Erwin Rommel, wojna - historia, dowódcy

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//-->LEADERSHIPS TRATEGYCONFLICTERWINROMMELPI E RPA O L OBAT T I S T E L L IFirst published in Great Britain in 2010 by Osprey Publishing,Midland House, West Way, Botley, Oxford OX2 0PH, UK44-02 23rd St, Suite 219, Long Island City, NY 11101, USAE-mail:© 2010 Osprey Publishing LtdAll rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of privatestudy, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright,Designs and Patents Act, 1988, no part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any formor by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical,photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior writtenpermission of the copyright owner. Enquiries should be addressedto the Publishers.A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.ISBN: 978 1 84603 685 9E-book ISBN: 978 1 849082 88 4Editorial by Ilios Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK ( layout by Myriam Bell Design, FranceIndex by Michael ForderTypeset in Stone Serif and Officina SansMaps by Mapping Specialists LtdOriginated by PDQ Media, Bungay, UKPrinted in China through Worldprint Ltd10 11 12 13 1410 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1Artist’s noteReaders may care to note that the original paintings from which thecolour plates in this book were prepared are available for private sale. ThePublishers retain all reproduction copyright whatsoever. All enquiriesshould be addressed to:Peter Dennis, Fieldhead, The Park, Mansfield, Notts, NG18 2AT, UKThe Publishers regret that they can enter into no correspondence uponthis matter.Table of ranksGermanLeutnantOberleutnantHauptmannMajorOberstleutnantOberstGeneralmajorGeneralleutnantGeneral der…**GeneraloberstGeneralfeldmarschallBritishSecond LieutenantLieutenantCaptainMajorLieutenant-ColonelColonelBrigadier*Major-GeneralLieutenant-GeneralGeneralField MarshalUSASecond LieutenantFirst LieutenantCaptainMajorLieutenant-ColonelColonelBrigadier-GeneralMajor-GeneralLieutenant-GeneralGeneralGeneral of the Army© Osprey Publishing. Access to this book is not digitally restricted. In return, weask you that you use it for personal, non-commercial purposes only. Please don’tupload this pdf to a peer-to-peer site, email it to everyone you know, or resell it.Osprey Publishing reserves all rights to its digital content and no part of theseproducts may be copied, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formby any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise (except aspermitted here), without the written permission of the publisher. Please supportour continuing book publishing programme by using this pdf responsibly.Notes:* equivalent toGeneralmajorand brigadier-general, but not a general rank**rank completed with the arm of service or speciality of the owner(e.g. Rommel was aGeneral der Panzertruppen)In German, cardinal numbers are shown by a dot after the number,thus 7. Panzer-Division stands for 7th Panzer Division.Key to militar y symbolsArmy GroupArmyCorpsDivisionBrigadeRegimentBattalionFOR A CATALOGUE OF ALL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY OSPREYMILITARY AND AVIATION PLEASE CONTACT:Osprey Direct, c/o Random House Distribution Center,400 Hahn Road, Westminster, MD 21157Email: uscustomerservice@ospreypublishing.comOsprey Direct, The Book Service Ltd, Distribution Centre,Colchester Road, Frating Green, Colchester, Essex, CO7 7DWE-mail: customerservice@ospreypublishing.comwww.ospreypublishing.comThe Woodland TrustOsprey Publishing are supporting the Woodland Trust,the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity, by fundingthe dedication of trees.Company/BatteryPlatoonSectionSquadInfantryArtilleryCavalryAirborneUnit HQAir defenceAir ForceAir mobileAir transportableAmphibiousAnti-tankArmourAir aviationBridgingEngineerHeadquartersMaintenanceMedicalMissileMountainNavyNuclear, biological, OrdnancechemicalParachuteReconnaissanceSignalSupplyTransportmovementRocket artilleryAir defence artilleryKey to unit identificationUnitidentifierCommander(+) with added elements(–) less elementsParentunit© Osprey Publishing • www.ospreypublishing.comCONTENTSIntroductionThe early yearsThe militarylifeThehourofdestinyOpposing commandersWhen war is doneInside the mindA life in wordsFurtherreadingIndex45714495457596264INTRODUCTIONErwin Rommel, the ‘DesertFox’ in a typical portrait.Other than the capturedBritish sand goggles, hesports the Pour le Mériteand the Knight’s