Entertainment Weekly - 6 May 2016, Czasopisma

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//-->SPECIAL TRIBUTE ISSUE6 20 6•BEYONCÉ’SDELICIOUSLEMONADEGETS AN A+S E E P. 521 9 5 8 –2 0 16TIME JUMPS!CROOKED COPS!CHARO!SCOOP ON 10TV SEASONFINALESLIVEANDKICKING!WHAT’S NEXT FORHIS LASTMAJORINTERVIEWKELLY &MICHAELTHETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKAmy SchumerSCHUMER: MACALL POL AY/COMEDY CENTR AL (2), MARK SELIGER /COMEDY CENTR AL, COMEDY CENTR AL;THE RE AL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CIT Y:MAT THEW EISMAN/BR AVO;2 DOPE QUEENS:AMY PE ARL /WNYC234151TV2 3 4 5TVINSIDE AMYSCHUMER•The dirtiest sketch everwritten about yogurt. Themusic video about thestalker who uses your oldtoothbrush. The orgy withthe robot nanny. Thisseason is already filledwith great WTF moments,and we’re excited formore.(Thursdays, 10 p.m.,Comedy Central)THE REALHOUSEWIVES OFNEW YORK CITYENTER HELEN,by Brooke HauserB O O KSP O D C A ST S2 DOPE QUEENSGA M E SSEVERED•The reality series isstronger than ever thanksto a revved-up cast, espe-cially a bobbed Bethennyand a big-boobedRamona. And Dorinda’sbra party from hell is nowetched inHousewiveshistory.(Wednesdays,9 p.m., Bravo)•Legendary, inimitableCosmopolitaneditorandSex and the SingleGirlauthor Helen GurleyBrown comes alive inHauser’s hands, as sheculls new stories fromBrown’s personal lettersand interviews with herfriends and co-workers.Jessica Williams (TheDaily Show)and PhoebeRobinson (BroadCity)on a deeper level withthis fresh-faced gem,which combines funnyanecdotes with pointedsocial commentary fora truly dope experience.(New episodes everyTuesday, wnyc.org)•Get to know comedians•In this visually strikingtouch-based game, youplay as a fierce one-armed warrior on a questto find her missing family.Swipe furiously to sliceand dice monsters anduse their severed bodyparts to craft upgrades inthis twisted dungeon-crawler.(Playstation Vita)I L L U ST R AT I O N BYM A X- O - M AT I CM AY 6, 2 0 1 6E W.C O M1The Must List6677“FREEDOM,”Beyoncé feat.Kendrick LamarMUSIC•What do you get whenyou mix Queen B’s fierypreaching, psych-rockguitars, a stomping beat,and one totally bonkersKendrick verse? Thestrongest pro-woman an-them of 2016, that’s what.STAG EDEAR EVANHANSEN•Ben Platt (PitchPerfect)889dazzles in this Off Broad-way musical, directedbyRent’sMichael Greif,about a shy teen trying tokeep up a charade afterhe fabricates a letter thatpropels him to Internetfame.(2st.com)M OV I E SA BIGGER SPLASH•Tilda Swinton and910Ralph Fiennes play ex-flames who end up on anItalian vacation togetherin this beautiful—anddeadly—erotic thriller.Along for the trip areMatthias Schoenaerts asSwinton’s current loverand Dakota Johnson asFiennes’ daughter.(R)DE AR EVAN HANSEN:MAT THEW MURPHY;A BIGGER SPL ASH:JACK ENGLISH;MARON:T YLER GOLDEN/IFCSO MANY ROADS,by David BrowneB O O KS•In this updated edition102E W.C O MM AY 6, 2 0 1 6of his 2015 book, formerEW editor David Browneexamines the GratefulDead’s legacy throughthe lens of their concerts,including their finalshows at Soldier Field.TVMARON•Marc Maron’s small-screen version of himselfis reduced to living outof a storage facility—andwhoring himself out formeds—with hilariousresults.(Wednesdays,9 p.m., IFC)Present this coupon.Valid for in-store use only.Coupon Expires 7/5/16MO: VYDD-6JFDONE OF OUR HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ITEMS.Valid in store only. 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