Emperors New Religion - Church of Satan, Ksiazki, Books, Occult Collection

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The Church of Satan has caused outrage and exten-
sive media attention since its inception as the boldest
champion of Satan in the “occult explosion” peaking
in the 1960es, and for better or for worse has become
synonymous with modern Satanism. It asserts that
Satanism is a unique philosophy distinctly tailored
to man’s life on Earth which, if followed, has the po-
tential to increase the follower’s earthly success.
This paper investigates the Church of Satan, its
ideology, and its practices, and observes that the
Church of Satan includes the same dynamics as can
be observed in many other religions. In addition, the
Church of Satan appears to deliberately mislead its
members via conflicting policy statements and com-
The paper concludes that the Church of Satan is a
personality cult that seems to have less interest in
maintaining an ideology than in gaining members,
and that the Church of Satan may be no more than
the invention of a skilled con artist who saw an un-
used opportunity.
provides no indication of the size of the organi-
zation, as all membership cards issued today
display the number 100261 (see Figure 1). While
the actual membership number probably lies
between the guesses of just a few hundred and
several millions, and while the influence of the
Church of Satan is probably less than hinted by
the organization itself and more than reported
by its enemies (anti-cult fanatics excluded), the
Church of Satan has established itself as the or-
ganization that is usually mentioned in books
describing Satanism regardless of opinion. An-
ton LaVey himself is usually mentioned in com-
pany with names such as Eliphas Lévi, Abbé
Boullard, and Aleister Crowley, all of whom are
considered leading figures in so-called “tradi-
tional” (or “religious,” or “mythical”) and
“modern” Satanism.
Hagiographies such as
The Secret Life of a Sa-
[3] and
The Church of Satan
[4], both by the
Church of Satan’s former High Priestess and
Anton LaVey’s third wife, Blanche Barton

(Grand Priestess of the Temple), provide a col-
1. The Church of Satan and Its Ideology
When Anton LaVey (1930-1997, born
Howard Stanton Levey) founded the Church of
Satan reporting Walpurgisnacht (April 31) in
1966 as its birthday,

the organization de-
scribed the event as the “opening the floodgates
to a revolution” and proclaimed the event as
“Year One,” announcing a new era in History
Anton LaVey had regularly studied occultism
at home together with his so-called “Magic Cir-
cle” of devotees a few years earlier, and it was
this group that was to become the Church of Sa-
tan [2, p.29].
Membership figures are kept secret by the
Church of Satan, leaving friends and foes guess-
ing at membership figures differing by several
orders of magnitude. The membership card
Figure 1. A sample Church of Satan membership
card with the follower’s name and signature re-
moved. Apparently the number 100261 is printed on
all membership cards issued today.
† 1966 coincided with “year one” declared in Ira Levin’s
Rosemary’s Baby
. Anton LaVey claimed to have been involved in the 1968
movie production as both a technical advisor and as an actor. Neither claim is supported—neither the detailed biography of the movie
nor the size of the costume for LaVey’s purported role lend credibility to the claim.
‡ Some critics have suggested that Blanche Barton’s hagiographies of Anton LaVey and his organization were not written by Barton
but LaVey himself. Comparing the literary style of the books with her style after LaVey’s death lends credibility to Barton as the orig-
inal author, albeit strongly inspired by LaVey.
The Emperor’s New Religion
Copyright © 2002 Ole Wolf
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orful and haunting picture of a person qualified
as no less than the Devil’s right hand man.
The strong publicity that the Church of Satan
and its founder have received is itself no indica-
tion that the Church of Satan represents Satan-
ism beyond its own claim to the title as the Dev-
il’s henchmen, however.
It can be argued that because in certain aspects
of its literature the Church of Satan references
Christianity in its departure from the creeds
usually associated with common Christian ide-
ology, in that sense at least it qualifies as an an-
ti-Christian organization and hence by Chris-
tian definition, Satanic. In particular, the first
section (most of which was adapted with few
modifications from Ragnar Redbeard’s
Might is
[5]) of
The Satanic Bible
[6] by Anton LaVey
has strong anti-Christian proclamations. Anton
LaVey has later explained that this section was
intended as an eye-opener [5, p.5].
