Eric Flint - Rats , Angielskie [EN](4)(2)
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Rats, Bats and Vats
by Dave Freer and Eric Flint
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this
book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely
Copyright (c) 2000 by Dave Freer & Eric Flint
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions
thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471
ISBN: 0-671-31940-X
Cover art by Bob Eggleton
Interior maps by Randy Asplund
First printing, September 2000
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Freer, Dave.
Rats, bats & vats / by Dave Freer & Eric Flint.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-671-31940-X
1. Human-animal relationships -- Fiction. 2. Revolutionaries -- Fiction.
I. Title: Rats, bats, and vats. II. Flint, Eric. III. Title.
PS3556.R3935 R37 2000
813'.54 -- dc21 00-040370
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Production by Windhaven Press, Auburn, NH
Printed in the United States of America
To the world's grunts
Also by Dave Freer:
The Forlorn
Also by Eric Flint:
Mother of Demons
The Belisarius series, with David Drake:
An Oblique Approach
In the Heart of Darkness
Destiny's Shield
Fortune's Stroke
The Federation of the Hub series,
by James H. Schmitz
edited by Eric Flint:
Telzey Amberdon
T'NT: Telzey & Trigger
Trigger & Friends
by Dave Freer
This book owes a great deal to the advice of several people: Conrad Chu, for
his tolerant explanations of technical aspects, our fellow author John Ringo
for his input on military matters, and Aubrey Rautenbach for his patient
advice on tractors and cropsprayers. I must also thank my longsuffering
biologist/scientist peers, Drs. Ware, Wolber, Baker, Collins and Hawkes, for
their help in solving the biological conundrums involved in building alien
biosystems. Any errors are ours, not theirs. In addition to this, many of the
snippets of information.
Two other people need especial thanks: my wife Barbara, and Kathy Holton, my
proofreader. Between the two of them they turn my English into something
readable, before I turn my pages over to Eric. Barbs also exercises enormous
restraint and tolerance with a husband who lives in an alien world half the
Finally, I'd like to thank my friend and writing mentor, Eric (the Bear)
Flint. Countless e-mail discussions, the chapters being passed to-and-fro, and
not a few international calls, made this book -- and also made it great fun to
write. The constant sparking off each other produced a book I could never have
written alone.
Dave Freer
South Africa
November 11, 1999
Dramatis Personae
CHIP, A Vat-grown conscript. A thing of rags and tatters.
GINNY, A damsel of high degree; and a secret.
FITZHUGH, The very model of a modern major.
FAL, Great of appetite. Small of martial rigor.
DOLL, A rattess of negotiable virtue.
PHYLLA, A rattess. Though cattish of tongue.
MELENE, A rat-damsel of acumen, and a very attractive tail.
PISTOL, A rat-at-arms. One-eyed.
NYM, A giant among rats; and mechanically bent.
"DOC," A ratly philosopher and medic.
ARIEL, A rattess of fell repute. Fond of model majors.
BRONSTEIN, She-bat who must be obeyed.
SIOBHAN, A fussy mother-bat.
O'NIEL, A plump bat; but a true soul.
BEHAN, A loyal batty.
EAMON, A large and dangerous bat. And disgruntled.
Et Alia
PROF, Tutor to Ginny; remarkably like a sea urchin.
FLUFF, A galago, confused with Don Quixote.
And a supporting cast of: one Jampad, various stalwarts, innumerable fools,
and several million villainous Magh'.
[[Insert 2 maps here]]
A successful experiment.
THE EXPEDITER LISTENED in silence. With difficulty, it managed to remain
motionless. The Expediter was in the middle of its sex-interphase and the
hormonal changes always made it irritable. That irritability interfered with
its logical thought processes. The Expediter did not want to act out of simple
Should it continue to prevaricate?
Lying was possible, of course, especially to such as these. Primitive
creatures, really, the female as much as the male. But the Expediter thought
that it would still be very difficult. Any explanation as to why the starship
had left so hastily would seem contrived -- even to the two stupid beings who
were bombarding the Expediter with their clamor.
The Expediter pondered the matter for some time before coming to its
No. Further prevarication would hardly be worth the effort. Besides, the
Expediter thought that it was time to discover how well the protease haemato-
toxin affected this species.
The dart-spines targeted, ocelli orientating them to center on the soft,
bulging midriff-masses. The two beings in the room made no attempt to escape.
They simply continued their babble. Apparently, they did not recognize the
purpose of the spines. An interesting datum.
