Entertainment Weekly - 5 August 2016, Czasopisma
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//-->THE BEST ROL OCHRIS PINE’S CNEWN W INTEL FROM COMIC-CON:(YES, EVEN BETTER THAN KIRK!)NBLACK PANTHER,USTICE LEAGUE,AND...RIHANNA?!WalkingDeadTheAUGUST 5, 2016 • #1425“It’s a reset ontheWalking Deadworld. It’s Negan’sworld now.”MTUARNNSRES AY G O ODBYE TOONEO F YO U RFAV O R I T ES ANDEAD’S MOST TERRIFYINGVILLAIN YETBYDALTONROSSBATH E L LO TON E GA NDJeffreyff yDDeanMorganMnas NNeganIt’s the beauty of a well-made choice.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKJulia Stiles, Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones, and Alicia VikanderSTILES, DAMON: UNIVERSAL PICTURES (2); JONES, VIK ANDER: JASIN BOL AND (2)1•Breathe a sigh of relief for summer’s first smart, grown-upJASONblockbuster. Our favorite conflicted assassin returns with all theinternational intrigue, and killer chase scenesBOURNEtaut plotting,to expect.(PG-13)we’ve comeAU G U ST 5, 2 0 1 6E W.C O MM OV I E SI L L U ST R AT I O N BYJ O H N R I T T E R3The Must List223TVCASUAL•Season 2 ofthe Hulu darling isdarker than everand chock-full ofdysfunctionalrelationships, break-ups, and awkwardmorning-after con-versations. You’lllaugh, you’ll cry,you’ll crave waffles.(Tuesdays, Hulu)“HOLY KEY,”DJ KhaledMUSIC•The hip-hop pro-3445ducer and Snapchatking puts the majorin his new albumMajor Keyby recruit-ing Kendrick Lamarand Big Sean forthis track to deliversome of the year’shottest verses.YOU WILLKNOW ME, byMegan AbbottB O O KS•Prepare for theOlympics withmaster of mysteryAbbott, who bringsher noir sensibilityto the world of eliteteen gymnastics.The shocking deathof a local heartthrobsends the tight-knitathletic communityinto a tizzy.CASUAL:HULU; DJ KHALED: JUAN OCAMPO/NBAE/GET T Y IMAGES;THUNDER ROAD:JIM CUMMINGS5M OV I E STHUNDERROADJim Cummings starsin this 12-minuteshort as a policeofficer at his mom’sfuneral. Shot in onetake and heartbreak-ingly funny, it pickedup Sundance’s ShortFilm Grand Jury Prize.Bruce Springsteeneven let Cummingsuse his classic song.(Vimeo)•Writer-director4E W.C O MAU G U ST 5, 2 0 1 6 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->THE BEST ROL OCHRIS PINE’S CNEWN W INTEL FROM COMIC-CON:(YES, EVEN BETTER THAN KIRK!)NBLACK PANTHER,USTICE LEAGUE,AND...RIHANNA?!WalkingDeadTheAUGUST 5, 2016 • #1425“It’s a reset ontheWalking Deadworld. It’s Negan’sworld now.”MTUARNNSRES AY G O ODBYE TOONEO F YO U RFAV O R I T ES ANDEAD’S MOST TERRIFYINGVILLAIN YETBYDALTONROSSBATH E L LO TON E GA NDJeffreyff yDDeanMorganMnas NNeganIt’s the beauty of a well-made choice.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKJulia Stiles, Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones, and Alicia VikanderSTILES, DAMON: UNIVERSAL PICTURES (2); JONES, VIK ANDER: JASIN BOL AND (2)1•Breathe a sigh of relief for summer’s first smart, grown-upJASONblockbuster. Our favorite conflicted assassin returns with all theinternational intrigue, and killer chase scenesBOURNEtaut plotting,to expect.(PG-13)we’ve comeAU G U ST 5, 2 0 1 6E W.C O MM OV I E SI L L U ST R AT I O N BYJ O H N R I T T E R3The Must List223TVCASUAL•Season 2 ofthe Hulu darling isdarker than everand chock-full ofdysfunctionalrelationships, break-ups, and awkwardmorning-after con-versations. You’lllaugh, you’ll cry,you’ll crave waffles.(Tuesdays, Hulu)“HOLY KEY,”DJ KhaledMUSIC•The hip-hop pro-3445ducer and Snapchatking puts the majorin his new albumMajor Keyby recruit-ing Kendrick Lamarand Big Sean forthis track to deliversome of the year’shottest verses.YOU WILLKNOW ME, byMegan AbbottB O O KS•Prepare for theOlympics withmaster of mysteryAbbott, who bringsher noir sensibilityto the world of eliteteen gymnastics.The shocking deathof a local heartthrobsends the tight-knitathletic communityinto a tizzy.CASUAL:HULU; DJ KHALED: JUAN OCAMPO/NBAE/GET T Y IMAGES;THUNDER ROAD:JIM CUMMINGS5M OV I E STHUNDERROADJim Cummings starsin this 12-minuteshort as a policeofficer at his mom’sfuneral. Shot in onetake and heartbreak-ingly funny, it pickedup Sundance’s ShortFilm Grand Jury Prize.Bruce Springsteeneven let Cummingsuse his classic song.(Vimeo)•Writer-director4E W.C O MAU G U ST 5, 2 0 1 6 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]