Electronic Principles, Elektronika książki Engl
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//-->Eighth EditionELECTRONICPRINCIPLESALBERT MALVINO | DAVID BATESELECTRONIC PRINCIPLES, EIGHTH EDITIONPublished by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous edition © 2007. Nopart of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data-base or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but notlimited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside theUnited States.This book is printed on acid-free paper.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOW/DOW 1 0 9 8 7 6 5ISBN 978-0-07-337388-1MHID 0-07-337388-5Senior Vice President, Products & Markets:Kurt L. StrandVice President, General Manager, Products & Markets:Marty LangeDirector of Digital Content:Thomas Scaife, Ph.DVice President, Content Design & Delivery:Kimberly Meriwether DavidManaging Director:Thomas TimpGlobal Publisher:Raghu SrinivasanDirector, Product Development:Rose KoosProduct Developer:Vincent BradshawMarketing Manager:Nick McFaddenDirector, Content Design & Delivery:Linda AvenariusExecutive Program Manager:Faye M. HerrigContent Project Managers:Jessica Portz, Tammy Juran, & Sandra SchneeBuyer:Susan K. CulbertsonDesign:Studio Montage, St. Louis, MOContent Licensing Specialist:DeAnna DausenerCover Image:Royalty-Free/CORBISCompositor:MPS LimitedTypeface:10/12 Times New RomanPrinter:R.R. DonnelleyAll credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataMalvino, Albert Paul.Electronic principles/Albert Malvino, David J. Bates.—Eighth edition.pages cmISBN 978-0-07-337388-1 (alk. paper)1. Electronics. I. Bates, David J II. Title..TK7816.M25 2015621.381—dc232014036290The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a websitedoes not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Educationdoes not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites.www.mhhe.comDedicationElectronic Principles, 8thed.is dedicated to all studentswho are striving to learn thefundamentals and principlesof electronics.Albert P. Malvinowas an electronics technician whileserving in the U.S. Navy from 1950 to 1954. He graduatedfrom the University of Santa Clara Summa Cum Laude in1959 with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering. For thenext five years, he worked as an electronics engineer atMicrowave Laboratories and at Hewlett-Packard whileearning his MSEE from San Jose State University in 1964.He taught at Foothill College for the next four years andwas awarded a National Science Foundation Fellowshipin 1968. After receiving a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineeringfrom Stanford University in 1970, Dr. Malvino embarkedon a full-time writing career. He has written 10 textbooksthat have been translated into 20 foreign languageswith over 108 editions. Dr. Malvino was a consultant anddesigned control circuits for SPD-Smart™ windows. Inaddition, he wrote educational software for electronicstechnicians and engineers. He also served on the Boardof Directors at Research Frontiers Incorporated. Hiswebsite address is www.malvino.comDavid J. Batesis an adjunct instructor in theElectronic Technologies Department of WesternWisconsin Technical College located in La Crosse,Wisconsin. Along with working as an electronic servicingtechnician and as an electrical engineering technician,he has over 30 years of teaching experience.Credentials include an A.S. degree in IndustrialElectronics Technology, a B.S. degree in IndustrialEducation, and an M.S. degree in Vocational/TechnicalEducation. Certifications include an A1 certificationas a computer hardware technician, and JourneymanLevel certifications as a Certified Electronics Technician(CET) by the Electronics Technicians AssociationInternational (ETA-I) and by the International Society ofCertified Electronics Technicians (ISCET). David J. Batesis presently a certification administrator (CA) for ETA-Iand ISCET and has served as a member of the ISCETBoard of Directors, along with serving as a SubjectMatter Expert (SME) on basic electronics for the NationalCoalition for Electronics Education (NCEE).David J. Bates is also a co-author of “Basic Electricity” atext-lab manual by Zbar, Rockmaker, and Bates.ContentsPreface ixChapter 1Introduction 021-11-21-3The Three Kinds ofFormulasApproximationsVoltage Sources1-41-51-61-7Current SourcesThevenin’s TheoremNorton’s TheoremTroubleshootingChapter 2Semiconductors 282-12-22-32-42-52-62-7ConductorsSemiconductorsSilicon CrystalsIntrinsic SemiconductorsTwo Types of FlowDoping a SemiconductorTwo Types of ExtrinsicSemiconductors2-82-92-102-112-122-132-14The