Eric Flint & Tom Godwin - The Cold Equations, Angielskie [EN](4)(2)
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The Cold Equations
Tom Godwin
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any
resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 2003 by Tom Godwin.
The Survivors
was first published by Gnome Press in 1958, and reissued in 1960 by Pyramid Books
under the title
Space Prison.
"The Harvest" was first published in
in July, 1957. "Brain Teaser"
was first published in
in October, 1956. "Mother of Invention" was first published in
December, 1953. "—And Devious the Line of Duty" was first published in
in December, 1962.
"Empathy" was first published in
in October, 1959. "No Species Alone" was first published in
in November, 1954. "The Gulf Between" was first published in
in October, 1953.
"The Cold Equations" was first published in
in August, 1954.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471
ISBN: 0-7434-3601-6
Cover art by Clyde Caldwell
First printing, April 2003
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Godwin, Tom.
The cold equations & other stories / by Tom Godwin ; edited and
compiled by Eric Flint.
Page 1
p. cm.
ISBN 0-7434-3601-6 (pbk.)
1. Science fiction, American. 2. Space flight—Fiction. I. Title: Cold
equations and other stories. II. Flint, Eric. III. Title.
PS3557.O3175C65 2003
813'.54—dc21 2002043995
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Production by Windhaven Press, Auburn, NH
Printed in the United States of America
by Barry Malzberg
The title story of this volume, "The Cold Equations," is perhaps the most famous and controversial of all
science fiction short stories. When it first appeared in the August 1954 issue of
, it generated
more mail from readers than any story previously published in the magazine. Since then, it has been
reprinted thousands of times (almost all college courses on science fiction routinely include it on reading
lists). It has been the basis of a television movie and a
Twilight Zone
episode, and prior to that had been
adapted for radio and television many, many times.
Its impact remains. In the late l990's it was the subject of a furious debate in the intellectually ambitious
(or simply pretentious; you decide)
New York Review of Science Fiction
in which the story was
anatomized as anti-feminist, proto-feminist, hard-edged realism, squishy fantasy for the self-deluded,
misogynistic past routine pathology, crypto-fascist, etc., etc. One correspondent suggested
barely-concealed pederasty.
The debaters' affect over a story more than four decades old was extraordinary, and the debate did not
end so much as it kind of expired from exhaustion. Godwin's adoptive daughter, Diane Sullivan, said in
conclusion that Godwin himself had always felt women were "To be loved and protected" and A.J.
Budrys in a similarly funerary tone noted that " 'The Cold Equations' was the best short story that Godwin
ever wrote and he didn't write it."
But, of course, he did. I'll have more to say about the history of the short story in my afterword (see
below), but for now that's enough. Here, in one volume, are the best writings of Tom Godwin. It begins
with his most popular novel,
The Survivors,
and closes with his legendary story, "The Cold Equations."
Editor's note: This is my personal favorite of all of Godwin's writings. Some of my fondness for this short
novel, I'll admit, is perhaps simply nostalgia. The first two science fiction novels I ever read were Robert
Heinlein's Citizen of the Galaxy and . . . this one. Between them, the two stories instilled a love of science
fiction in a thirteen-year-old boy which has now lasted for more than four decades. But leaving that aside,
I think this story more than any other captures those themes which recur constantly in Godwin's fiction:
the value of courage and loyalty.
Page 2
Godwin had a grim side to him, which is reflected in The Survivors as it is in most of his stories,
but—also as in most—it is ultimately a story of triumph. More so, in some ways, than in any other
science fiction novel I've ever read.
Eric Flint
Part 1
For seven weeks the
had been plunging through hyperspace with her eight thousand
colonists; fleeing like a hunted thing with her communicators silenced and her drives moaning and
thundering. Up in the control room, Irene had been told, the needles of the dials danced against the red
danger lines day and night.
She lay in bed and listened to the muffled, ceaseless roar of the drives and felt the singing vibration of the
We should be almost safe by now
, she thought.