1. Life is the great indulgence—death, the great absti-
nence. Therefore, make the most of life—HERE AND
2. There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where
sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment!
Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our
opportunity. [6, p.33]
Man is thus given with the chance to live in in-
dulgence only while alive, and had better make
full use of it while it lasts.

This is a recurring
theme in the second section of
The Satanic Bible
Followers of the Church of Satan are encour-
aged to make that of Satanism which suits each
individual follower’s best needs:
As far as Satanists are concerned, taking the way things
are and taking what suits you best and dwelling on it—
that’s what it is all about. [10, p.234]
The Church of Satan generally uses Satan as a
symbol of man’s nature as that of any other ani-
mal, and rejects the belief in Satan as an anthro-
pomorphic being. Some of Anton LaVey’s clos-
er associates, however, seem to have been told a
different story. For example, Michael Aquino,
who resigned from the Church of Satan and
formed a new organization, The Temple of Set
in 1975, explains that the belief in a literal Devil:
… was
to all of our [Aquino’s and LaVey’s]
conversations and collaborations [11]
and Blanche Barton explained to The San Fran-
cisco Chronicle at a press conference following
Anton LaVey’s death in 1997 that Anton LaVey
had believed in the Devil [12]. In an article in
The Occult Explosion
Anton LaVey had acknowl-
edged that:
…many members of the Church of Satan who are mys-
tically inclined prefer to think of Satan in a very real,
anthropomorphic way. Of course we do not discourage
this, because we realize that it is very important to
many individuals to ritualistically conceptualize a
well-wrought picture of their mentor or tutelary divini-
ty. [2, p.740]
He ventured on to explain that:
In answer to those who would label us “Devil worship-
pers” or … Satan worshippers, I must say that Satan
, not worship. [2, p.740]
Note that Anton LaVey did not reject the belief
in Satan, only the
of the deity.
The Satanic Bible
defines Satan somewhat am-
biguously as a unified God (that is, not
among others) which:

is seen as the balancing factor in nature, and not be-
ing concerned with suffering. [6, p.40]
1.1 Satanic Ideology
Anton LaVey has claimed inspiration from,
and ideological parallels with, several sources
with leanings toward atheistic or non-Christian
morality, including Mark Twain, Jack London,
P.T. Barnum, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ragnar Red-
beard, Orrin Klapp, Niccolò Machiavelli,
Charles Finney, Adolf Hitler, Charles Darwin,
Ayn Rand, Herbert Spencer, H.G. Wells, Yefi-
movitch Rasputin, George Bernard Shaw, Sig-
mund Freud, Ambroce Bierce, Sir Basil Zaha-
roff, and Voltaire, to name just a few [3, p.24; 5,
p.5-6; 2, p.492, 741; 7, p.xii; 8, p.51; 9]. Satan-
ism, according to the Church of Satan, is a fu-
sion of the thoughts expressed by these authors
and philosophers, etc.:
[Anton LaVey’s] ideas evolved from his enthusiasm for
Satanic sympathizers and reprobates like George Bern-
hard Shaw, John Milton, Goethe, […] peppered with a
liberal dose of the Johnson, Smith & Co. Catalogue of
Jokes, Tricks and Novelties. [7, p.xii]
That is, although neither thought alone was
novel, no one before Anton LaVey had connect-
ed the dots to synthesize a new religion based
on the thoughts combined.
The Church of Satan’s ideology states that
man alone is responsible for his own success,
and that there is no reward in Heaven or pun-
ishment in Hell for man’s intents and doings on
Earth. As
The Satanic Bible
† In contrast to popular opinion among Church of Satan followers there is no implication that there is no life after death; the text only
states that once one is dead, one will be unable to indulge in one’s desires.
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Copyright © 2002 Ole Wolf
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Most Satanists do not accept Satan as an anthropomor-
phic being with cloven hooves, a barbed tail, and
horns. He merely represents a force of nature …
[which] is an untapped reservoir that few can make
use of… [6, p.62]
This definition, in conjunction with the term
“god,” lends itself to a theistic or deistic percep-
tion of Satan in addition to the atheistic persua-
sion also presented in the book.
