Eric van Lustbader - Nicholas Linnear 02 - Miko, Angielskie [EN](4)(2)

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Eric Van Lustbader - The Miko FOR VICTORIA with love... in all lands of
weather FOR MY FATHER with love to the human
encyclopedia ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS No character in The Miko bears the slightest
resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, save those mentioned as
obvious historical figures. Though MITI is real, and though its power and role
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 in the development of the postwar Japanese economy have been accurately
portrayed here, certain specific events at the time of its formation as well
as the ministers depicted are purely a product of the author's
imagination. Thanks are due to the following people: Roni Neuer and Herb
Libertson, the Ronin Gallery; Richard Bush, the Asia Society, Washington,
D.C., for unlocking the riddle of the Wu-Shing; Charlotte Brenneis, assistant
to the president, Asia Society, New York City; Nancy Lerner; All at the
Grill & Bar, Kapalua, for helping to make work so pleasurable; HM, for
editorial assistance; VSL, for editorial assistance and spiritual sustenance;
and, especially, Tomomi Seki, the Ronin Gallery, for translations, assistance
in all things Japanese time and again, not only for the The Miko but for The
Ninja as well. Domo arigato, Seki-san. Tsugi-no ma-no tomoshi mo kiete
yo-samu kana The next room's light that too goes out, and now— the chill of
night Shiki (1867-1902) MRS. DARLING: George, we must keep Nona. I will
tell you why. My dear, when I came into this room to-night I saw a face at the
window. ]. M. Barrie, Peter Pan NARA PREFECTURE, JAPAN SPRING,
PRESENT Masashigi Kusunoki, the sensei of this dojo, was making tea. He knelt
on the reed tatami; his kimono, light gray on dark gray, swirled around him as
if he were the eye of a great dark whirlpool. He poured steaming hot water
into an earthen cup and, as he took up the reed whisk to make the pale green
froth, the form of Tsutsumu shadowed the open doorway. Beyond his bent body,
the polished wooden floor on the dojo stretched away, gleaming and
perfect. Kusunoki had his back to the doorway. He faced the edge of the shoji
screen and the large window through which could be seen the cherry trees in
full blossom, clouds come to walk the earth, marching up the densely wooded
slopes of Yoshino, their oblique branches as green as the hills beyond,
covered with ancient moss. The scent of cedar was very strong now, as it
almost always was in this section of Nara prefecture, save during those few
weeks of winter when the snow lay heavy through the ridges and rises of the
terrain. Kusunoki never tired of that view. It was steeped in the history of
Japan. It was here that Minamoto no Yoshitsune sought the shelter of these
fortresslike mountains in order to defeat the treachery of the Shogun, his
brother; it was here that the great doomed Emperor Go-Daigo assembled his
troops and ended his exile, beginning his attempt to return to the throne;
here, too, where Shugendo developed, the way of mountain ascetics, a peculiar
fusion of Buddhism and Shinto. Mount Omine was out there and on its slopes
congregated the yamabushi, the wandering, self-mortifying adherents of this
syncretic religion. He looked now at the tea, its color lightening as the
spume rose, and he saw all there was to see beyond that thin pane of
glass. Behind him, Tsutsumu was about to announce himself softly but, seeing
the sensei kneeling, unaware, froze his tongue. For a long time he
contemplated the figure on the tatami, and as he did so his muscles began to
lose their relaxedness. He had been alert; now he was ready. His mind sought
the many pathways toward victory while his eyes drank in the utter stillness
in the other. The hands must be moving, Tsutsumu told himself, because I know
he is preparing the tea... yet he might as well be a statue for all I can see
of it. He knew the time to be right and, unbidden, he rose, unfurling himself
like a sail before the wind. Taking two swift, silent strides, he crossed the
threshold and was within striking distance. His body torqued with the first
onset of intrinsic energy. At that instant, Kusunoki turned and, extending
the hot cup of tea, said, "It is always an honor to invite a pupil so quick to
learn into my study." His eyes locked onto Tsutsumu, and the student felt as
if he had hit against an invisible, impenetrable wall. All the fire of the
energy he had banked for so long, now at last turned loose, was stifled, held
momentarily in thrall, then dissipated. Tsutsumu shivered involuntarily. He
blinked as an owl might in daylight. He felt intensely vulnerable without that
which had always been his. The sensei was smiling pleasantly. "Come," he
said, and Tsutsumu saw that another cup of tea had somehow materialized. "Let
us drink together... to show respect and our mutual good intentions." The
student smiled awkwardly and, shakily, sat on the tatami facing Kusunoki.
