Erin O'Niall - Topping Timothy ()(1), Angielskie [EN](4)(2)

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Topping Timothy: A Novel of Gay Bondage and Romance
by Erin O'Niall
Renaissance E Books
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Topping Timothy: A Novel of Gay Bondage and Romance
by Erin O'Niall
* * * *
 Topping Timothy: A Novel of Gay Bondage and Romance
by Erin O'Niall
ISBN 9781615081011
All rights reserved
Copyright © 2009 Erin O'Niall
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without
written permission.
For information contact:
Sizzler Editions
A Renaissance E Books publication
Topping Timothy: A Novel of Gay Bondage and Romance
by Erin O'Niall
The hot, stale club air rolled around Timothy. He took a
deep breath and scanned tonight's crowd, searching for a
likely candidate. Timothy Archer wasn't into relationships. He
liked his fucks compliant, easy and agreeable to leaving in the
morning with nothing more than a few spoken words. Timothy
liked men he could dominate, men he could have his way with
and would beg for more. He preferred no strings attached
sex. He wasn't looking for a partner or a submissive, and
certainly not one of the mousey boys who groveled and called
themselves slaves. Timothy just wanted a good time.
His eyes lighted on the black clad form of Christopher
Taggert sitting further down the bar. Their eyes met across
the crowded room, and Timothy repressed a shiver. Taggert
wasn't his type and far out of his league. Suave, beautiful,
and dangerous, Taggert wasn't at the club searching for an
easy fuck. His purpose knelt at his feet, naked to the waist,
and sporting a pair of chaps that left the boy's backside bare.
Gold rings glinted from the boy's nipples, and a mask
obscured his face. A thick collar surrounded his neck. Silver
d-rings glinted on the black leather, and Taggert held the
matching leash. The boy didn't move, and Taggert ignored
him, occasionally tugging on the leash when the slave's
posture slipped. When Taggert moved, the slave moved with
him, crawling on all fours like a dog.
Timothy tore his eyes away from the scene. He turned his
back to the room and waved at the bartender. "Another
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