Razor-tipped, barbed harpoon-darts streaked out, each trailing their
protoplasm hose. The skewering force of the darts cut into the gold head-
filamented female in mid-shrill. Her bleat became a scream as the Expediter's
internal myomeres pumped the massive dose of digestive-toxin into the soft-
The creatures threshed. The Expediter studied the ensuing process with
Cell-lysis caused the circulatory fluids to pour out of the eating and scent-
detection orifices. The soft, pallid epidermis ulcerated and erupted, spraying
liquefied flesh. The bipedal beings were now twisting and writhing in bizarre
Another interesting datum. The Expediter had not realized that their vertebral
columns could bend as far as that. Endoskeletons were strange biological
adaptations. It made a note of that flexibility.
The Expediter watched as lysis continued. A full two minutes passed before the
bodies finally lay still. Also worth noting. The digestive-toxin was not
rapid, but it was effective. That, of course, was to be expected. The
Overphyle had yet to discover a sentient species immune to it.
The Expediter disengaged the barbs of its harpoon darts, pulled them out and
winched them back into itself. Then, after a moment's hesitation, decided not
to feed. It was not particularly hungry, and there was always a slight risk
with ingesting untested alien protein.
Multiple ocelli checked the room. Other than the two sprawled, bloody, ruined
bodies there were no signs of the Expediter's passage.
Calmly, it left, locking the door behind it. In the silent and luxuriously
appointed room, the only trace that remained of the murderer's identity was a
faint camphor-naphthalene scent. That would dissipate within a few minutes.
The Expediter itself was quite oblivious to the smell, but it hardly mattered.
By the time the servants found the bodies, the odor would be indistinguishable
from the general reek.
Chapter 1:
Under Enemy Attack.
DOWN IN THE BUNKER the music issuing from Chip Connolly's small portable radio
stopped. "We interrupt this broadcast of Forces-Favorite Radio with a
newsflash. The bodies of the Chairman of the Board, Aloysius Shaw, and his
wife, Gina, were found by household staff in an advanced state of
decomposition. Despite this, servants claim that the Chief Executive
Shareholder had been alive five hours previously. Foul play is suspected.
Police are following definite leads and several suspects are being held for
Chip sat up. "I'll be damned," he muttered. There was no noticeable chagrin in
his voice. "Somebody up and killed the rotten -- "
He broke off, feeling the ground shake. A moment later, the bunker rumbled
with thunder. Dust and dirt showered down from the roof. Chip sighed. Clearly,
the lull in the bombardment was over.
Another shake and rumble, and dirt showered down on them again. Some sifted
onto Chip's face. One of the other soldiers in the bunker sneezed in the
darkness. They were being softened up for an advance. For the three hours
prior to that brief lull, he hadn't heard anything much except for the endless
pounding thunder of Magh' artillery.
Shit! That meant -- Chip flicked the infrared headlight on, just in time to
see the whole wall behind Lieutenant Rosetski, Dermott and Mack cave in on top
of them.
Out of the billowing dust stormed the stuff of nightmares: Magh'.
They were a variety of creatures designed to shred soft bodies. Their white
pseudo-chitin armor gleamed and their chelicerae snapped angrily. Then the air
was full of shouting and squeaking. In the wild, confused melee, headlight
beams danced in the dusty air, as more and more of the invaders piled in.
The Maggot arrowscorp nearly got him. Chip rolled frantically, barely getting
clear, thrusting his blade out sideways. The stupid scorp slid straight onto
the Solingen steel. It wasn't standard issue, that knife. It was a real
twenty-first-century chef's knife from Old Earth, which Chip had stolen from
his employer's kitchen the day before he had reported to boot camp.
Good thing he had, too. The official crap the soldiers were issued wouldn't
even have penetrated. The colony's steel plant would have been at home in
1870. With a standard-issue blade he'd have been dead already. Instead, Chip
was able to enjoy the experience of having an arrowscorp slowly pressing down
onto him, snapping its jaws eight inches from his face, about to kill him in,
oh, maybe ten seconds or so.
The spine-tail streaked forward, barely missing his twisting shoulder with its
venomous barb. Chip managed to grab it, just behind the stinger, and cling to
the slippery, leathery pseudo-chitin. Corrosive venom dripped, inches from his
arm. The Solingen steel slid slowly through some more Maggot, then stopped
against a joint ridge-thickening. The Maggot's ichor dribbled off his wrist
and into the dust as the creature pressed down onto him.