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 Between them was a break in the reed mats that was far more than an
architectural or an esthetic delineation. It was the space between host and
guest, always observed. Tsutsumu took the cup and, holding it carefully and
correctly in both hands, prepared to drink. The warmth of the tea rushed into
his palms. He bowed to his sensei, touched the curved rim of the cup to his
lips, and drank the intensely bitter beverage. It was very good, and he closed
his eyes for an instant, forgetting where he was and, even, who he was, to the
extent that that was possible. He tasted the earth of Japan and with it all
things Japanese. History and legend, honor and courage, the weight of kami,
hovering. And, above all, duty. Giri. Then his eyes opened and all was as it
had been before. He felt again the uncomfortableness of being so far from
home. He was from the north and Nara was an alien place to him; he had never
liked it here. Yet he had come and had stayed for two long years. Giri. "Tell
me," Kusunoki said, "what is the first thing we assess in combat?" "Our
opponent," Tsutsumu said immediately. "The exchange of attitude and intention
tells us where we are and how we are to proceed." "Indeed," Kusunoki said, as
if this were a new concept to him and he was mulling it over in his mind. "So
we think of victory." "No," the student said. "We concern ourselves with not
being defeated." The sensei looked at him with his hard black eyes that
seemed ripped from a hawk's fierce face. "Good," he said at last. "Very good,
indeed." Tsutsumu, sipping his tea slowly, wondered what this was all about.
Words and more words. The sensei was asking him questions to which any good
pupil must know the answers. Be careful, he cautioned himself, remembering the
instantaneous dissolution of his attacking force. Be on guard. "So here we
equate defeat with the end of life." The student nodded. "In hand-to-hand we
are on the death ground, as Sun Tzu has written. We must fight, always." Now
Kusunoki allowed a full smile. "But Sun Tzu has also written, 'To subdue the
enemy without fighting shows the highest level of skill. Thus, what is supreme
is to attack the enemy's strategy.'" "Pardon me, sensei, but it seems to me
Sun Tzu was speaking solely about war in that instance." "Well," Kusunoki
said evenly, "isn't that what we are also talking about?" Tsutsumu felt his
heart skip a beat and it was with a great personal effort that he kept himself
calm. "War? Forgive me, sensei, but I do not understand." Kusunoki's face was
benign as he thought, And Sun Tzu also wrote that those skilled in war can
make themselves invincible but cannot cause an enemy to be vulnerable. "There
are many faces war may take on, many guises. Is this not so?" "It is,
sensei," Tsutsumu said, his pulse in his throat. "We can ask, what war can be
made here"—his arm drifted through the air like a cloud, describing an arc
toward the wonder and peace of the wooded hillsides visible through the
window— "in Yoshino where the history of Japan lives and thrives. One might
think war an outmoded concept here among the cherry trees and the
cedars." His great black eyes fixed on Tsutsumu, and the pupil felt a muscle
along his inner thigh begin to tremble. "Yet war has come to this indomitable
fortress of nature. And thus it must be dealt with." Now Tsutsumu was truly
terrified. This was no ordinary invitation to sit at the sensei's feet and sip
tea while speaking of mundane matters, the substance of daily lessons. "There
is a traitor here in Yoshino," Kusunoki said. "What?"' "Yes, it is true."
Kusunoki nodded his head sadly. "You are the first I have spoken to about it.
I observe you in class. You are quick, quick and intelligent. Now you will
work with me on this matter. You will spy for me among the students. You will
begin now. Have you observed anything out of the ordinary that might help us
in identifying the spy?" Tsutsumu thought furiously. He was not unaware of
the amazing opportunity being afforded him and was immensely grateful for it.