Unbiased DiodeForward BiasReverse BiasBreakdownEnergy LevelsBarrier Potential andTemperatureReverse-Biased DiodeChapter 3Diode Theory 563-13-23-33-43-53-6Basic IdeasThe Ideal DiodeThe Second ApproximationThe Third ApproximationTroubleshootingReading a Data Sheet3-73-83-93-10How to Calculate BulkResistanceDC Resistance of a DiodeLoad LinesSurface-Mount DiodesIntroduction to ElectronicSystems3-11Chapter 4Diode Circuits 864-14-24-34-44-54-6The Half-Wave RectifierThe TransformerThe Full-Wave RectifierThe Bridge RectifierThe Choke-Input FilterThe Capacitor-Input Filter4-74-84-94-104-114-12Peak Inverse Voltage andSurge CurrentOther Power-Supply TopicsTroubleshootingClippers and LimitersClampersVoltage MultipliersivChapter 5Special-Purpose Diodes 1405-15-25-35-45-55-6The Zener DiodeThe Loaded ZenerRegulatorSecond Approximation of aZener DiodeZener Drop-Out PointReading a Data SheetTroubleshooting5-75-85-95-105-115-12Load LinesLight-Emitting Diodes(LEDs)Other OptoelectronicDevicesThe Schottky DiodeThe VaractorOther DiodesChapter 6BJT Fundamentals 1886-16-26-36-46-56-66-76-8The Unbiased TransistorThe Biased TransistorTransistor CurrentsThe CE ConnectionThe Base CurveCollector CurvesTransistor ApproximationsReading Data Sheets6-96-106-116-126-136-146-15Surface-Mount TransistorsVariations in Current GainThe Load LineThe Operating PointRecognizing SaturationThe Transistor SwitchTroubleshootingChapter 7BJT Biasing 2407-17-27-37-47-5Emitter BiasLED DriversTroubleshooting EmitterBias CircuitsMore OptoelectronicDevicesVoltage-Divider Bias7-67-77-87-97-107-11Accurate VDB AnalysisVDB Load Line andQPointTwo-Supply Emitter BiasOther Types of BiasTroubleshooting VDBCircuitsPNPTransistorsChapter 8Basic BJT Amplifiers 2808-18-28-38-48-58-6Base-Biased AmplifierEmitter-Biased AmplifierSmall-Signal OperationAC BetaAC Resistance of theEmitter DiodeTwo Transistor Models8-78-88-98-108-118-12Analyzing an AmplifierAC Quantities on the DataSheetVoltage GainThe Loading Effect of InputImpedanceSwamped AmplifierTroubleshootingChapter 9Multistage, CC, and CBAmplifiers 3269-19-29-39-49-5ContentsMultistage AmplifiersTwo-Stage FeedbackCC AmplifierOutput ImpedanceCascading CE and CC9-69-79-89-9Darlington ConnectionsVoltage RegulationThe Common-Base AmplifierTroubleshooting MultistageAmplifiersv [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->Eighth EditionELECTRONICPRINCIPLESALBERT MALVINO | DAVID BATESELECTRONIC PRINCIPLES, EIGHTH EDITIONPublished by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous edition © 2007. Nopart of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data-base or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but notlimited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside theUnited States.This book is printed on acid-free paper.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOW/DOW 1 0 9 8 7 6 5ISBN 978-0-07-337388-1MHID 0-07-337388-5Senior Vice President, Products & Markets:Kurt L. StrandVice President, General Manager, Products & Markets:Marty LangeDirector of Digital Content:Thomas Scaife, Ph.DVice President, Content Design & Delivery:Kimberly Meriwether DavidManaging Director:Thomas TimpGlobal Publisher:Raghu SrinivasanDirector, Product Development:Rose KoosProduct Developer:Vincent BradshawMarketing Manager:Nick McFaddenDirector, Content Design & Delivery:Linda AvenariusExecutive Program Manager:Faye M. HerrigContent Project Managers:Jessica Portz, Tammy Juran, & Sandra SchneeBuyer:Susan K. CulbertsonDesign:Studio Montage, St. Louis, MOContent Licensing Specialist:DeAnna DausenerCover Image:Royalty-Free/CORBISCompositor:MPS LimitedTypeface:10/12 Times New RomanPrinter:R.R. DonnelleyAll credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataMalvino, Albert Paul.Electronic principles/Albert Malvino, David J. Bates.—Eighth edition.pages cmISBN 978-0-07-337388-1 (alk. paper)1. Electronics. I. Bates, David J II. Title..TK7816.M25 2015621.381—dc232014036290The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a websitedoes not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw-Hill Education, and McGraw-Hill Educationdoes not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites.www.mhhe.comDedicationElectronic Principles, 8thed.is dedicated to all studentswho are striving to learn thefundamentals and principlesof electronics.Albert P. Malvinowas an electronics technician whileserving in the U.S. Navy from 1950 to 1954. He graduatedfrom the University of Santa Clara Summa Cum Laude in1959 with a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering. For thenext five years, he worked as an electronics engineer atMicrowave