Athena is only forty days away
Thinking of the new life awaiting them all made her too restless to lie still any longer. She got up, to sit on
the edge of the bed and switch on the light. Dale was gone—he had been summoned to adjust one of the
machines in the ship's X-ray room—and Billy was asleep, nothing showing of him above the covers but a
crop of brown hair and the furry nose of his ragged teddy bear.
She reached out to straighten the covers, gently, so as not to awaken him. It happened then, the thing
they had all feared.
From the stern of the ship came a jarring, deafening explosion. The ship lurched violently, girders
screamed, and the light flicked out.
In the darkness she heard a rapid-fire
as the automatic guard system slid
inter-compartment doors shut against sections of the ship suddenly airless. The doors were still thudding
shut when another explosion came, from toward the bow. Then there was silence; a feeling of utter quiet
and motionlessness.
The fingers of fear enclosed her and her mind said to her, like the cold, unpassionate voice of a stranger:
The Gerns have found us
The light came on again, a feeble glow, and there was the soft, muffled sound of questioning voices in the
other compartments. She dressed, her fingers shaking and clumsy, wishing that Dale would come to
reassure her; to tell her that nothing really serious had happened, that it had not been the Gerns.
It was very still in the little compartment—strangely so. She had finished dressing when she realized the
reason: the air circulation system had stopped working.
That meant the power failure was so great that the air regenerators, themselves, were dead. And there
were eight thousand people on the
who would have to have air to live . . .
buzzer sounded shrilly from the public address system speakers that were scattered
down the ship's corridors. A voice she recognized as that of Lieutenant Commander Lake spoke:
Page 3
"War was declared upon Earth by the Gern Empire ten days ago. Two Gern cruisers have attacked us
and their blasters have destroyed the stern and bow of the ship. We are without a drive and without
power but for a few emergency batteries. I am the
's only surviving officer and the Gern
commander is boarding us to give me the surrender terms.
"None of you will leave your compartments until ordered to do so. Wherever you may be, remain there.
This is necessary to avoid confusion and to have as many as possible in known locations for future
instructions. I repeat: you will not leave your compartments."
The speaker cut off. She stood without moving and heard again the words:
I am the
only surviving officer . . .
The Gerns had killed her father.
He had been second-in-command of the Dunbar expedition that had discovered the world of Athena
and his knowledge of Athena was valuable to the colonization plans. He had been quartered among the
ship's officers—and the Gern blast had destroyed that section of the ship.
She sat down on the edge of the bed again and tried to reorient herself; to accept the fact that her life
and the lives of all the others had abruptly, irrevocably, been changed.
The Athena Colonization Plan was ended. They had known such a thing might happen—that was why
had been made ready for the voyage in secret and had waited for months for the
chance to slip through the ring of Gern spy ships; that was why she had raced at full speed, with her
communicators silenced so there would be no radiations for the Gerns to find her by. Only forty days
more would have brought them to the green and virgin world of Athena, four hundred light-years beyond
the outermost boundary of the Gern Empire. There they should have been safe from Gern detection for
many years to come; for long enough to build planetary defenses against attack. And there they would
have used Athena's rich resources to make ships and weapons to defend mineral-depleted Earth against
the inexorably increasing inclosure of the mighty, coldly calculating colossus that was the Gern Empire.
Success or failure of the Athena Plan had meant ultimate life or death for Earth. They had taken every
precaution possible but the Gern spy system had somehow learned of Athena and the
Now, the cold war was no longer cold and the Plan was dust . . .
* * *
Billy sighed and stirred in the little-boy sleep that had not been broken by the blasts that had altered the
lives of eight thousand people and the fate of a world.
She shook his shoulder and said, "Billy."
He raised up, so small and young to her eyes that the question in her mind was like an anguished prayer:
Dear God—what do Gerns do to five-year-old boys?
He saw her face, and the dim light, and the sleepiness was suddenly gone from him. "What's wrong,
Mama? And why are you scared?"
There was no reason to lie to him.
"The Gerns found us and stopped us."
Page 4
"Oh," he said. In his manner was the grave thoughtfulness of a boy twice his age, as there always was.
"Will they—will they kill us?"