He felt as if a great weight had been taken off his chest. Now he must make
the most of this opening. "I seem to remember," he began. "Yes, yes. There is
something. The woman"— he used a most unflattering inflection—"has been seen
here late into the evening hours." "What has she been doing?" There was no
need to name her. The dojo contained only one woman—a choice of the sensei
that was not popular with his pupils though none dared voice their displeasure
where he could hear. Nevertheless, he knew about it. Tsutsumu shrugged. "Who
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 knows, sensei? Certainly she was not practicing." "I see." Kusunoki seemed
engulfed in thought. Tsutsumu sought to press his advantage. "Of course there
has been much talk lately concerning her; a great deal of talk." "She is not
liked." "No, sensei" Tsutsumu confirmed, "most of the students do not feel
she has a place here within the sanctity of the dojo. It goes against
tradition, they feel. This kind should not be open to a
woman, they believe." The student bowed his head as if reluctant to go on.
"Forgive me, sensei, but there has even been some talk that her presence here
was the reason that you left your high position within the Gyokku ryu. They
say she came to you there, that on her behalf you went to the council of jonin
and sought their vote for her entry into the ryu. They say it is because you
could not muster enough votes within your own council that you left." His head
raised. "All because of her." Invincibility lies in the defense, Kusunoki
thought. The possibility of victory is attack. To his pupil, he said, "It is
true that I was once jonin in the Gyokku ryu; that much is common knowledge.
But the reasons for my departure are my own; no one else knows them, not even
the other members of the council. My great-great-grandfather was one of the
founders of Gyokku; it took much thought on my part to make the decision. It
took much time." "I understand, sensei," Tsutsumu said, thinking that what he
had just been told was an utter lie. He was certain within his own heart that
Kusunoki had, indeed, jeopardized his entire career for this one woman.
Inexplicably. "Good." Kusunoki nodded. "I thought you might." The black eyes
closed for a moment, and the student breathed an inaudible sigh of relief. He
felt a trickle of sweat creeping like an insect down the indentation of his
spine and he struggled to keep his body still. "Perhaps I have been wrong
about her, after all," the sensei said. With a great deal of elation, Tsutsumu
recognized the sadness in the other's voice. "If what you have gleaned is
indeed the truth, then we must deal with her swiftly and
ruthlessly." Tsutsumu's head swung around at the mention of the word we.
"Yes, sensei," he said, thinking, Softly, softly now, knowing he was moving
in, trying to keep his jubilation in check. "Any way I may serve you is an
honor. That is why I first came here, and I have not wavered in that
resolve." Kusunoki nodded. "It is as I suspected. There are few one can trust
even in this day and age. When I ask for your opinions now, when I ask for you
to take action, both of these must be given willingly and
faithfully." Tsutsumu could barely contain his euphoria; outwardly he showed
nothing. "You have but to ask me," he said. "Muhon-nin" Kusunoki said,
leaning forward, "this is all I ask." The word traitor had only begun to
register on Tsutsumu's brain when he felt the incredible pain engulf him and,
looking down, saw the sensei's hand gripping him just below the collarbone. It
was not a strike he had yet mastered and, staring bewil-deredly at it, trying
to fathom its secrets, he died, a froth of pink saliva bubbling between his
trembling lips. Kusunoki, watching life escape like a puff of invisible
smoke, took his hand away from the corpse. Without his support, it swayed and
fell to one side, the pink drool staining the tatami on which Tsutsumu
knelt. Behind the sensei a shadow appeared to move behind the shoji and then
a figure emerged. Hearing the pad of bare feet, the sensei said, "You heard it
all?" "Yes. You were correct all along. He was the traitor." The voice was
light, pleasingly modulated. Female. She wore a dark brown kimono, designed
with gray plovers within circles of black. Her gleaming black hair was drawn
tightly back from her face. Kusunoki did not turn around at her silent
approach. Instead, he was staring at the rice-paper scroll hung in a niche
along one bare wall. Just below it was an earthenware bud vase in which he had
placed one perfect day lily. At dawn this morning, as he did every morning of
his adult life, he had gone walking in the wilderness, strolling the slopes,
through glades still dark and misty with remnants of the night, past rushing
streams etched with the last silvered thorns of moonlight, in search of this