The Church of Satan’s Grotto Master applica-
tion requires prospective “Grotto Masters,”
who are individuals that lead a local chapter of
Church of Satan followers, to perform a self-ini-
tiation ritual:
15. Before you complete this application—when you
sense the time is right—perform a ritual (using the ba-
sic elements described in
The Satanic Bible
) to petition
Satan and the Dark Legions to accept you as a Grotto
Master. Write down the ritual you performed and the
results, if any. [13]
Again, this ritual, requesting an infernal man-
date, has theistic overtones.
Part of the Church of Satan’s ideology specifi-
cally appeals to people that feel a need to bol-
ster their egos, feeling that they are more impor-
tant than their social recognition reflects.
The Sa-
tanic Bible
provides a salt water injection to such
people’s egos with the assertion that Satanists
are intrinsically superior people. Church of Sa-
tan literature, such as
The Black Flame
, bulge
with racist, fascist, and Nazi-oriented essays
and imagery, all of which are recurring themes
among people whose self-esteem is out of pro-
portion with their physical or intellectual abili-
ties. Organizations promising religious or simi-
lar emotionally gratifying compensation for
lacking achievements thrive on such people.
The Church of Satan acknowledges an emotion-
al link between its ideology and Nazism:
It’s an unholy alliance … The anti-Christian
strength of National Socialist Germany is part of the
appeal to Satanists. …
… The aesthetics of National Socialism and Sa-
tanism dovetail. [10, p.236]
Anton LaVey states in
The Satanic Bible
there is evidence of an emerging Satanic age. At
that time there was increasing focus on personal
freedom, relaxed sexual morals, rebellion
against authorities, and iconoclastic behavior,
all cardinal to the hippie movement that was
gaining foothold in the years before the Church
of Satan was created. The first three clauses in
the Church of Satan’s official, semi-political pro-
Pentagonal Revisionism
, which was pub-
lished in
The Devil’s Notebook
[14, p.93] demand
stratification (which is a form of meritocracy
that rejects undeserved power), taxation of
churches, and separation of church and state.
These issues were also important in the “free-
dom movement” of the 1960es. Interest in An-
ton LaVey’s pet projects, the construction of ar-
tificial human companions and total environ-
ments (i.e., fantasy worlds) had already peaked
a decade earlier when robots were the big hit on
the screen and popular literature, and the con-
temporary fashion dictated a new home with a
characteristic departure from traditional fur-
Whether the evidence reflected a “zeitgeist”
that was genuinely indicative of an emerging
Satanic age or whether Anton LaVey simply de-
fined social trends at that time as Satanic is diffi-
cult to tell. However, lending itself well to the
prevalent social trends the Church of Satan was
certainly a product of its time.
1.2 The Satanic Bible
The Satanic Bible
formally defines the Church
of Satan’s ideology, and the Church of Satan re-
fers to the book as:
a diabolical book, the basis for our philosophy. [1]
The book was released in 1969, three years af-
ter the establishment of the Church of Satan.
Anton LaVey explains that he was prompted to
The Satanic Bible
by his agent and publish-
er’s suggestion with a tight deadline:
Then […] came the official commission to write a “Sa-
tanic Bible”. My agent and publisher wanted the mate-
rial I had already printed in tract form, with additional
stuff, to make up the “Bible” as quickly as possible. [5,
The Satanic Bible
is comprised of, in the follow-
ing order:
1. An anti-Christian diatribe. This section
seems to appeal especially to those that were
brought up in Christian homes and are fed
up with that religion. The Church of Satan
explains that this section is a wake-up call
that is only necessary for some readers.
2. A level-headed refutation of Christian dog-
ma; an assertion that there is no afterlife and
hence no reward or punishment after one
dies; and elaborations on different facets of a
life lived accordingly. This section contains
many examples of how even seemingly con-
flicting behavior is Satanic according to the
The Emperor’s New Religion
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 author, and effectively virtually any behavior
is inherently Satanic.
3. Three recipes for magic focusing on aggres-
sion, lust, and compassion. The magic in the
third section obviously appeals to people
that enjoy magic settings, but the Church of
Satan accepts that some followers do not feel
so inclined.