Laboratories and at Hewlett-Packard whileearning his MSEE from San Jose State University in 1964.He taught at Foothill College for the next four years andwas awarded a National Science Foundation Fellowshipin 1968. After receiving a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineeringfrom Stanford University in 1970, Dr. Malvino embarkedon a full-time writing career. He has written 10 textbooksthat have been translated into 20 foreign languageswith over 108 editions. Dr. Malvino was a consultant anddesigned control circuits for SPD-Smart™ windows. Inaddition, he wrote educational software for electronicstechnicians and engineers. He also served on the Boardof Directors at Research Frontiers Incorporated. Hiswebsite address is www.malvino.comDavid J. Batesis an adjunct instructor in theElectronic Technologies Department of WesternWisconsin Technical College located in La Crosse,Wisconsin. Along with working as an electronic servicingtechnician and as an electrical engineering technician,he has over 30 years of teaching experience.Credentials include an A.S. degree in IndustrialElectronics Technology, a B.S. degree in IndustrialEducation, and an M.S. degree in Vocational/TechnicalEducation. Certifications include an A1 certificationas a computer hardware technician, and JourneymanLevel certifications as a Certified Electronics Technician(CET) by the Electronics Technicians AssociationInternational (ETA-I) and by the International Society ofCertified Electronics Technicians (ISCET). David J. Batesis presently a certification administrator (CA) for ETA-Iand ISCET and has served as a member of the ISCETBoard of Directors, along with serving as a SubjectMatter Expert (SME) on basic electronics for the NationalCoalition for Electronics Education (NCEE).David J. Bates is also a co-author of “Basic Electricity” atext-lab manual by Zbar, Rockmaker, and Bates.ContentsPreface ixChapter 1Introduction 021-11-21-3The Three Kinds ofFormulasApproximationsVoltage Sources1-41-51-61-7Current SourcesThevenin’s TheoremNorton’s TheoremTroubleshootingChapter 2Semiconductors 282-12-22-32-42-52-62-7ConductorsSemiconductorsSilicon CrystalsIntrinsic SemiconductorsTwo Types of FlowDoping a SemiconductorTwo Types of ExtrinsicSemiconductors2-82-92-102-112-122-132-14The Unbiased DiodeForward BiasReverse BiasBreakdownEnergy LevelsBarrier Potential andTemperatureReverse-Biased DiodeChapter 3Diode Theory 563-13-23-33-43-53-6Basic IdeasThe Ideal DiodeThe Second ApproximationThe Third ApproximationTroubleshootingReading a Data Sheet3-73-83-93-10How to Calculate BulkResistanceDC Resistance of a DiodeLoad LinesSurface-Mount DiodesIntroduction to ElectronicSystems3-11Chapter 4Diode Circuits 864-14-24-34-44-54-6The Half-Wave RectifierThe TransformerThe Full-Wave RectifierThe Bridge RectifierThe Choke-Input FilterThe Capacitor-Input Filter4-74-84-94-104-114-12Peak Inverse Voltage andSurge CurrentOther Power-Supply TopicsTroubleshootingClippers and LimitersClampersVoltage MultipliersivChapter 5Special-Purpose Diodes 1405-15-25-35-45-55-6The Zener DiodeThe Loaded ZenerRegulatorSecond Approximation of aZener DiodeZener Drop-Out PointReading a Data SheetTroubleshooting5-75-85-95-105-115-12Load LinesLight-Emitting Diodes(LEDs)Other OptoelectronicDevicesThe Schottky DiodeThe VaractorOther DiodesChapter 6BJT Fundamentals 1886-16-26-36-46-56-66-76-8The Unbiased TransistorThe Biased TransistorTransistor CurrentsThe CE ConnectionThe Base CurveCollector CurvesTransistor ApproximationsReading Data Sheets6-96-106-116-126-136-146-15Surface-Mount TransistorsVariations in Current GainThe Load LineThe Operating PointRecognizing SaturationThe Transistor SwitchTroubleshootingChapter 7BJT Biasing 2407-17-27-37-47-5Emitter BiasLED DriversTroubleshooting EmitterBias CircuitsMore OptoelectronicDevicesVoltage-Divider Bias7-67-77-87-97-107-11Accurate VDB AnalysisVDB Load Line andQPointTwo-Supply Emitter BiasOther Types of BiasTroubleshooting VDBCircuitsPNPTransistorsChapter 8Basic BJT Amplifiers 2808-18-28-38-48-58-6Base-Biased AmplifierEmitter-Biased AmplifierSmall-Signal OperationAC BetaAC Resistance of theEmitter DiodeTwo Transistor Models8-78-88-98-108-118-12Analyzing an AmplifierAC Quantities on the DataSheetVoltage GainThe Loading Effect of InputImpedanceSwamped AmplifierTroubleshootingChapter 9Multistage, CC, and CBAmplifiers 3269-19-29-39-49-5ContentsMultistage AmplifiersTwo-Stage FeedbackCC AmplifierOutput ImpedanceCascading CE and CC9-69-79-89-9Darlington ConnectionsVoltage RegulationThe Common-Base AmplifierTroubleshooting MultistageAmplifiersv [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]