Entertainment Weekly - 2016 04 15, Czasopisma

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//-->KERRYWASHINGTON’SHILL OF A NEW ROLEAPRIL 15, 2016#1410EXCLUSIVE!YOURFIRST INTERVIEWWITH MARVEL’SIRON FISTGilmoreGirlsWHERE WE LEAD...WILL YOU FOLLOW?( )ANDMORE!WE TRAVEL TO STARS HOLLOWTO BRING YOU ANEXCLUSIVE PREVIEWOF THE REVIVALBy Jessica ShawLauren Graham & Alexis BledelBRING YOUR OWNPHONEACTIVATION KIT††”Cut Your Cell Phone Bill in Half” is based on a pricing comparison of two of the leading service contract carriers’ monthly online prices for comparable individual post-paid cell phone service contractplans, including overage charges, and Straight Talk’s $45 service plan, excluding the cost of the phone and limited time promotions. Source: Contract carriers’ websites, December 2015.†To get 4G LTEspeed, you must have a 4G LTE capable device and 4G LTE SIM. Actual availability, coverage and speed may vary. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. *At 2G speeds, the functionality of some data applications, suchas streaming audio or video, may be afected. Straight Talk’s Bring Your Own Phone plan requires a compatible, unlocked phone, activation kit and Straight Talk service plan. User may need to changethe phone’s Access Point Name settings. Please note: If you switch to Straight Talk, you may be subject to fees from your current provider. A month equals 30 days. Please refer always to the latest Termsand Conditions of Service at StraightTalk.com.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKTatiana MaslanyORPHAN BL ACK:KEN WORONER /BBC AMERICA (3), NINO MUNOZ/BBC AMERICA (2); MA XWELL: ERIC JOHNSON;THE DARK HORSE:STEVE KING;THE GIRLFRIEND E XPERIENCE:KERRY HAYES/STAR Z234151TV2 3 4 5MUSICB O O KSM OV I E STVORPHAN BLACK•Welcome back, CloneClub! The thriller’s fourthseason takes the sestras(played with supremeconfidence by TatianaMaslany) back to theirtwisty beginnings whileintroducing mysteriessurrounding a new cloneand the orphans’ origins.(Premieres April 14,10 p.m., BBC America)“LAKE BY THEOCEAN,” Maxwell•While the title is aMOTHERINGSUNDAY,by Graham Swiftpast and present,Swift spins a resonant,afecting tale of a secretromance, and the wayone pivotal Sundayirrevocably changed thecourse of young JaneFairchild’s entire life.THE DARK HORSEplayful nod to DNCE’s hit“Cake by the Ocean,”the soul singer cops theseductive vocal stylingsof Marvin Gaye on hiscomeback single—afront-runner for baby-making jam of the year.•Alternating between•Bobby Fischer gets aMaori makeover in thisNew Zealand dramaabout a bipolar chesssavant played byFear the Walking Dead’sClif Curtis. You’lllaugh (a little), you’llcry (a lot), you’ll actuallybe riveted by a chesstournament.(R)THE GIRLFRIENDEXPERIENCE•Equal parts titillatingand melancholic, thisslow-burn study ofintimacy in the escortbusiness (produced bySteven Soderbergh,whose 2009 film servedas the basis for thedrama) captivates, thanksto star Riley Keough.(Sundays, 8 p.m., Starz)I L L U ST R AT I O N BYM A X- O - M AT I CA P R I L 1 5, 2 0 1 6E W.C O M1The Must List6678TVTHE DETOUR•Created byFullFrontal’sSamantha Beeand husband JasonJones, this tale followinga family road trip gonewrong blazes a comictrail with raunchygags and madcapperformances.(DebutsApril 11, 9 p.m., TBS)B O O KSFOOL ME ONCE,by Harlan Coben7•With his 28th outing,Coben proves his thrillermastery once more,as former special-opspilot Maya sees herdead husband on hernanny cam. Dark andpainful secrets emergewhen she investigatesthe impossible.MUSIC89ANTIWORLDTOUR, Rihanna•Don’t expect elaboratesets or primary colorsfrom pop’s resident badgirl. Instead, Rihannakeeps the earth-tonedcostumes PG-13 and herset list fiercely strippeddown with more than adecade of hits and thevery best from her killerrecent album.M OV I E STHE DETOUR:JAMES BRIDGES/ TBS; RIHANNA: KEVIN MA ZUR /GET T Y IMAGES;THE INVITATION:DR AF THOUSE FILMS910THE INVITATION•Logan Marshall-Greenplays a man consumedwith dread while attend-ing a dinner party hostedby his ex. Is he going nutsor has something goneawry? All is revealed indirector Karyn Kusama’snerve-rending movie.(NR)12E W.C O MA P R I L 1 5, 2 0 1 6MUSICOLOGY, Gallanttelling and a soaringfalsetto, this Marylandnative (born ChristopherGallant) delivers oneof the year’s mostcompelling debuts.•With soulful story- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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