"Get dressed, honey," she said. "Hurry, so we'll be ready when they let Daddy come back to tell us what
to do."
* * *
They were both ready when the
buzzer sounded in the corridors. Lake spoke, his tone grim
and bitter:
"There is no power for the air regenerators and within twenty hours we will start smothering to death.
Under these circumstances I could not do other than accept the survival terms the Gern commander
offered us.
"He will speak to you now and you will obey his orders without protest. Death is the only alternative."
Then the voice of the Gern commander came, quick and harsh and brittle:
"This section of space, together with planet Athena, is an extension of the Gern Empire. This ship has
deliberately invaded Gern territory in time of war with intent to seize and exploit a Gern world. We are
willing, however, to offer a leniency not required by the circumstances. Terran technicians and skilled
workers in certain fields can be used in the factories we shall build on Athena. The others will not be
needed and there is not room on the cruisers to take them.
"Your occupation records will be used to divide you into two groups: the Acceptables and the Rejects.
The Rejects will be taken by the cruisers to an Earth-type planet near here and left, together with the
personal possessions in their compartments and additional, and ample, supplies. The Acceptables will
then be taken on to Athena and at a later date the cruisers will return the Rejects to Earth.
"This division will split families but there will be no resistance to it. Gern guards will be sent immediately
to make this division and you will wait in your compartments for them. You will obey their orders
promptly and without annoying them with questions. At the first instance of resistance or rebellion this
offer will be withdrawn and the cruisers will go their way again."
* * *
In the silence following the ultimatum she could hear the soft, wordless murmur from the other
compartments, the undertone of anxiety like a dark thread through it. In every compartment parents and
children, brothers and sisters, were seeing one another for the last time . . .
The corridor outside rang to the tramp of feet; the sound of a dozen Gerns walking with swift military
precision. She held her breath, her heart racing, but they went past her door and on to the corridor's end.
There she could faintly hear them entering compartments, demanding names, and saying, "
Once she heard a Gern say, "Acceptables will remain inside until further notice. Do not open your doors
after the Rejects have been taken out."
Billy touched her on the hand. "Isn't Daddy going to come?"
Page 5
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
The Cold Equations
Tom Godwin
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any
resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 2003 by Tom Godwin.
The Survivors
was first published by Gnome Press in 1958, and reissued in 1960 by Pyramid Books
under the title
Space Prison.
"The Harvest" was first published in
in July, 1957. "Brain Teaser"
was first published in
in October, 1956. "Mother of Invention" was first published in
December, 1953. "—And Devious the Line of Duty" was first published in
in December, 1962.
"Empathy" was first published in
in October, 1959. "No Species Alone" was first published in
in November, 1954. "The Gulf Between" was first published in
in October, 1953.
"The Cold Equations" was first published in
in August, 1954.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471
ISBN: 0-7434-3601-6
Cover art by Clyde Caldwell
First printing, April 2003
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Godwin, Tom.
The cold equations & other stories / by Tom Godwin ; edited and
compiled by Eric Flint.
Page 1
p. cm.
ISBN 0-7434-3601-6 (pbk.)
1. Science fiction, American. 2. Space flight—Fiction. I. Title: Cold
equations and other stories. II. Flint, Eric. III. Title.
PS3557.O3175C65 2003
813'.54—dc21 2002043995
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Production by Windhaven Press, Auburn, NH
Printed in the United States of America
by Barry Malzberg
The title story of this volume, "The Cold Equations," is perhaps the most famous and controversial of all
science fiction short stories. When it first appeared in the August 1954 issue of
, it generated
more mail from readers than any story previously published in the magazine. Since then, it has been
reprinted thousands of times (almost all college courses on science fiction routinely include it on reading
lists). It has been the basis of a television movie and a
Twilight Zone
episode, and prior to that had been
adapted for radio and television many, many times.
Its impact remains. In the late l990's it was the subject of a furious debate in the intellectually ambitious
(or simply pretentious; you decide)
New York Review of Science Fiction
in which the story was
anatomized as anti-feminist, proto-feminist, hard-edged realism, squishy fantasy for the self-deluded,
misogynistic past routine pathology, crypto-fascist, etc., etc. One correspondent suggested
barely-concealed pederasty.
