induction of a sincere positive emo-
tional state, such as appreciation. Such a shift in focus
and feeling serves to increase heart rhythm coherence
and nervous system harmony, which results in a change
in the pattern of neurological signals sent to the cogni-
tive and emotional centers in the brain. This, in turn,
facilitates higher cognitive faculties and emotion regula-
tion abilities that are normally compromised during
stress or negative emotional states, thus sharpening
one’s discernment abilities; increasing resourcefulness;
and often enabling problematic issues, interactions, or
decisions to be assessed and dealt with from a broader,
more emotionally balanced perspective.
Research suggests that enduring benefits of these
techniques stem from the fact that as people learn to
Finally, the software includes a multiuser database to
store results and track users’ progress.
Because this technology uses only a simple pulse
sensor and involves no electrode hook-up, it is
extremely versatile, time-efficient, and easy to use,
and thus readily adaptable for use in educational set-
tings. In addition, children are generally easily
engaged by their ability to make an immediate connec-
tion between the changes in their heart rhythm pat-
tern and corresponding changes in their emotional
states. The audiovisual tutorial teaching the
HeartMath tools and the three interactive games
included with the Freeze-Framer also facilitate the sys-
tem’s use in educational applications. This system has
proven engaging and effective for children of widely
diverse sociocultural backgrounds and academic levels,
and it has also been used with great success in working
with special education students and children with
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Teachers using the system in their classes have fre-
quently reported a noticeable positive shift in class-
room dynamics, one toward reduced tension, conflict,
and distractibility accompanied by greater calmness,
focus, attention, and cooperation. In some cases, such
shifts have been followed by striking improvements in
students’ learning and academic performance over a
very brief period of time (Arguelles, McCraty, & Rees,
2003; Figure 2).
Figure 2. Getting in sync. A student uses the Freeze-Framer heart rhythm
coherence feedback system.
stressor in a laboratory test, the trained students exhib-
ited increased stress resiliency in relation to a control
group; real-time heart rate variability data indicated
that the students were able to favorably modulate their
autonomic response to stress by using the HeartMath
techniques (McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, Goelitz, &
Mayrovitz, 1999).
The HeartMath tools and technologies have also been
integrated in a curriculum called TestEdge, which is
designed to reduce test anxiety and improve academic
and test performance. In this course, students become
more aware of how their attitudes and emotions affect
their performance; they also learn several positive emo-
tion-based coherence-building techniques and practice
applying them in school-related and other contexts.
Students have found the heart rhythm coherence feed-
back component of the course of particular value. They
often report that practicing the coherence-building tools
with the Freeze-Framer enables them to confirm how it
feels to be in sync, in a high-performance state, and thus
helps them to learn to enter this state at will in prepara-
tion for test-taking or other challenging activities. In
pilot studies, high school students who participated in
the TestEdge program showed a 14%–35% gain in
scores on state-mandated achievement tests as well as
significant improvements in numerous measures of
emotional health (Arguelles et al., 2003). The program’s
success in a number of schools subsequently led to a
Applying Coherence-Building Tools and
Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback
Training in Educational Settings
Programs incorporating HeartMath tools and the
Freeze-Framer coherence-building technology have
been introduced at the elementary, middle school, high
school, college, and graduate levels across the United
States and have been demonstrated in studies to
improve emotional well-being, classroom behaviors,
learning, and academic performance (Arguelles et al.,
2003). In one study, conducted in collaboration with the
Miami Heart Research Institute, heart rhythm coher-
ence feedback training was used to facilitate learning of
the HeartMath tools in at-risk middle school students.
Participating students demonstrated a significant
reduction in risky behaviors and significant improve-
ments in areas including motivation; work manage-
ment and focus; stress and anger management; self-
reliance; and relationships with teachers, families, and
peers. Additionally, when confronted with an acute
Heart Rhythm Coherence Feedback to Enhance Learning
large-scale national study, funded by the U.S.
Department of Education, to evaluate the impact of the
program in schools in nine different states. The study,
currently underway, will assess the impact of the pro-
gram on student test anxiety, high-stakes test perform-
ance, psychosocial functioning, and classroom behaviors.
