Entertainment Weekly - September 2 2016, Czasopisma
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//-->SUMMER MOVIEPREVIEWINTEL ON2017GırlTrainTHEisEmilyBluntGuardians ofthe Galaxy 2WonderWoman& moreSpider-ManONTHEShe’s off the rails—and we’re totally on boardHOW THE BEST SELLING BOOK BECA MEBEST-SELLINGTHIS YEAR’S MOST EXCITING THR ILLERPHONEACTIVATION KITBRING YOUR OWN††Half the cost is based on a comparison of the average cost of the $45 Straight Talk Service Plan plus average sales tax and fees and the average total monthly cost on an individual 2-year servicecontract plan with unlimited talk, text and comparable high-speed data on the top two carriers. Plan costs include all taxes, fees and overage charges. Source: Nationwide survey conductedMay 2016. Straight Talk’s Bring Your Own Phone plan requires a compatible, unlocked phone, activation kit and Straight Talk service plan. User may need to change the phone’s Access Point Namesettings. Please note: If you switch to Straight Talk, you may be subject to fees from your current provider.†To get 4G LTE speed, you must have a 4G LTE capable device and 4G LTE SIM. Actualavailability, coverage and speed may vary. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. *At 2G speeds, the functionality of some data applications, such as streaming audio or video, may be aff ected. A month equals30 days. Please refer always to the latest Terms and Conditions of Service at StraightTalk.com.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKDrake, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Nick Jonas, and BeyoncéDR AKE: JOHNNY NUNE Z/WIREIMAGE; SPE ARS, RIHANNA: MARCO PIR ACCINI/GET T Y IMAGES (2); JONAS: TIMOTHY HIAT T/GET T Y IMAGES; BEYONCE: L ARRY BUSACCA/WIREIMAGE; BACKGROUND CROWD:DICK DEMARSICO/NEW YORK WORLD -TELEGR AM AND THE SUN NEWSPAPER /LIBR ARY OF CONGRESS PRINTS & PHOTOGR APHS DIVISION;COMPLETE UNKNOWN:JEONG PARK ;DON’ T BRE ATHE:GORDON TIMPEN234151TV2 3 4 5M OV I E S2016 MTV VIDEOMUSIC AWARDSCOMPLETEUNKNOWNSPONTANEOUS,by Aaron StarmerB O O KSM OV I E SDON’T BREATHE•Kanye West, Beyoncé,Adele, Justin Bieber, andDrake duke it out forVideo of the Year atthis year’s can’t-missceremony that will alsoinclude Britney Spears’triumphant return to theawards after nine yearsaway.(Aug. 28 at 8 p.m.)•Rachel Weisz is Oscar-worthy in JoshuaMarston’s Sundancefavorite about a globe-trotting woman driftingthrough life usingmultiple identities. It’spart searing romanticdrama, part mystifyinghead-scratcher.(R)•The teens in this wildlyinventive YA novel aredealing with normalhigh school issues:college applications,social drama…oh, andtheir friends spontane-ously combusting.Can Mara Carlyle makeit to graduation withoutexploding?•In this twisted cat-and-mouse game, a trio ofyoung burglars realizethe blind man they’rerobbing is anything buthelpless—and he has nointention of letting themescape his home alive.Hope you’re not afraidof the dark.(R)HOW TO BE AHUMAN BEING,Glass AnimalsMUSIC•The U.K. band’s 2014debut,Zaba,introducedfrontman Dave Bayley &Co. as grade-A purveyorsof intricate beats andtrippy R&B grooves. Thefollow-up swims in anocean of warm electroand lush atmospherics.You should too.I L L U ST R AT I O N BYL I N C O L N AG N E WSEPTEMBER 2, 2016E W.C O M1The Must List667TVNARCOS•Follow Pablo Escobar78910(Wagner Moura) on therun of his life in the fast-paced second season ofthe series that brings thedrug kingpin’s story to itsdramatic (and historicallymandated) conclusion.(Premieres Sept. 2, Netflix)GOOD AS GONE,by Amy GentryB O O KS•Twists abound inGentry’s riveting debutabout a kidnapped youngwoman who appears toreturn home eight yearslater. It seems like a happyending—but is she reallywho she says she is?BLONDE,Frank OceanMUSIC•The enigmatic artist’s8latest effort lives upto sky-high hype with17 sonically glistening,lyrically ambitious tracks.Beyoncé, Andre 3000,and many more fillBlonde’sguest list.NARCOS:JUAN PABLO GUTIERRE Z/NETFLIX; OCE AN: JASON MERRIT T/GET T Y IMAGES; FOXX AND STREISAND: KEVIN MA ZUR /WIREIMAGE FOR BSB910THE GIRL WITHTHE LOWERBACK TATTOO,by Amy SchumerB O O KS•The comedian’s essaycollection isn’t just bitinglyfunny—it’s also raw,honest, and often heart-breaking. We dare you towalk away without evengreater understandingand respect for Schumer.