The back-edged jaws were only inches off his face now. The creature writhed,
jaws snapping air just in front of him. Chip couldn't let go, and he couldn't
win. In the clatter-clatter and effort-grunts of hand, claw and tooth combat,
somebody screamed in a terrible, tearing agony. A scorp sting had obviously
gone home.
"Help me!" another shrill voice shrieked above the tumult.
It sounded like a rat. Hell and buggery! He couldn't even help himself! Sweat
was lubricating the hand that clung to the scorp's tail. Any moment now and
he'd be screaming too . . .
Suddenly, his headlight silhouetted a batwing flutter, then highlighted a
clash of inch-long white-white fangs in an evil, black squashed-pigsnout face.
The scorp went limp, its ganglion-ladder severed.
Chip shoved it away, gasping. "Thanks, Michaela!"
"Moronic, useless, be-damned Primate!" Michaela Bronstein fluttered off,
dodging other reaching and snapping claws with ease.
"Get it offa me!" groaned a smothered voice from the dusty darkness. Chip's
searching headlight showed a long tail protruding from under a St. Bernard-
sized armored burrower. The stocky soldier heaved the dead Maggot aside by the
telson. A long-snouted plump rat-shape, as big as a small siamese cat,
scrambled hastily out from under, with its red-tipped fangs exposed in a
wicked, lean-jawed grin.
The rat leaped at Chip's throat, moving in a twisting maelstrom of teeth and
raking claws. Sudden shreds flew . . . from the joint of the saw-edged
pedipalp that had been about to take Chip's head off. The rat had disabled one
claw, but the other claw would soon snap the rat. Chip's Solingen steel proved
its quality again, slicing an exact "X" into the double ventral ganglion knot
of the attacking Maggot. A quick, neat, precise job, like carving tomato
"Shee . . . yit! That was nearly my head," panted Chip. He and the rat both
scrambled clear of the falling Maggot.
Long insectivore teeth gleamed. "You owe me a beer, Connolly. Make it two.
I've got a nice bit of tail I'd like to share it with."
"Bullshit! You owe me, Fal -- "
The air boomed and fragments ricocheted off Chip's slowshield. Great! thought
Chip, with relief. One of the bat-bombardiers must have blown the Maggot
access tunnel. Now at least they only had to deal with what was already inside
the bunker. Chip stumbled over something in the dust and darkness. Fell.
Landed hard.
"Get your sorry whoreson ass offa my tail," chittered a feminine voice in the
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Rats, Bats and Vats
by Dave Freer and Eric Flint
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this
book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely
Copyright (c) 2000 by Dave Freer & Eric Flint
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions
thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471
ISBN: 0-671-31940-X
Cover art by Bob Eggleton
Interior maps by Randy Asplund
First printing, September 2000
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Freer, Dave.
Rats, bats & vats / by Dave Freer & Eric Flint.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-671-31940-X
1. Human-animal relationships -- Fiction. 2. Revolutionaries -- Fiction.
I. Title: Rats, bats, and vats. II. Flint, Eric. III. Title.
PS3556.R3935 R37 2000
813'.54 -- dc21 00-040370
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Production by Windhaven Press, Auburn, NH
Printed in the United States of America
To the world's grunts
Also by Dave Freer:
The Forlorn
Also by Eric Flint:
Mother of Demons
The Belisarius series, with David Drake:
An Oblique Approach
In the Heart of Darkness
Destiny's Shield
Fortune's Stroke
The Federation of the Hub series,
by James H. Schmitz
edited by Eric Flint:
Telzey Amberdon
T'NT: Telzey & Trigger
Trigger & Friends
by Dave Freer
This book owes a great deal to the advice of several people: Conrad Chu, for
his tolerant explanations of technical aspects, our fellow author John Ringo
for his input on military matters, and Aubrey Rautenbach for his patient
advice on tractors and cropsprayers. I must also thank my longsuffering
biologist/scientist peers, Drs. Ware, Wolber, Baker, Collins and Hawkes, for
their help in solving the biological conundrums involved in building alien
biosystems. Any errors are ours, not theirs. In addition to this, many of the
snippets of information.
Two other people need especial thanks: my wife Barbara, and Kathy Holton, my
proofreader. Between the two of them they turn my English into something
readable, before I turn my pages over to Eric. Barbs also exercises enormous
restraint and tolerance with a husband who lives in an alien world half the
Finally, I'd like to thank my friend and writing mentor, Eric (the Bear)
Flint. Countless e-mail discussions, the chapters being passed to-and-fro, and
not a few international calls, made this book -- and also made it great fun to
write. The constant sparking off each other produced a book I could never have
written alone.