In addition, a substudy will assess the effects of the tools
taught in the program on heart rhythm coherence and
performance on a stress-producing cognitive task (simu-
lating a testing situation).
Most recently, the Institute of HeartMath received a
grant from the U.S. Department of Education to study
the effects of an intervention designed to address the
national problems of student dropout and teacher attri-
tion. Our approach to these issues sees them as sympto-
matic of a larger systemic deficiency facing many
schools in the U.S. educational system—namely,
the lack
of a healthy social and emotional environment that
optimizes the growth and performance of all individuals
in the school system
. High student dropout and teacher
attrition rates—and low academic performance—are
most often produced in schools in which the social and
emotional environment is fraught with discordant rela-
tions, emotional disaffection, and stress. Our initiative
will thus aim to develop, implement, and evaluate a com-
prehensive multiyear, whole-school system program
that aims to build a strong, positive, and nurturing social
and emotional environment in the school system.
HeartMath programs will be delivered to all teachers,
administrators, and other school staff within two whole
school systems (each comprised of a high school and the
corresponding middle and elementary schools that feed
into it). In addition, students at three different grade lev-
els will participate in classroom-based programs in
which they will learn the HeartMath tools. The Freeze-
Framer coherence-building system will be used to facili-
tate both student and staff programs, and units will be
made available for continued use by all school system
members. By providing effective tools for reducing
stress; building supportive, collaborative relations; and
increasing positive emotional engagement among stu-
dents, teachers, and school staff, it is expected that the
intervention will not only reduce teacher attrition and
student dropout, but also lead to improved teaching
effectiveness and student academic performance.
stress and increase nervous system harmony, thereby
improving emotional stability, cognitive functioning,
academic performance, and social behaviors. Coherence
can be facilitated and noninvasively measured in school
settings using positive emotion-focused techniques in
conjunction with heart rhythm coherence biofeedback.
Such approaches have been associated with improve-
ments in test scores, classroom behaviors, and social-
emotional outcomes within a relatively brief time frame
in studies conducted among diverse student populations.
Collectively, results suggest that the integration of
coherence-building tools and heart rhythm coherence
biofeedback technologies in educational curricula can be
an effective means to facilitate and integrate the emo-
tional, social, and academic development of students
while enhancing the climate of the school as a whole.
Successful results of these programs in larger-scale
implementations will constitute an important finding
that has the potential to influence educational practices
and improve the quality of education at the national
HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of
HeartMath; Freeze-Framer is a registered trademark of
Quantum Intech, Inc.; and TestEdge is a registered trade-
mark of HeartMath LLC.
Arguelles, L., McCraty, R., & Rees, R. A. (2003). The
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The HeartMath solution to relieving worry, fatigue,
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emotions, and psychophysiological coherence. In
B. B. Arnetz & R. Ekman (Eds.),
Stress: Sculpturing
the brain to health or disease
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McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., & Tomasino, D. (2001).
Science of the heart: Exploring the role of the
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McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D., & Bradley, R.
T. (2005).
The coherent heart: Heart–brain interac-
tions, psychophysiological coherence, and the emer-
gence of system-wide order
. Boulder Creek, CA:
In sum, research suggests that by learning to increase
psychophysiological coherence, students can reduce
HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath,
No. 05-022.
McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D., Goelitz, J., &
Mayrovitz, H. N. (1999). The impact of an emotional
self-management skills course on psychosocial func-
tioning and autonomic recovery to stress in middle
school children.
Integrative Physiological and
Behavioral Science, 34
(4), 246–268.
McCraty, R., & Childre, D. (2002).
The appreciative
heart: The psychophysiology of positive emotions
and optimal functioning
. Boulder Creek, CA:
HeartMath Research Center, Institute of HeartMath,
No. 02-026.
Headshot to
Katherine H. Gibney
Correspondence: Rollin McCraty, PhD, HeartMath Research Center,
Institute of HeartMath, 14700 West Park Avenue, Boulder Creek, CA
95006, email: rollin@heartmath.org.
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