Em Ashcroft - [The Tigers of Texas 01] - On the Prowl [Siren Menage Everlasting] (), Ebooks (various), 2015 Best Ebooks
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//-->The Tigers of Texas 1On the ProwlWhen shape-shifting tiger Dion Goldclaw discovers a car crashedon the ranch he shares with his breedmate, Jag, he finds a womanand two children—tiger cubs. At first he thinks the human womanhas stolen them, but it soon becomes clear that Mia is theirmother. The minute the breed partners see her, they want tomake her theirs.Mia is escaping from the people who kidnapped her five years ago.All she wants is a safe place for her babies. When she sees Jagand Dion, all that changes. After their first steamy threesome, sheknows where she belongs.Except she belongs to two shape-shifters she’s never met. OnceJag and Dion liberate the prisoners from the illegal facility, she isbound to go to her breedmates, if they’re still alive. She mustleave the happiness she’s found in Texas and start a new life,leaving her lovers broken-hearted. Unless they can find a way tostay together.Genre:Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal,Shape-shifterLength:51,945 wordsON THE PROWLThe Tigers of Texas 1Em AshcroftMENAGE EVERLASTINGSiren Publishing, Inc.www.SirenPublishing.comABOUT THE E-BOOK YOU HAVE PURCHASED:Your non-refundable purchase of this e-book allows you toonly ONE LEGAL copy for your own personal reading onyour own personal computer or device.You do not haveresell or distribution rights without the prior writtenpermission of both the publisher and the copyrightowner of this book.This book cannot be copied in anyformat, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computerto another through upload to a file sharing peer to peerprogram, for free or for a fee, or as a prize in any contest.Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. CopyrightLaw. Distribution of this e-book, in whole or in part, online,offline, in print or in any way or any other method currentlyknown or yet to be invented, is forbidden. If you do notwant this book anymore, you must delete it from yourcomputer.WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distributionof this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyrightinfringement, including infringement without monetarygain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.If you find a Siren-BookStrand e-book being sold or sharedillegally, please let us know atlegal@sirenbookstrand.comA SIREN PUBLISHING BOOKIMPRINT: Ménage EverlastingON THE PROWLCopyright © 2014 by Em AshcroftE-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-675-9First E-book Publication: December 2014Cover design by Les ByerleyAll art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:This literary work may not bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingelectronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, withoutexpress written permission.All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblanceto actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.PUBLISHERSiren Publishing, Inc.www.SirenPublishing.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->The Tigers of Texas 1On the ProwlWhen shape-shifting tiger Dion Goldclaw discovers a car crashedon the ranch he shares with his breedmate, Jag, he finds a womanand two children—tiger cubs. At first he thinks the human womanhas stolen them, but it soon becomes clear that Mia is theirmother. The minute the breed partners see her, they want tomake her theirs.Mia is escaping from the people who kidnapped her five years ago.All she wants is a safe place for her babies. When she sees Jagand Dion, all that changes. After their first steamy threesome, sheknows where she belongs.Except she belongs to two shape-shifters she’s never met. OnceJag and Dion liberate the prisoners from the illegal facility, she isbound to go to her breedmates, if they’re still alive. She mustleave the happiness she’s found in Texas and start a new life,leaving her lovers broken-hearted. Unless they can find a way tostay together.Genre:Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal,Shape-shifterLength:51,945 wordsON THE PROWLThe Tigers of Texas 1Em AshcroftMENAGE EVERLASTINGSiren Publishing, Inc.www.SirenPublishing.comABOUT THE E-BOOK YOU HAVE PURCHASED:Your non-refundable purchase of this e-book allows you toonly ONE LEGAL copy for your own personal reading onyour own personal computer or device.You do not haveresell or distribution rights without the prior writtenpermission of both the publisher and the copyrightowner of this book.This book cannot be copied in anyformat, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computerto another through upload to a file sharing peer to peerprogram, for free or for a fee, or as a prize in any contest.Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. CopyrightLaw. Distribution of this e-book, in whole or in part, online,offline, in print or in any way or any other method currentlyknown or yet to be invented, is forbidden. If you do notwant this book anymore, you must delete it from yourcomputer.WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distributionof this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyrightinfringement, including infringement without monetarygain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.If you find a Siren-BookStrand e-book being sold or sharedillegally, please let us know atlegal@sirenbookstrand.comA SIREN PUBLISHING BOOKIMPRINT: Ménage EverlastingON THE PROWLCopyright © 2014 by Em AshcroftE-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-675-9First E-book Publication: December 2014Cover design by Les ByerleyAll art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:This literary work may not bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingelectronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, withoutexpress written permission.All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblanceto actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.PUBLISHERSiren Publishing, Inc.www.SirenPublishing.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]