one flower that would reflect its mood of peace and contemplation all through
the day. Plucking it carefully, he had made his way back to the precincts of
his dojo. On the rice-paper scroll a Zen master of the eighteenth century had
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 written in flowing characters: "Rock and wind/only they remain/through
generations." "But you allowed him to get so close to you." Kusunoki smiled
up at her and said, "I allowed him the luxury of cutting his own throat. That
is all." He watched her as she sank down on her knees. He was conscious of the
fact that she chose a spot near his right hand and not directly in front of
him. "Often, times dictate that one becomes more intimate with one's enemies
than with friends. This is a necessary lesson of life; 1 urge you to listen
well. Friends engender obligations and obligations entangle life. Always
remember: complication breeds desperation." "But what is life without
obligation?" Kusunoki smiled. "That is an enigma even sensei may not
unravel." He nodded toward the fallen form. "Now we must find the source from
which this muhon-nin sprang." "Is that so important?" Her head turned
slightly so that the flat curve of her cheek was outlined in the soft light
filtered by the shoji. "He has been neutralized. We should return to our
work." "You are not yet privileged to all that goes on here," Kusunoki said
seriously. "The martial and the military arts are but two. It is essential
that we discover the source of the infiltration." "You should not have
destroyed him so quickly then." The sensei closed his eyes. "Ah, rash youth!"
The voice was soft, almost gentle, but when the eyes snapped open the female
felt her insides fluttering involuntarily, drilled by that basilisk gaze. "He
was professional. You will learn someday not to waste valuable time on men
like him. They must be dispatched as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
They are dangerous—highly volatile. And they will not talk. "Therefore we go
onward." His hands folded into his lap. "You must return to the source... his
source. The people who sent him, who trained him, represent a very great
threat to Japan." He paused, his nostrils quivering as if he sensed some
telltale vibration. When he spoke again, his voice had lost its hard edge; his
eyelids drooped. "There is more hot water. Tea is waiting." Obediently she
went past him, grasping the tea pot and pouring while the light went out of
the sky and purple clouds obscured the terraced mountains. Carefully she
brought the tiny cups toward him on a black lacquered tray; a small flock of
golden herons lifting off from racing water painted there. Delicately, she set
the tray down, began to use the whisk with practiced strokes. Her wa—her
harmony— was very strong, and this was what Kusunoki felt engulfing him. At
that moment he was very proud of what he had helped to create. Six, seven,
eight, the female turned the whisk, creating the pale green froth. On the
tenth stroke her delicate fingers dropped the whisk and in the same motion
were inside the wide sleeve of her kimono. Reversing the motion the short,
perfectly honed steel blade flashed upward, biting into the back of Kusunoki's
neck. Either her strength was at such a level or the blade was so superb that,
seemingly without effort, the steel bit through flesh and bone, severing the
spinal column. In a grotesque gesture, the head came forward and down, hanging
only by the thin length of skin at the neck, as if the sensei was deep in
meditational prayer. Then crimson blood spurted upward from the severed
arteries, fountaining the room, spattering the tatami where they both knelt.
The sensei's torso jerked spasmodically, its legs tangling beneath it as it
tried to leap forward like a frog. The female knelt rooted to the spot. Her
eyes never left the body of her teacher. Once, when he lay on his side and one
leg spasmed a last time, she felt something inside herself trembling like a
leaf before a rising wind and she felt one tear lying hotly along the arch of
her cheek. Then she hardened her heart, strengthened her will, and dammed up
her emotions. With that, elation filled her. It works, she thought, feeling
her heart thundering within her rib cage. Jahd. Without it, she would never
have been able to mask her intent from him, she understood that quite
clearly. As she stared down at her handiwork, she thought, It's nothing
personal; nothing like what that bastard muhon-nin Tsutsumu had in mind. I am
no traitor. But I had to prove myself. I had to know. And therefore I had to
take on the best. She got up and, moving like a wraith across the tatami,
avoiding the spattered stains that had already begun to seep away across the
floor onto other tatami, went to him. You were the best, she thought, staring
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