Episode 4 - A New Hope (Alan Dean Foster), Star Wars - Books And Short Stories

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[Image001]EPISODE IVA NEW HOPEbyGeorge LucasTHE BALLANTINE PUBLISHING GROUPNEW YORKCONTENTSA long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... 3Prologue 4= I = 5= II = 10= III = 17= IV = 24= V = 30= VI = 36= VII = 43= VIII = 49= IX = 57= X = 62= XI = 68= XII = 75= XIII = 86A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...PrologueANOTHER galaxy, another time.The Old Republic was the Republic of legend, greater than distance ortime. No need to note where it was or whence it came, only to know that...it was the Republic.Once, under the wise rule of the Senate and the protection of the JediKnights, the Republic throve and grew. But as often happens when wealth andpower pass beyond the admirable and attain the awesome, then appear thoseevil ones who have greed to match.So it was with the Republic at its height. Like the greatest of trees,able to withstand any external attack, the Republic rotted from withinthough the danger was not visible from outside.Aided and abetted by restless, power-hungry individuals within thegovernment, and the massive organs of commerce, the ambitious SenatorPalpatine caused himself to be elected President of the Republic. Hepromised to reunite the disaffected among the people and to restore theremembered glory of the Republic.Once secure in office he declared himself Emperor, shutting himselfaway from the populace. Soon he was controlled by the very assistants andboot-lickers he had appointed to high office, and the cries of the peoplefor justice did not reach his ears.Having exterminated through treachery and deception the Jedi Knights,guardians of justice in the galaxy, the Imperial governors and bureaucratsprepared to institute a reign of terror among the disheartened worlds of thegalaxy. Many used the imperial forces and the name of the increasinglyisolated Emperor to further their own personal ambitions.But a small number of systems rebelled at these new outrages. Declaringthemselves opposed to the New Order they began the great battle to restorethe Old Republic.From the beginning they were vastly outnumbered by the systems held inthrall by the Emperor. In those first dark days it seemed certain the brightflame of resistance would be extinguished before it could cast the light ofnew truth across a galaxy of oppressed and beaten peoples...From the FirstSaga Journal of the Whills"They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they becameheroes."Leia Organa of Alderaan, Senator= I =IT was a vast, shining globe and it cast a light of lambent topaz intospace-but it was not a sun. Thus, the planet had fooled men for a long time.Not until entering close orbit around it did its discoverers realize thatthis was a world in a binary system and not a third sun itself.At first it seemed certain nothing could exist on such a planet, leastof all humans. Yet both massive G1 and G2 stars orbited a common center withpeculiar regularity, and Tatooine circled them far enough out to permit thedevelopment of a rather stable, if exquisitely hot, climate. Mostly this wasa dry desert of a world, whose unusual starlike yellow glow was the resultof double sunlight striking sodium-rich sands and flats. That same sunlightsuddenly shone on the thin skin of a metallic shape falling crazily towardthe atmosphere.The erratic course the galactic cruiser was traveling was intentional,not the product of injury but of a desperate desire to avoid it. Longstreaks of intense energy slid close past its hull, a multihued storm ofdestruction like a school of rainbow remoras fighting to attach themselvesto a larger, unwilling host.One of those probing, questing beams succeeded in touching the fleeingship, striking its principal solar fin. Gemlike fragments of metal andplastic erupted into space as the end of the fin disintegrated. The vesselseemed to shudder.The source of those multiple energy beams suddenly hove into view-alumbering Imperial cruiser, its massive outline bristling cactuslike withdozens of heavy weapons emplacements. Light ceased arching from those spinesnow as the cruiser moved in close. Intermittent explosions and flashes oflight could be seen in those portions of the smaller ship which had takenhits. In the absolute cold of space, the cruiser snuggled up alongside itswounded prey.Another distant explosion shook the ship-but it certainly didn't feeldistant to Artoo Detoo or See Threepio. The concussion bounced them aroundthe narrow corridor like bearings in an old motor.To look at these two, one would have supposed that the tall, human-likemachine, Threepio, was the master and the stubby, tripodal robot, ArtooDetoo, an inferior. But while Threepio might have sniffed disdainfully atthe suggestion, they were in fact equal in everything save loquacity. HereThreepio was clearly-and necessarily-the superior.Still another explosion rattled the corridor, throwing Threepio offbalance. His shorter companion had the better of it during such moments withhis squat, cylindrical body's low center of gravity well balanced on thick,clawed legs.Artoo glanced up at Threepio, who was steadying himself against acorridor wall. Lights blinked enigmatically around a single mechanical eyeas the smaller robot studied the battered casing of his friend. A patina ofmetal and fibrous dust coated the usually gleaming bronze finish, and therewere some visible dents-all the result of the pounding the rebel ship theywere on had been taking.Accompanying the last attack was a persistent deep hum which even theloudest explosion had not been able to drown out. Then, for no apparentreason, the basso thrumming abruptly ceased, and the only sounds in theotherwise deserted corridor came from the eerie dry-twig crackle of shortingrelays or the pops of dying circuitry. Explosions began to echo through theship once more, but they were far away from the corridor.Threepio turned his smooth, humanlike head to one side. Metallic earslistened intently. The imitation of a human pose was hardlynecessary-Threepio's auditory sensors were fully omnidirectional-but theslim robot had been programmed to blend perfectly among human company. Thisprogramming extended even to mimicry of human gestures."Did you hear that?" he inquired rhetorically of his patient companion,referring to the throbbing sound. "They've shut down the main reactor andthe drive." His voice was as full of disbelief and concern as that of anyhuman. One metallic palm rubbed dolefully at a patch of dull gray on hisside, where a broken hull brace had fallen and scored the bronze finish.Threepio was a fastidious machine, and such things troubled him."Madness, this is madness." He shook his head slowly. "This time we'llbe destroyed for sure."Artoo did not comment immediately. Barrel torso tilted backward,powerful legs gripping the deck, the meter-high robot was engrossed instudying the roof overhead. Though he did not have a head to cock in alistening posture like his friend, Artoo still somehow managed to conveythat impression. A series of short beeps and chirps issued from his speaker.To even a sensitive human ear they would have been just so much static, butto Threepio they formed words as clear and pure as direct current."Yes, I suppose they did have to shut the drive down," Threepioadmitted, "but what are we going to do now? We can't enter atmosphere withour main stablizer fin destroyed. I can't believe we're simply going tosurrender."A small band of armed humans suddenly appeared, rifles held at theready. Their expressions were as worry-wrinkled as their uniforms, and theycarried about them the aura of men prepared to die.Threepio watched silently until they had vanished around a far bend inthe passageway, then looked back at Artoo. The smaller robot hadn't shiftedfrom his position of listening. Threepio's gaze turned upward also though heknew Artoo's senses were slightly sharper than his own."What is it, Artoo?" A short burst of beeping came in response. Anothermoment, and there was no need for highly attuned sensors. For a minute ortwo more, the corridor remained deathly silent. Then a faint scrape, scrapecould be heard, like a cat at a door, from somewhere above. That strangenoise was produced by heavy footsteps and the movement of bulky equipmentsomewhere on the ship's hull.When several muffled explosions sounded, Threepio murmured, "They'vebroken in somewhere above us. There's no escape for the Captain this time."Turning, he peered down at Artoo. "I think we'd better-"The shriek of overstressed metal filled the air before he could finish,and the far end of the passageway was lit by a blinding actinic flash.Somewhere down there the little cluster of armed crew who had passed byminutes before had encountered the ship's attacke... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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