The debaters' affect over a story more than four decades old was extraordinary, and the debate did not
end so much as it kind of expired from exhaustion. Godwin's adoptive daughter, Diane Sullivan, said in
conclusion that Godwin himself had always felt women were "To be loved and protected" and A.J.
Budrys in a similarly funerary tone noted that " 'The Cold Equations' was the best short story that Godwin
ever wrote and he didn't write it."
But, of course, he did. I'll have more to say about the history of the short story in my afterword (see
below), but for now that's enough. Here, in one volume, are the best writings of Tom Godwin. It begins
with his most popular novel,
The Survivors,
and closes with his legendary story, "The Cold Equations."
Editor's note: This is my personal favorite of all of Godwin's writings. Some of my fondness for this short
novel, I'll admit, is perhaps simply nostalgia. The first two science fiction novels I ever read were Robert
Heinlein's Citizen of the Galaxy and . . . this one. Between them, the two stories instilled a love of science
fiction in a thirteen-year-old boy which has now lasted for more than four decades. But leaving that aside,
I think this story more than any other captures those themes which recur constantly in Godwin's fiction:
the value of courage and loyalty.
Page 2
Godwin had a grim side to him, which is reflected in The Survivors as it is in most of his stories,
but—also as in most—it is ultimately a story of triumph. More so, in some ways, than in any other
science fiction novel I've ever read.
Eric Flint
Part 1
For seven weeks the
had been plunging through hyperspace with her eight thousand
colonists; fleeing like a hunted thing with her communicators silenced and her drives moaning and
thundering. Up in the control room, Irene had been told, the needles of the dials danced against the red
danger lines day and night.
She lay in bed and listened to the muffled, ceaseless roar of the drives and felt the singing vibration of the
We should be almost safe by now
, she thought.
Athena is only forty days away
Thinking of the new life awaiting them all made her too restless to lie still any longer. She got up, to sit on
the edge of the bed and switch on the light. Dale was gone—he had been summoned to adjust one of the
machines in the ship's X-ray room—and Billy was asleep, nothing showing of him above the covers but a
crop of brown hair and the furry nose of his ragged teddy bear.
She reached out to straighten the covers, gently, so as not to awaken him. It happened then, the thing
they had all feared.
From the stern of the ship came a jarring, deafening explosion. The ship lurched violently, girders
screamed, and the light flicked out.
In the darkness she heard a rapid-fire
as the automatic guard system slid
inter-compartment doors shut against sections of the ship suddenly airless. The doors were still thudding
shut when another explosion came, from toward the bow. Then there was silence; a feeling of utter quiet
and motionlessness.
The fingers of fear enclosed her and her mind said to her, like the cold, unpassionate voice of a stranger:
The Gerns have found us
The light came on again, a feeble glow, and there was the soft, muffled sound of questioning voices in the
other compartments. She dressed, her fingers shaking and clumsy, wishing that Dale would come to
reassure her; to tell her that nothing really serious had happened, that it had not been the Gerns.
It was very still in the little compartment—strangely so. She had finished dressing when she realized the
reason: the air circulation system had stopped working.
That meant the power failure was so great that the air regenerators, themselves, were dead. And there
were eight thousand people on the
who would have to have air to live . . .
buzzer sounded shrilly from the public address system speakers that were scattered
down the ship's corridors. A voice she recognized as that of Lieutenant Commander Lake spoke:
Page 3
"War was declared upon Earth by the Gern Empire ten days ago. Two Gern cruisers have attacked us
and their blasters have destroyed the stern and bow of the ship. We are without a drive and without
power but for a few emergency batteries. I am the
's only surviving officer and the Gern
commander is boarding us to give me the surrender terms.
"None of you will leave your compartments until ordered to do so. Wherever you may be, remain there.
This is necessary to avoid confusion and to have as many as possible in known locations for future
instructions. I repeat: you will not leave your compartments."
The speaker cut off. She stood without moving and heard again the words:
I am the
only surviving officer . . .
The Gerns had killed her father.