Dave Freer
South Africa
November 11, 1999
Dramatis Personae
CHIP, A Vat-grown conscript. A thing of rags and tatters.
GINNY, A damsel of high degree; and a secret.
FITZHUGH, The very model of a modern major.
FAL, Great of appetite. Small of martial rigor.
DOLL, A rattess of negotiable virtue.
PHYLLA, A rattess. Though cattish of tongue.
MELENE, A rat-damsel of acumen, and a very attractive tail.
PISTOL, A rat-at-arms. One-eyed.
NYM, A giant among rats; and mechanically bent.
"DOC," A ratly philosopher and medic.
ARIEL, A rattess of fell repute. Fond of model majors.
BRONSTEIN, She-bat who must be obeyed.
SIOBHAN, A fussy mother-bat.
O'NIEL, A plump bat; but a true soul.
BEHAN, A loyal batty.
EAMON, A large and dangerous bat. And disgruntled.
Et Alia
PROF, Tutor to Ginny; remarkably like a sea urchin.
FLUFF, A galago, confused with Don Quixote.
And a supporting cast of: one Jampad, various stalwarts, innumerable fools,
and several million villainous Magh'.
[[Insert 2 maps here]]
A successful experiment.
THE EXPEDITER LISTENED in silence. With difficulty, it managed to remain
motionless. The Expediter was in the middle of its sex-interphase and the
hormonal changes always made it irritable. That irritability interfered with
its logical thought processes. The Expediter did not want to act out of simple
Should it continue to prevaricate?
Lying was possible, of course, especially to such as these. Primitive
creatures, really, the female as much as the male. But the Expediter thought
that it would still be very difficult. Any explanation as to why the starship
had left so hastily would seem contrived -- even to the two stupid beings who
were bombarding the Expediter with their clamor.
The Expediter pondered the matter for some time before coming to its
No. Further prevarication would hardly be worth the effort. Besides, the
Expediter thought that it was time to discover how well the protease haemato-
toxin affected this species.
The dart-spines targeted, ocelli orientating them to center on the soft,
bulging midriff-masses. The two beings in the room made no attempt to escape.
They simply continued their babble. Apparently, they did not recognize the
purpose of the spines. An interesting datum.
Razor-tipped, barbed harpoon-darts streaked out, each trailing their
protoplasm hose. The skewering force of the darts cut into the gold head-
filamented female in mid-shrill. Her bleat became a scream as the Expediter's
internal myomeres pumped the massive dose of digestive-toxin into the soft-
The creatures threshed. The Expediter studied the ensuing process with
Cell-lysis caused the circulatory fluids to pour out of the eating and scent-
detection orifices. The soft, pallid epidermis ulcerated and erupted, spraying
liquefied flesh. The bipedal beings were now twisting and writhing in bizarre
Another interesting datum. The Expediter had not realized that their vertebral
columns could bend as far as that. Endoskeletons were strange biological
adaptations. It made a note of that flexibility.
The Expediter watched as lysis continued. A full two minutes passed before the
bodies finally lay still. Also worth noting. The digestive-toxin was not
rapid, but it was effective. That, of course, was to be expected. The
Overphyle had yet to discover a sentient species immune to it.
The Expediter disengaged the barbs of its harpoon darts, pulled them out and
winched them back into itself. Then, after a moment's hesitation, decided not
to feed. It was not particularly hungry, and there was always a slight risk
with ingesting untested alien protein.
Multiple ocelli checked the room. Other than the two sprawled, bloody, ruined
bodies there were no signs of the Expediter's passage.
Calmly, it left, locking the door behind it. In the silent and luxuriously
appointed room, the only trace that remained of the murderer's identity was a
faint camphor-naphthalene scent. That would dissipate within a few minutes.
The Expediter itself was quite oblivious to the smell, but it hardly mattered.
By the time the servants found the bodies, the odor would be indistinguishable
from the general reek.
Chapter 1:
Under Enemy Attack.
DOWN IN THE BUNKER the music issuing from Chip Connolly's small portable radio
stopped. "We interrupt this broadcast of Forces-Favorite Radio with a
newsflash. The bodies of the Chairman of the Board, Aloysius Shaw, and his
wife, Gina, were found by household staff in an advanced state of
decomposition. Despite this, servants claim that the Chief Executive
Shareholder had been alive five hours previously. Foul play is suspected.
Police are following definite leads and several suspects are being held for
Chip sat up. "I'll be damned," he muttered. There was no noticeable chagrin in
his voice. "Somebody up and killed the rotten -- "
He broke off, feeling the ground shake. A moment later, the bunker rumbled
with thunder. Dust and dirt showered down from the roof. Chip sighed. Clearly,
the lull in the bombardment was over.
