Emergency Medicine MCQs - De Alwis, english books

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//-->MEDICINEMCQsEMERGENCYThis page intentionally left blankMEDICINEMCQsWARUNA DE ALWISYOLANDE WEINEREMERGENCYSydney  Edinburgh  London  New York  Philadelphia  St Louis  TorontoChurchill Livingstoneis an imprint of ElsevierElsevier Australia. ACN 001 002 357(a division of Reed International Books Australia Pty Ltd)Tower 1, 475 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood, NSW 2067This edition © 2012 Elsevier AustraliaISBN 9780729541046This publication is copyright. Except as expressly provided in the Copyright Act 1968 and theCopyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act 2000, no part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in any retrieval system or transmitted by any means (including electronic, mechanical,microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission from thepublisher.Every attempt has been made to trace and acknowledge copyright, but in some cases this may nothave been possible. The publisher apologises for any accidental infringement and would welcome anyinformation to redress the situation.This publication has been carefully reviewed and checked to ensure that the content is as accurateand current as possible at time of publication. We would recommend, however, that the reader verifyany procedures, treatments, drug dosages or legal content described in this book. Neither the author,the contributors, nor the publisher assume any liability for injury and/or damage to persons or propertyarising from any error in or omission from this publication.National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entryAuthor:Title:ISBN:De Alwis, Waruna.Emergency medicine MCQs / Waruna de Alwis, Yolande Weiner.9780729541046 (pbk.)Medical emergencies–Australasia–Problems, exercises, etc.Hospitals–Emergency services–Australasia.Other Authors/Contributors:Weiner, Yolande.Dewey Number: 616.025Subjects: Emergency medicine–Australasia–Problems, exercises, etc.Publishing Director:Luisa CecottiPublisher:Sophie KalinieckiDevelopmental Editor:Neli BryantProject Coordinator:Liz MalcolmProject Manager:Nayagi AthmanathanEdited by:Matt DaviesProofread by:Sarah Newton-JohnCover and internal design by:Stella VassiliouTypeset by Toppan Best-set Premedia Ltd.Printed in China by China Translation & Printing Services Limited. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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