He had been second-in-command of the Dunbar expedition that had discovered the world of Athena
and his knowledge of Athena was valuable to the colonization plans. He had been quartered among the
ship's officers—and the Gern blast had destroyed that section of the ship.
She sat down on the edge of the bed again and tried to reorient herself; to accept the fact that her life
and the lives of all the others had abruptly, irrevocably, been changed.
The Athena Colonization Plan was ended. They had known such a thing might happen—that was why
had been made ready for the voyage in secret and had waited for months for the
chance to slip through the ring of Gern spy ships; that was why she had raced at full speed, with her
communicators silenced so there would be no radiations for the Gerns to find her by. Only forty days
more would have brought them to the green and virgin world of Athena, four hundred light-years beyond
the outermost boundary of the Gern Empire. There they should have been safe from Gern detection for
many years to come; for long enough to build planetary defenses against attack. And there they would
have used Athena's rich resources to make ships and weapons to defend mineral-depleted Earth against
the inexorably increasing inclosure of the mighty, coldly calculating colossus that was the Gern Empire.
Success or failure of the Athena Plan had meant ultimate life or death for Earth. They had taken every
precaution possible but the Gern spy system had somehow learned of Athena and the
Now, the cold war was no longer cold and the Plan was dust . . .
* * *
Billy sighed and stirred in the little-boy sleep that had not been broken by the blasts that had altered the
lives of eight thousand people and the fate of a world.
She shook his shoulder and said, "Billy."
He raised up, so small and young to her eyes that the question in her mind was like an anguished prayer:
Dear God—what do Gerns do to five-year-old boys?
He saw her face, and the dim light, and the sleepiness was suddenly gone from him. "What's wrong,
Mama? And why are you scared?"
There was no reason to lie to him.
"The Gerns found us and stopped us."
Page 4
"Oh," he said. In his manner was the grave thoughtfulness of a boy twice his age, as there always was.
"Will they—will they kill us?"
"Get dressed, honey," she said. "Hurry, so we'll be ready when they let Daddy come back to tell us what
to do."
* * *
They were both ready when the
buzzer sounded in the corridors. Lake spoke, his tone grim
and bitter:
"There is no power for the air regenerators and within twenty hours we will start smothering to death.
Under these circumstances I could not do other than accept the survival terms the Gern commander
offered us.
"He will speak to you now and you will obey his orders without protest. Death is the only alternative."
Then the voice of the Gern commander came, quick and harsh and brittle:
"This section of space, together with planet Athena, is an extension of the Gern Empire. This ship has
deliberately invaded Gern territory in time of war with intent to seize and exploit a Gern world. We are
willing, however, to offer a leniency not required by the circumstances. Terran technicians and skilled
workers in certain fields can be used in the factories we shall build on Athena. The others will not be
needed and there is not room on the cruisers to take them.
"Your occupation records will be used to divide you into two groups: the Acceptables and the Rejects.
The Rejects will be taken by the cruisers to an Earth-type planet near here and left, together with the
personal possessions in their compartments and additional, and ample, supplies. The Acceptables will
then be taken on to Athena and at a later date the cruisers will return the Rejects to Earth.
"This division will split families but there will be no resistance to it. Gern guards will be sent immediately
to make this division and you will wait in your compartments for them. You will obey their orders
promptly and without annoying them with questions. At the first instance of resistance or rebellion this
offer will be withdrawn and the cruisers will go their way again."
* * *
In the silence following the ultimatum she could hear the soft, wordless murmur from the other
compartments, the undertone of anxiety like a dark thread through it. In every compartment parents and
children, brothers and sisters, were seeing one another for the last time . . .
The corridor outside rang to the tramp of feet; the sound of a dozen Gerns walking with swift military
precision. She held her breath, her heart racing, but they went past her door and on to the corridor's end.
There she could faintly hear them entering compartments, demanding names, and saying, "
Once she heard a Gern say, "Acceptables will remain inside until further notice. Do not open your doors
after the Rejects have been taken out."
Billy touched her on the hand. "Isn't Daddy going to come?"
Page 5
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