Crosswith oak leaves, whichwere awarded on 20 March1941. (HITM)The man andhismyth. The problemwhen dealing withGerman generals ofWorld WarIIis distinguishing betweenmyth andreality.Thisisparticularlydifficultgiven that theirhistoriesand characters are constantlybeingre-examined.The myth of Erwin Rommel – the ‘Desert Fox’ –hasproved tobeparticularlylong lasting.There are manyhistorical issuessurroundinghistrue merits as a military commander and the extent ofhisactualinvolvementinthe anti-Hitler conspiracy, and yet on closeinspection hecomes across asa simple, straightforward manwhosetalents and character ensuredhissuccessintheveryparticular circumstances that arose throughouthiscareer.Rommel’s familybackgroundprovides few clues tohisfuture militarysuccess. Hewas bornfar away from militarist Prussia;intheAustro-Prussianwarof1866 Württemberg, his homeland, wasanAustrianally and as suchwas defeated,eventuallybecomingpartof the new German Empire(thoughstillretaining itsownarmy as anindependententityinthe new GermanArmy).His familyhadno militarybackground,andhe himselfdisplayednointerestat allina careerinthe armyduringhis boyhood.His onlyknownchildhood enthusiasmwasfor aeronautical engineering and adesiretoworkfor therenownedZeppelinworks.Asa cadet Rommelwas workmanlike ratherthanimpressive,andit wouldtake the firstbattlefieldtests toreveal howRommel’s talent and character, supportedbya solid military education,hadproduced abraveandeffective commander.Rommel’s performancein World WarI earnedhimapositioninthe small post-war army of theWeimarRepublic, the Reichswehr.Again, heneither excelled norfailed andwould havemost probably endedhiscareer asadivisionalor, atbest,corps commanderhad itnotbeenforhiscloserelationship withHitler. Thanks to thisrelationship he wasgiven command of one of the ten4Panzerdivisionsthat fought, andwon,the campaignintheWest inspring1940.Itwasauniqueopportunity that enabled Rommel todistinguishhimselfand paved thewayforhisappointment as commander of theGermanAfrikakorps,the assignment that madehisname famous all overtheworld.Therehave beenmanyvolumes writtenon thewar inthedesertand surelymore to come.What isclearisthat RommeldefinedtheAxispresenceinthetheatre –both inthe minds ofhisadversaries and towritersever since. Thishasensuredhiselevationintothat small clique of commanderswhosefameisnot measuredbytheirbattlefieldsuccesses or failures.Andtherewerefailures. His careerinNorthAfricaendedin defeatandhecouldwell havespent theremainderof thewaremployedinahigh-levelstaffroleorinsomestrategic sideshow. However,hisappointment to oversee thedefenceofWesternEurope against theAllied invasionensuredhiscontinuing fame,though only seriousinjurysparedhimfromdefeat inNormandy. However,it didnot sparehim hiseventual fate.Whether he was involved inthe plotto assassinate Hitler or not,his decisionto commit suicide to avoid trial andrepercussionsagainsthisfamilywould bethe final stepinthe process ofturning the manintoa myth. Like Patton, Rommeldidnot survive thewarbut hasenduredinpopularimaginationas one of thedefiningcommandersof the period. This post-war mythhassurvived for many years, perpetuatedbya mixture of facts and propaganda.THE EARLY YEARSErwin Johannes Eugen Rommelwas bornat Heidenheim, near Ulm(intheduchyof Swabia, part of thekingdomofWürttemberg insouth-westGermany), on15November1891,the second of four children – three sonsand onedaughter.His father, Erwin Rommel,wasa teacher of mathematicsat a secondary school at Heidenheim(lateraheadmasteratAalen)andhismother, HelenevonLuz,wasthedaughterof alocalgovernment official.The young Rommeldisplayeda greater aptitude for outdoor activities thanacademic studies, thoughhe didshow some ability at mathematics.Bythetime Erwin startedhisthree-year course at Realgymnasium at the age of16,hisfatehadalreadybeen decided; he would jointhe army. Thiswasonlypossible for thosewho, likeRommel,hadanupper-middle-class background,and even thenit wasnot easy.German officerswere recruitedat alocal level by regimentsand, followingtheir training, theywerecommissionedbythe commanding officer followingavote bythe other officers. This system ensured that the officerranks werefilledwiththose of therequiredsocialbackground.The most prestigiousunits– cavalry or guardsregiments–wereessentiallyreservedfor members of thenobility or those familieswithalongtradition of military service. EvenRommel’s first choices, the artillery and engineers,were beyond hisgrasp, and5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]