Emma Tennant & Hilary Bailey - Hitler's Girls (retail) (), Ebooks (various), 2014 Best Ebooks(1)
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//-->HITLER’S GIRLSa n ov e lEmma Tennant & Hilary Bailey“ PA S T A N D P R E S E N TCO L L I D E I N T H I SI N T R I G U I N G , S E X Y, A N DF R E Q U E N T LY S I N I S T E RN OV E L . ” —A N To N I A F R AS E RADOLF HITLER’S SECRET MISTRESS, A MEMBER OF THEBritish aristocracy, gives birth to a daughter. The childis whisked away at infancy and raised as an orphan. She isprotected from the truth concerning her origins, but thatdoesn’t prevent the remnants of Hitler’s scattered empirefrom seeking her out as part of a plot to ignite their dreamof re-conquering Europe.Enter into our drama the starchy, conservative Jean Hastie,an art historian and official for the Scottish National Trust.When her best friend Monica is murdered she is determined toavenge her death and to rescue Monica’s granddaughter, Mel,who is missing and the prime suspect in the crime. She soonfinds herself embroiled in the neo-Nazi conspiracy.InHitler’s Girls,Emma Tennant and Hilary Bailey’s wry,atmospheric prose conjures a whirlwind adventure full ofinternational intrigue, subtle humor, and terrifying, timelypolitical speculation.E m m a T e n n a n tis the founder of the groundbreaking magazineBananas.Her first novel,The Colour of Rain, was published under a pseudonym. Manybooks followed, including a series of subversive “sequels” to much-loved classics.A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, she was awarded an honorary D.Litt.from the University of Aberdeen.H i l a ry Ba i l e yis an editor and writer. A former editor of the innovativescience fiction magazineNew Worldsand a reviewer forThe Guardian, she is theauthor of sixteen published novels and a short biography.OR Bookswww.orbooks.comCover illustration by Guiselt ThaizCover design by Bathcat Ltd.HITLER’SGIRLSALSo BY E M MA TE N NANTThe Colour of RainThe Time of the CrackThe Last of the Country House MurdersHotel de DreamThe Bad SisterQueen of StonesBlack MarinaTwo Women of London: The Strange Case ofMs Jekyll and Mrs HydeFaustinePemberleyAn Unequal MarriageElinor and MarianneThe Ballad of Sylvia and TedFelonyALSo BY H I LARY BAI LEYPolly Put the Kettle OnMrs MulvaneyAll the Days of My LifeHannie RichardsAs Time Goes ByA Stranger To HerselfIn Search of Love, Money and RevengeThe Cry from Street to StreetCassandra, Princess of TroyFrankenstein’s BrideMiles and FloraElizabeth and LilyConnectionsFifty-First StateHITLER’SGIRLSANovELEMMA TENNANT& H I L A RY BA I L E YOR BooksNew York • London [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->HITLER’S GIRLSa n ov e lEmma Tennant & Hilary Bailey“ PA S T A N D P R E S E N TCO L L I D E I N T H I SI N T R I G U I N G , S E X Y, A N DF R E Q U E N T LY S I N I S T E RN OV E L . ” —A N To N I A F R AS E RADOLF HITLER’S SECRET MISTRESS, A MEMBER OF THEBritish aristocracy, gives birth to a daughter. The childis whisked away at infancy and raised as an orphan. She isprotected from the truth concerning her origins, but thatdoesn’t prevent the remnants of Hitler’s scattered empirefrom seeking her out as part of a plot to ignite their dreamof re-conquering Europe.Enter into our drama the starchy, conservative Jean Hastie,an art historian and official for the Scottish National Trust.When her best friend Monica is murdered she is determined toavenge her death and to rescue Monica’s granddaughter, Mel,who is missing and the prime suspect in the crime. She soonfinds herself embroiled in the neo-Nazi conspiracy.InHitler’s Girls,Emma Tennant and Hilary Bailey’s wry,atmospheric prose conjures a whirlwind adventure full ofinternational intrigue, subtle humor, and terrifying, timelypolitical speculation.E m m a T e n n a n tis the founder of the groundbreaking magazineBananas.Her first novel,The Colour of Rain, was published under a pseudonym. Manybooks followed, including a series of subversive “sequels” to much-loved classics.A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, she was awarded an honorary D.Litt.from the University of Aberdeen.H i l a ry Ba i l e yis an editor and writer. A former editor of the innovativescience fiction magazineNew Worldsand a reviewer forThe Guardian, she is theauthor of sixteen published novels and a short biography.OR Bookswww.orbooks.comCover illustration by Guiselt ThaizCover design by Bathcat Ltd.HITLER’SGIRLSALSo BY E M MA TE N NANTThe Colour of RainThe Time of the CrackThe Last of the Country House MurdersHotel de DreamThe Bad SisterQueen of StonesBlack MarinaTwo Women of London: The Strange Case ofMs Jekyll and Mrs HydeFaustinePemberleyAn Unequal MarriageElinor and MarianneThe Ballad of Sylvia and TedFelonyALSo BY H I LARY BAI LEYPolly Put the Kettle OnMrs MulvaneyAll the Days of My LifeHannie RichardsAs Time Goes ByA Stranger To HerselfIn Search of Love, Money and RevengeThe Cry from Street to StreetCassandra, Princess of TroyFrankenstein’s BrideMiles and FloraElizabeth and LilyConnectionsFifty-First StateHITLER’SGIRLSANovELEMMA TENNANT& H I L A RY BA I L E YOR BooksNew York • London [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]