Entertainment Weekly - 20 May 2016, Czasopisma
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//-->MEET THE NEWHAN(DSOME) SOLOMAY 20, 2016•#14153T A R SMEGAS10O U SHILARIABOUT FACE-LICKING, MULLETS & OREOSSTORIES1OVIENEW MMONEYMONSTERByJess CagleLIFE IS A SPORT. WE ARE THE UTILITY.BE UNSTOPPABLE.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKChloë Sevigny and Kate Beckinsale2LOVE & FRIENDSHIP:BERNARD WALSH;L ADY DYNAMITE:DOUG HYUN/NETFLIX;THE BENEFITS OF GUSBANDRY:COURTESY OFTHE BENEFITS OF GUSBANDRY34151M OV I E S2 3 4 5TVLOVE &FRIENDSHIPLADY DYNAMITE•Writer-director WhitStillman reteams withhisLast Days of Discoleads Kate Beckinsaleand Chloë Sevignyfor this worthy andwitty adaptation ofJane Austen’s novellaLady Susan,a playfultale that isn’t short onpride or prejudice.(PG)•Maria Bamford’ssignature zany humorexplodes on thesmall screen in thissemiautobiographicalabsurdist series aboutmaking connections,making it big—andmaking it past her fragilestate of mind.(DebutsMay 20, Netflix)32 YOLKS,by Eric RipertB O O KSS N A P C H AT@TLIBOYSTV•The culinary master-mind behind New YorkCity’s world-renownedLe Bernardin shares thestory of his tragic child-hood in the south ofFrance and the tirelesswork that earned hima top spot in his field.•While out promotingtheir new movie,Popstar:Never Stop NeverStopping,the LonelyIsland comedy grouphas reached a “NewLevel” on Snapchat,rocking out to the A$APFerg track with collegestudents, radio DJs,and reporters aroundthe country.THE BENEFITS OFGUSBANDRY•Jackie (Brooke Totman)is a 40-year-old straightwoman who’s recentlybeen dumped. River(Kurt Conroyd) is herdream man—except he’sgay. The story of theirfriendship is just as awk-ward as it is endearing,like a more honestWill& Grace. (YouTube)I L L U ST R AT I O N BYM A X- O - M AT I CM AY 2 0, 2 0 1 6E W.C O M1The Must List6679M OV I E SSSUNSET SONG•Set in rural Scotlandju before the start ofustWWWI, the latest gem fromddirector Terence Davies((TheHouse of Mirth, TheDDeep Blue Sea)stars for-mer model Agyness Deynas a young woman won-dering what life off thefarm might offer her.(R)TV7ALL THE WAY•Only Bryan Cranston8910could make politics feelso poetic. As LyndonB. Johnson, the actorbreathes new life intothis adaptation of the2012 play, capturingLBJ’s ambition—andhesitation—inside theWhite House.(May 21,8 p.m., HBO)“CAN’T STOP THEFEELING!,” JustinTimberlakeMUSIC•Timberlake brings8his suit-and-tie swaggerto theTrollssoundtrackwith this Max Martin-produced disco groovethat’s the first majorcontender for Songof the Summer.SUNSET SONG:DE AN MACKENZIE;ALL THE WAY:HIL ARY BRONW YN GAYLE/HBO; TIMBERL AKE: TOM MUNRO/RCALABOR OF LOVE,by Moira WeigelB O O KS•In her riveting chronicleof courtship in modernAmerica, Weigel exploresthe way dating practiceschange with the timesas we do too.10MUSICA MOON SHAPEDPOOL, Radiohead•The British alt-rockershave broken a five-yeardry spell (their longestyet) with 11 gorgeouslymelancholy tunes rang-ing from symphonicballadry (“Daydreaming”)to blissful grooves(“Decks Dark”).2E W.C O MM AY 2 0, 2 0 1 6 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->MEET THE NEWHAN(DSOME) SOLOMAY 20, 2016•#14153T A R SMEGAS10O U SHILARIABOUT FACE-LICKING, MULLETS & OREOSSTORIES1OVIENEW MMONEYMONSTERByJess CagleLIFE IS A SPORT. WE ARE THE UTILITY.BE UNSTOPPABLE.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKChloë Sevigny and Kate Beckinsale2LOVE & FRIENDSHIP:BERNARD WALSH;L ADY DYNAMITE:DOUG HYUN/NETFLIX;THE BENEFITS OF GUSBANDRY:COURTESY OFTHE BENEFITS OF GUSBANDRY34151M OV I E S2 3 4 5TVLOVE &FRIENDSHIPLADY DYNAMITE•Writer-director WhitStillman reteams withhisLast Days of Discoleads Kate Beckinsaleand Chloë Sevignyfor this worthy andwitty adaptation ofJane Austen’s novellaLady Susan,a playfultale that isn’t short onpride or prejudice.(PG)•Maria Bamford’ssignature zany humorexplodes on thesmall screen in thissemiautobiographicalabsurdist series aboutmaking connections,making it big—andmaking it past her fragilestate of mind.(DebutsMay 20, Netflix)32 YOLKS,by Eric RipertB O O KSS N A P C H AT@TLIBOYSTV•The culinary master-mind behind New YorkCity’s world-renownedLe Bernardin shares thestory of his tragic child-hood in the south ofFrance and the tirelesswork that earned hima top spot in his field.•While out promotingtheir new movie,Popstar:Never Stop NeverStopping,the LonelyIsland comedy grouphas reached a “NewLevel” on Snapchat,rocking out to the A$APFerg track with collegestudents, radio DJs,and reporters aroundthe country.THE BENEFITS OFGUSBANDRY•Jackie (Brooke Totman)is a 40-year-old straightwoman who’s recentlybeen dumped. River(Kurt Conroyd) is herdream man—except he’sgay. The story of theirfriendship is just as awk-ward as it is endearing,like a more honestWill& Grace. (YouTube)I L L U ST R AT I O N BYM A X- O - M AT I CM AY 2 0, 2 0 1 6E W.C O M1The Must List6679M OV I E SSSUNSET SONG•Set in rural Scotlandju before the start ofustWWWI, the latest gem fromddirector Terence Davies((TheHouse of Mirth, TheDDeep Blue Sea)stars for-mer model Agyness Deynas a young woman won-dering what life off thefarm might offer her.(R)TV7ALL THE WAY•Only Bryan Cranston8910could make politics feelso poetic. As LyndonB. Johnson, the actorbreathes new life intothis adaptation of the2012 play, capturingLBJ’s ambition—andhesitation—inside theWhite House.(May 21,8 p.m., HBO)“CAN’T STOP THEFEELING!,” JustinTimberlakeMUSIC•Timberlake brings8his suit-and-tie swaggerto theTrollssoundtrackwith this Max Martin-produced disco groovethat’s the first majorcontender for Songof the Summer.SUNSET SONG:DE AN MACKENZIE;ALL THE WAY:HIL ARY BRONW YN GAYLE/HBO; TIMBERL AKE: TOM MUNRO/RCALABOR OF LOVE,by Moira WeigelB O O KS•In her riveting chronicleof courtship in modernAmerica, Weigel exploresthe way dating practiceschange with the timesas we do too.10MUSICA MOON SHAPEDPOOL, Radiohead•The British alt-rockershave broken a five-yeardry spell (their longestyet) with 11 gorgeouslymelancholy tunes rang-ing from symphonicballadry (“Daydreaming”)to blissful grooves(“Decks Dark”).2E W.C O MM AY 2 0, 2 0 1 6 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]