Entertainment Weekly - September 9 2016, Czasopisma

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//-->STRANGER THINGSSPOOKY SCOOP ONSEASON 2SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 • #1430GENE WILDER1933–2016YAASSSQueen!All hailTAR AJI P. HENSON,television(and movie!)royaltyByTim StackPLUSWE’VE BEEN ON THE SET OFEMPIREA N D T H E S H OW L O O K S G R E AT AG A I N — W E ’ R E N O T LYO N !NEW SERIESSEPT 21WEDNESDAYS10|9c#DesignatedSurvivorLove your phone, but hate your bill?®It’s time for some StraightTalk.Keep your phone, network, and number.The Bring Your Own Phone activation kit makes it easyto switch almost any phone to Straight Talk and cut yourwireless bill in half.††Use it to keep the network and numberyou currently have and then buy one of our unlimited plansstarting at just $45 a month. No activation fees or creditchecks. Go to StraightTalkSwitch.com and start saving today.††Half the cost is based on a comparison of the average cost of the $45 Straight Talk Service Plan plus average sales tax and fees and the average total monthly cost on an individual 2-year servicecontract plan with unlimited talk, text and comparable high-speed data on the top two carriers. Plan costs include all taxes, fees and overage charges. Source: Nationwide survey conductedMay 2016. Straight Talk’s Bring Your Own Phone plan requires a compatible, unlocked phone, activation kit and Straight Talk service plan. User may need to change the phone’s Access Point Namesettings. Please note: If you switch to Straight Talk, you may be subject to fees from your current provider.†To get 4G LTE speed, you must have a 4G LTE capable device and 4G LTE SIM. Actualavailability, coverage and speed may vary. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. *At 2G speeds, the functionality of some data applications, such as streaming audio or video, may be aff ected. A month equals30 days. Please refer always to the latest Terms and Conditions of Service at StraightTalk.com.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKBrian Tyree Henry, Donald Glover,and Lakeith Stanfield213HENRY: MAT THIAS CL AMER /FX; GLOVER, STANFIELD: GUY D’ALME A/FX (2); TURNTABLE: GUY SHAPIR A/SHUT TERSTOCK ; VINYL: ALENK ADR /SHUT TERSTOCK ;MICROPHONE: SHUT TERSTOCK ; OLSEN: AMANDA MARSALIS;ONE MISSISSIPPI:MICHELE K. SHORT/AMA ZON STUDIOS451TV2 3 4 5M OV I E SATLANTATRAIN TO BUSAN•Make room on yourDVR for Donald Glover(Community) andhis triumphant return totelevision. This surrealdark comedy about twocousins trying to makeit in the Atlanta rap scenewill grab you with its off-beat poignancy.(DebutsSept. 6, 10 p.m., FX)•In this South Koreanhorror film with a heart,a hedge-fund manager(Gong Yoo) must savehis young daughter(Kim Su-an) from thehordes of zombies infest-ing their train. The resultstays on track—meta-phorically at the veryleast—until the end.(NR)GHOST, byJason ReynoldsB O O KSMY WOMAN,Angel OlsenMUSICTVONE MISSISSIPPI•The first book inReynolds’ gritty buthopeful new middle-grade series followsa plucky kid namedGhost who nabs a spoton an elite school’strack team—but still hasa lot to learn about life.•The magnetic indieartist dishes up starkpiano balladry (“Pops”),crunchy power pop(“Shut Up Kiss Me”),and grandiose guitarrock (“Sister”) on hersonically bold andlyrically adventurousthird studio album.•Tig Notaro has minedher misfortunes forlaughs before, but thisseries, based on anespecially tumultuousperiod in the comedian’slife after her mother died,still feels fresh. Brave andhonest, the show findsthe humor in the saddestof circumstances.(DebutsSept. 9, Amazon)I L L U ST R AT I O N BYC I E R A P H E L A NS E P T E M B E R 9, 2 0 1 6E W.C O M3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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