Escape to Love - Kimberly Hunter, Nowe MM

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Escape to Love
Kimberly Hunter
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to
be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Escape to Love
Copyright© 2011 Kimberly Hunter
ISBN: 978-1-60088-714-7
Cover Artist: PJ Edwards
Editor: Devin Govaere
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in reviews.
Cobblestone Press, LLC
For the tenth time, Rory looked at the clock at the back of the bar.
Coot was almost two hours late. Not unusual in bad weather, but Mother
Nature had deemed to bless them with clear and sunny skies for the last
several days, melting a good chunk of snow and making the few roads in
the area more than passable. And even if the flights were behind, Coot
could make up for it with his chopper Lord knew it wouldn’t be the first
time But no this was different Rory’s gut was telling him that something
was wrong.
‚Cooter still not back yet?‛
The question made him blink with confusion for a moment, the
deep and gravely voice of Pete St. John bringing him out of his musings.
He quickly regained his composure, wiping down the bar then getting a
beer for Pete.
‚Not yet‛ He handed the beer over ‚The guy’s flight must have
been delayed And it doesn’t help that Lillian
as well as Aunt Rhea
called several times‛
Pete nodded in understanding, taking a healthy swallow of his beer
then carefully wiping the foam from his handlebar mustache ‚The
weather could have changed out that way We’re due for another big one
before spring‛
‚Yeah‛ Still that didn’t dispel the feeling of unease Rory had
Before either of them could comment further, there was a
screeching of tires and a slamming door. Coot then burst through the
pub’s door his white hair wind blown blue eyes bright with panic His
expression was one of sheer terror.
Rory didn’t hesitate He just jumped over the bar and rushed to
Coot’s side ‚What happened?‛
‚Your new boarder he’s in a bad way Rory Real bad‛ Coot then
turned and went back out, Rory fast on his heels, Pete following as well.
Getting to the back passenger door of Coot’s Land Rover Coot
opened it, revealing a small man laid out on his stomach. His pale and
lightly sweat
sheened face was partially covered by long, red-blond hair.
His breathing was shallow
and he was shivering despite the thick coat
and warm clothing he was wearing. His full lips were compressed in a
grimace, eyes closed. He was out cold.
Coot what the hell happened?‛ Rory carefully pushed the
long hair away from the man’s face to reveal fine features. His skin, on
closer inspection
was not only pale, but sheet white. He let out a low
moan, clearly in pain. Rory thought he was the most arrestingly beautiful
man he had ever seen regardless of his current condition.
‚Damned if I know‛ Coot huffed out a breath ‚He looked like shit
when I picked him up at the airport but he didn’t say a word
so I thought
maybe the flight must have been rough. Then half way here, the guy starts
breathing heavy and sweating like a whore in church. Next thing I know,
he passes out on me. Had to get George to help me get him into the Rover.
But every time we touched his back he would scream God Rory I don’t
want to hear anything like that again
man ever That’s way we laid him
on his stomach‛
Rory touched the man’s brow noting that he didn’t have a fever
despite the sweating his skin clammy and chilled ‚Its fine Coot You did
good my friend We’ll take care of him‛
‚Thanks Rory‛ Coot let out a gusty breath clearly relieved
guys. Pete, go get Doc Greywolf Tell him what’s
happened‛ Rory glanced at Pete getting a nod
then the man was off.
‚Coot we’ll need to take him up to my place for now The rental is too far
considering the condition this guy’s in And since you said it was his back
we’re going to have to carry him face down‛
Easier said than done. The poor guy had cried out in pain several
times and even lost what was left of his lunch before Rory and Coot
finally got him to Rory’s bed The man was covered in sweat and
shivering even more, moaning softly as they started to remove his clothes.
They were about to get his shirt and pants off when Doc Greywolf finally
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