Another shake and rumble, and dirt showered down on them again. Some sifted
onto Chip's face. One of the other soldiers in the bunker sneezed in the
darkness. They were being softened up for an advance. For the three hours
prior to that brief lull, he hadn't heard anything much except for the endless
pounding thunder of Magh' artillery.
Shit! That meant -- Chip flicked the infrared headlight on, just in time to
see the whole wall behind Lieutenant Rosetski, Dermott and Mack cave in on top
of them.
Out of the billowing dust stormed the stuff of nightmares: Magh'.
They were a variety of creatures designed to shred soft bodies. Their white
pseudo-chitin armor gleamed and their chelicerae snapped angrily. Then the air
was full of shouting and squeaking. In the wild, confused melee, headlight
beams danced in the dusty air, as more and more of the invaders piled in.
The Maggot arrowscorp nearly got him. Chip rolled frantically, barely getting
clear, thrusting his blade out sideways. The stupid scorp slid straight onto
the Solingen steel. It wasn't standard issue, that knife. It was a real
twenty-first-century chef's knife from Old Earth, which Chip had stolen from
his employer's kitchen the day before he had reported to boot camp.
Good thing he had, too. The official crap the soldiers were issued wouldn't
even have penetrated. The colony's steel plant would have been at home in
1870. With a standard-issue blade he'd have been dead already. Instead, Chip
was able to enjoy the experience of having an arrowscorp slowly pressing down
onto him, snapping its jaws eight inches from his face, about to kill him in,
oh, maybe ten seconds or so.
The spine-tail streaked forward, barely missing his twisting shoulder with its
venomous barb. Chip managed to grab it, just behind the stinger, and cling to
the slippery, leathery pseudo-chitin. Corrosive venom dripped, inches from his
arm. The Solingen steel slid slowly through some more Maggot, then stopped
against a joint ridge-thickening. The Maggot's ichor dribbled off his wrist
and into the dust as the creature pressed down onto him.
The back-edged jaws were only inches off his face now. The creature writhed,
jaws snapping air just in front of him. Chip couldn't let go, and he couldn't
win. In the clatter-clatter and effort-grunts of hand, claw and tooth combat,
somebody screamed in a terrible, tearing agony. A scorp sting had obviously
gone home.
"Help me!" another shrill voice shrieked above the tumult.
It sounded like a rat. Hell and buggery! He couldn't even help himself! Sweat
was lubricating the hand that clung to the scorp's tail. Any moment now and
he'd be screaming too . . .
Suddenly, his headlight silhouetted a batwing flutter, then highlighted a
clash of inch-long white-white fangs in an evil, black squashed-pigsnout face.
The scorp went limp, its ganglion-ladder severed.
Chip shoved it away, gasping. "Thanks, Michaela!"
"Moronic, useless, be-damned Primate!" Michaela Bronstein fluttered off,
dodging other reaching and snapping claws with ease.
"Get it offa me!" groaned a smothered voice from the dusty darkness. Chip's
searching headlight showed a long tail protruding from under a St. Bernard-
sized armored burrower. The stocky soldier heaved the dead Maggot aside by the
telson. A long-snouted plump rat-shape, as big as a small siamese cat,
scrambled hastily out from under, with its red-tipped fangs exposed in a
wicked, lean-jawed grin.
The rat leaped at Chip's throat, moving in a twisting maelstrom of teeth and
raking claws. Sudden shreds flew . . . from the joint of the saw-edged
pedipalp that had been about to take Chip's head off. The rat had disabled one
claw, but the other claw would soon snap the rat. Chip's Solingen steel proved
its quality again, slicing an exact "X" into the double ventral ganglion knot
of the attacking Maggot. A quick, neat, precise job, like carving tomato
"Shee . . . yit! That was nearly my head," panted Chip. He and the rat both
scrambled clear of the falling Maggot.
Long insectivore teeth gleamed. "You owe me a beer, Connolly. Make it two.
I've got a nice bit of tail I'd like to share it with."
"Bullshit! You owe me, Fal -- "
The air boomed and fragments ricocheted off Chip's slowshield. Great! thought
Chip, with relief. One of the bat-bombardiers must have blown the Maggot
access tunnel. Now at least they only had to deal with what was already inside
the bunker. Chip stumbled over something in the dust and darkness. Fell.
Landed hard.
"Get your sorry whoreson ass offa my tail," chittered a feminine voice in the
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