The Church of Satan states that belief in liter-
al demons is permitted within the confines of
the ritual chamber and abandoned outside of
the chamber. Presumably this argument also
holds in rituals such as “The Satanic ‘Bap-
tism,’” [15, p.212] which directly refers to the
literal Satan. It is a valid argument, but the
dual acceptance of belief and non-belief is al-
so an effective tool for appealing to such
strongly diverging groups of people as the-
ists and atheists simultaneously.
4. A listing of eighteen “Enochian Keys.” Ironi-
cally, this section contains the very occult-
nick bunk that Anton LaVey prides
The Sa-
tanic Bible
as being devoid of in the preface of
the book. Both readers despising such bunk-
ery and readers desiring it are generously
The Satanic Bible
thus represents an occultnick
slam dunk: most readers will agree with certain
portions of
The Satanic Bible
as long as they are
either atheists on a rational level, deists with
symbolism but no supernatural beliefs, or even
theists believing in God and/or Satan but not
particularly caring about their sentences in their
Indeed, because most readers can find some-
thing they agree with in
The Satanic Bible
regardless of personal belief, and because they
are encouraged to pick and choose those items
they agree with, the only obstacle to being a Sa-
tanist per the Church of Satan’s requirements
lies in the readers’ potential unwillingness to ac-
cept the label “Satanist.” This conclusion is sup-
ported by Blanche Barton’s welcoming state-
ment on the official Church of Satan Web page,
where she explains that:
The philosophy really isn’t that esoteric and doesn’t
take much pondering to understand. But it’s that loom-
ing figure in the shadows, that majestic silhouette of
Satan—leathery wings outstretched, standing proudly,
backlit by the flames of Hell—that people find… dis-
quieting. [16]
Church of Satan officials have argued that
parts of the
The Satanic Bible
were intended as
sincere philosophy while other parts were in-
tended to mislead the rubes begging to be
mocked and derided. According to William
Gidney (Priest of the Church of Satan):
The Church of Satan champions the Machiavellian eth-
ic of misdirection: You should try actually reading the
philosophical content of The Satanic Bible far more
carefully. What confusion we inspire is of no interest to
us. [17]
Hence, the inclusion of the so-called Enochian
Keys, a hoax invented by John Dee and Edward
Kelley, in
The Satanic Bible
might be an ironic at-
tempt at misdirection put there to confuse the
rubes, but any references to Machiavellian eth-
ics would be sincere. Presumably only the elite
(that is, whoever happened to read
The Satanic
) would be able to realize that the Crowley-
inspired parts were misdirection, while the
Redbeard and Machiavelli musings were sin-
cere—or vice versa. Each follower of the Church
of Satan is left with the impression that he or
she and a few others understand the true mean-
ing of Satanism, and everyone else does not.
It is more plausible, however, that when An-
ton LaVey wrote
The Satanic Bible
, he decided to
take a dash of Crowley (whose interest in Dee
and Kelley is well documented) from here, and
a dash of Machiavelli and Nietzsche from there,
and bake his Satanic cake appealing to the wid-
est audience possible.
The Church of Satan states that the contradic-
tions are only apparent:
It is then up to the rank and file members, as well as
anyone else who has an interest in this material, to ana-
lyze these ideas and synthesize the apparent contradic-
tions into a “Third Side” that is the essence of Satanic
understanding. [18]
Or, in other words, the reason that there are
contradictions is that there are none; and by
perceiving the ideology as ambiguous, one has
not gained Satanic understanding. As in Hans
Christian Andersen’s popular story,
The Emper-
or’s New Clothes
, where people would rather not
admit to being stupid not seeing the emperor’s
marvelous new (missing) clothes, followers of
the Church of Satan would probably rather not
admit they have no “Satanic understanding.”
Inevitably individual Satanists will reach dif-
ferent interpretations. The Church of Satan con-
Will everyone arrive at the same synthesis? No. Sur-
prised? You shouldn’t be, as Satanism is a religion
which embraces the practice of individualism, not de-
manding that all its members have some kind of lock-
step sameness. [18]
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 Different and contrary individual interpreta-
tions do not warrant religious unity, however.
People do not unite in
agreement—not unless
they join hands in a shared disagreement with
something entirely different, such as Satanists’
pet demon: Christianity. If the Church of Satan
does indeed unite its followers despite oppos-
ing interpretations, their unity is not about its
ideology at all.