“CLIMB EV’RYMOUNTAIN,”Barbra Streisand& Jamie Foxxher duets albumENCORE,Babs and the actor proveto be perfect partnerswith this uplifting, string-laden cover of theSoundof Musicclassic.MUSIC•On this highlight from2E W.C O MSEPTEMBER 2, 2016 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->SUMMER MOVIEPREVIEWINTEL ON2017GırlTrainTHEisEmilyBluntGuardians ofthe Galaxy 2WonderWoman& moreSpider-ManONTHEShe’s off the rails—and we’re totally on boardHOW THE BEST SELLING BOOK BECA MEBEST-SELLINGTHIS YEAR’S MOST EXCITING THR ILLERPHONEACTIVATION KITBRING YOUR OWN††Half the cost is based on a comparison of the average cost of the $45 Straight Talk Service Plan plus average sales tax and fees and the average total monthly cost on an individual 2-year servicecontract plan with unlimited talk, text and comparable high-speed data on the top two carriers. Plan costs include all taxes, fees and overage charges. Source: Nationwide survey conductedMay 2016. Straight Talk’s Bring Your Own Phone plan requires a compatible, unlocked phone, activation kit and Straight Talk service plan. User may need to change the phone’s Access Point Namesettings. Please note: If you switch to Straight Talk, you may be subject to fees from your current provider.†To get 4G LTE speed, you must have a 4G LTE capable device and 4G LTE SIM. Actualavailability, coverage and speed may vary. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. *At 2G speeds, the functionality of some data applications, such as streaming audio or video, may be aff ected. A month equals30 days. Please refer always to the latest Terms and Conditions of Service at StraightTalk.com.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKDrake, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Nick Jonas, and BeyoncéDR AKE: JOHNNY NUNE Z/WIREIMAGE; SPE ARS, RIHANNA: MARCO PIR ACCINI/GET T Y IMAGES (2); JONAS: TIMOTHY HIAT T/GET T Y IMAGES; BEYONCE: L ARRY BUSACCA/WIREIMAGE; BACKGROUND CROWD:DICK DEMARSICO/NEW YORK WORLD -TELEGR AM AND THE SUN NEWSPAPER /LIBR ARY OF CONGRESS PRINTS & PHOTOGR APHS DIVISION;COMPLETE UNKNOWN:JEONG PARK ;DON’ T BRE ATHE:GORDON TIMPEN234151TV2 3 4 5M OV I E S2016 MTV VIDEOMUSIC AWARDSCOMPLETEUNKNOWNSPONTANEOUS,by Aaron StarmerB O O KSM OV I E SDON’T BREATHE•Kanye West, Beyoncé,Adele, Justin Bieber, andDrake duke it out forVideo of the Year atthis year’s can’t-missceremony that will alsoinclude Britney Spears’triumphant return to theawards after nine yearsaway.(Aug. 28 at 8 p.m.)•Rachel Weisz is Oscar-worthy in JoshuaMarston’s Sundancefavorite about a globe-trotting woman driftingthrough life usingmultiple identities. It’spart searing romanticdrama, part mystifyinghead-scratcher.(R)•The teens in this wildlyinventive YA novel aredealing with normalhigh school issues:college applications,social drama…oh, andtheir friends spontane-ously combusting.Can Mara Carlyle makeit to graduation withoutexploding?•In this twisted cat-and-mouse game, a trio ofyoung burglars realizethe blind man they’rerobbing is anything buthelpless—and he has nointention of letting themescape his home alive.Hope you’re not afraidof the dark.(R)HOW TO BE AHUMAN BEING,Glass AnimalsMUSIC•The U.K. band’s 2014debut,Zaba,introducedfrontman Dave Bayley &Co. as grade-A purveyorsof intricate beats andtrippy R&B grooves. Thefollow-up swims in anocean of warm electroand lush atmospherics.You should too.I L L U ST R AT I O N BYL I N C O L N AG N E WSEPTEMBER 2, 2016E W.C O M1The Must List667TVNARCOS•Follow Pablo Escobar78910(Wagner Moura) on therun of his life in the fast-paced second season ofthe series that brings thedrug kingpin’s story to itsdramatic (and historicallymandated) conclusion.(Premieres Sept. 2, Netflix)GOOD AS GONE,by Amy GentryB O O KS•Twists abound inGentry’s riveting debutabout a kidnapped youngwoman who appears toreturn home eight yearslater. It seems like a happyending—but is she reallywho she says she is?BLONDE,Frank OceanMUSIC•The enigmatic artist’s8latest effort lives upto sky-high hype with17 sonically glistening,lyrically ambitious tracks.Beyoncé, Andre 3000,and many more fillBlonde’sguest list.NARCOS:JUAN PABLO GUTIERRE Z/NETFLIX; OCE AN: JASON MERRIT T/GET T Y IMAGES; FOXX AND STREISAND: KEVIN MA ZUR /WIREIMAGE FOR BSB910THE GIRL WITHTHE LOWERBACK TATTOO,by Amy SchumerB O O KS•The comedian’s essaycollection isn’t just bitinglyfunny—it’s also raw,honest, and often heart-breaking. We dare you towalk away without evengreater understandingand respect for Schumer.“CLIMB EV’RYMOUNTAIN,”Barbra Streisand& Jamie Foxxher duets albumENCORE,Babs and the actor proveto be perfect partnerswith this uplifting, string-laden cover of theSoundof Musicclassic.MUSIC•On this highlight from2E W.C O MSEPTEMBER 2, 2016 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]