Rituals serve as self-programming devices that
maintain the follower’s dedication to the reli-
gion, and they have a transfusing effect on the
person’s life.
The Satanic Rituals
includes the following ritu-
Le Messe Noir
—a rite of passage intended to
rid the follower of Catholic Christian dogma.
L’air Epais
—an initiation ritual in which the
participant symbolically dies and is reborn as
a Satanist.
Das Tierdrama
—a reminder of one’s animal
Homage to Tchort
—draws inspiration from
Russian folklore of various demons, which
are summoned during the ritual.
The Ceremony of the Nine Angles
—inspired by
H.P. Lovecraft, it is intended to “emphasize
The Call to Cthulhu
—also inspired by H.P.
Lovecraft, it “reflects the dimness of an al-
most forgotten past.”
The Satanic Baptisms
—baptism rituals for chil-
dren and adults.
Rituals 4, 5, and 6 have no clear purpose.
Michael Aquino, the author of rituals 5 and 6,
explains that the fledgling organization’s theory
regarding rituals was not all that deep or
thought-through, and that the purpose of some
rituals was only to act as a vehicle for the emo-
tional or intellectual stimulation or pleasure of
the participants [11]. Given no explanation of
their purpose in
The Satanic Rituals
, it is likely
that these three rituals fall into that category.
Rituals actualize ideology, that is, they are
physical manifestations of the abstract thoughts
expressed by the ideology. Like birthdays are
times where the birthday celebrant may think
ahead or back, rituals typically act as reflective
moments where participants stop and relate to
their nature and situation. Rituals are not con-
sidered in the everyday life, but require partici-
pants to stop and
. It is not clear how inspira-
tion from Russian folklore and Lovecraftian fic-
tion actualizes the Satanic ideology as outlined
The Satanic Bible
It is remarkable that rites of passage, such as
wedding and death, admission to adulthood
(the Church of Satan has a concept of children
vs. adults, as evidenced by
The Satanic Baptisms
which come in those two forms), etc. are absent
from the available material. Such rituals serve to
sustain a religion and reinforce its ideology.
1.3 Satanic Rituals and Magic
The Satanic Bible
formally defines magic as:
The change in situations or events in accordance with
one’s will, which would, using normally accepted
methods, be unchangeable. [6, p. 110]
The statement echoes Aleister Crowley’s defi-
nition, and in admitting to a rather broad defini-
tion Anton LaVey refers to the equivalence be-
tween the perception of magic and science, pos-
sibly borrowing Athur C. Clarke’s famous Third
Law, which stipulates that “[a]ny sufficiently
advanced technology is indistinguishable from
magic.” Most interpretations ranging from mys-
ticism to die hard science are thereby covered.
Anton LaVey asserted that magic falls into
three basic categories: anger, lust, and compas-
sion [6, pp. 114-115]—feelings that are often dif-
ficult to cope with in many societies. Two sec-
tions of
The Satanic Bible
are devoted to the prac-
tice of magic. One section contains three recipes
for the aforementioned three categories of mag-
ic. The other section lists the Enochian Keys.
Anton LaVey has later conceded that he chose
to include the Enochian Keys in
The Satanic Bible
simply because he was told that they were dan-
gerous to mention [5, p.4].
When the Church of Satan uses the term “cere-
mony,” it means “ritual” in sociology. When it
uses the term “ritual,” it means “magic” in soci-
ology. This document uses the sociological no-
The rituals and magic that are publicly avail-
able—the three basic types in
The Satanic Bible
and the ones in
The Satanic Rituals
—are free to
use by anyone. The three basic types of magic
can be performed solitarily, and can be expected
to be the most widespread Satanic magic based
on the ease of performance, and on the few ritu-
al settings and/or participants required.
The Church of Satan’s rituals, as explained by
Anton LaVey in
The Satanic Rituals
, are intended
to sustain the Satanic ideology:
Generally, a ritual [i.e., magic] is used to
, while a
ceremony [i.e., a ritual] serves to
. [15, p.17]
The Emperor’s New Religion
Copyright © 2002 Ole Wolf
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