Entertainment Weekly 2015 11 13, Czasopisma
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//-->10 Shockers From Leah Remini’s New Scientology BookNOV. 13, 2015 • #1389N e w t K ido n th eB lo c k !Exclusive First LookAtJ.K. Rowling’sHAR RY POTTE RPREQUELSCOOP FROMTHE SET OFFANTASTICBEASTSAND WHERE TOFIND THEMTHE MOSTANTICIPATEDMOVIE OF 2016.IT’S REQUIREDREADING—EVEN FORMUGGLES!EDDIE REDMAYNE ASNEWT SCAMANDERBYJAMESHIBBERDRight now at AT&T,15GB OF DATAFOR THE PRICE OF10 GBMore data for you to share the view.1.866.MOBILITY | att.com/mobilesharevalue | Visit a StoreMobile Share Value®15 GB for Price of 10 GB:Ltd.-time offer. Must sign up for this promo plan. Compares the new 15 GB plan to our previous 10 GB plan. Plan is for svc. only & includes plan charge ($100/mo.) plusper-device access charge ($10 to $40/mo.).Data Overage:$15/GB.Devices:Purch. costs add’l.Device Limits:10 per plan.GENERAL SERVICE TERMS: Subject to Wireless Customer Agmt.Services are not forresale. Credit approval req’d.Deposit:May apply per line. Activ./upgrade & other fees may apply per line. Other monthly charges, fees & restr’s apply & may result in svc. termination. Svc. not avail. everywhere.Pricing &offers subject to change & may be modified, discontinued, or terminated at any time w/out notice.See att.com/mobilesharevalue for plan details. Screen images simulated. ©2015 AT&T Intellectual Property.All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, and other marks are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEK(Clockwise from left) Andrew Lincoln, Melissa McBride, Danai Gurira, and Norman Reedus1GENE PAGE/AMC (4)•Is Glenn really dead? With Alexandria in seemingly perpetualTHE WALKINGdanger and an ever-increasing body count, the sixth seasonzombiehas become theDEADof the postapocalyptic one yet. dramaSundays, 9 p.m.)series’gutsiest, most thrilling(AMC,TVI L L U ST R AT I O N BYE DA A K A LT U NN OV E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 5E W.C O M1223LIVE EVENTNEW YORKCOMEDYFESTIVAL•The biggestnames in stand-up(Trevor Noah, NickKroll, MargaretCho, and more)will step up to themic for six days ofperformances inthe annual festivalbrought to you inassociation withComedy Central.34MUSIC1+, the Beatles•With the 15thanniversary of theBeatles’ iconiccollection ofchart-toppers,1,all 27 tracks havebeen remasteredin a new releaseincluding a two-disc Blu-ray/DVDset containingrevamped videosand commentaryby Paul and Ringo.M OV I E S45MISS YOUALREADYNOAH: FREDERICK M. BROWN/GET T Y IMAGES;1+:APPLE CORP LTD;MISS YOU ALRE ADY:NICK WALL;SPOTLIGHT:KERRY HAYES•Drew Barrymoreand Toni Collettestar as Londonthirtysomethingswhose lifelongfriendship is testedby a cancer diag-nosis inTwilightdirector CatherineHardwicke’s afect-ing drama.(PG-13)52E W.C O MN OV E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 5M OV I E SSPOTLIGHT•The BostonGlobetakeson the CatholicChurch in a news-paper moviethat’s neitherpreachy nor melo-dramatic, withpowerful perfor-mances from thestar-studdedensemble.(R) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->10 Shockers From Leah Remini’s New Scientology BookNOV. 13, 2015 • #1389N e w t K ido n th eB lo c k !Exclusive First LookAtJ.K. Rowling’sHAR RY POTTE RPREQUELSCOOP FROMTHE SET OFFANTASTICBEASTSAND WHERE TOFIND THEMTHE MOSTANTICIPATEDMOVIE OF 2016.IT’S REQUIREDREADING—EVEN FORMUGGLES!EDDIE REDMAYNE ASNEWT SCAMANDERBYJAMESHIBBERDRight now at AT&T,15GB OF DATAFOR THE PRICE OF10 GBMore data for you to share the view.1.866.MOBILITY | att.com/mobilesharevalue | Visit a StoreMobile Share Value®15 GB for Price of 10 GB:Ltd.-time offer. Must sign up for this promo plan. Compares the new 15 GB plan to our previous 10 GB plan. Plan is for svc. only & includes plan charge ($100/mo.) plusper-device access charge ($10 to $40/mo.).Data Overage:$15/GB.Devices:Purch. costs add’l.Device Limits:10 per plan.GENERAL SERVICE TERMS: Subject to Wireless Customer Agmt.Services are not forresale. Credit approval req’d.Deposit:May apply per line. Activ./upgrade & other fees may apply per line. Other monthly charges, fees & restr’s apply & may result in svc. termination. Svc. not avail. everywhere.Pricing &offers subject to change & may be modified, discontinued, or terminated at any time w/out notice.See att.com/mobilesharevalue for plan details. Screen images simulated. ©2015 AT&T Intellectual Property.All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, and other marks are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEK(Clockwise from left) Andrew Lincoln, Melissa McBride, Danai Gurira, and Norman Reedus1GENE PAGE/AMC (4)•Is Glenn really dead? With Alexandria in seemingly perpetualTHE WALKINGdanger and an ever-increasing body count, the sixth seasonzombiehas become theDEADof the postapocalyptic one yet. dramaSundays, 9 p.m.)series’gutsiest, most thrilling(AMC,TVI L L U ST R AT I O N BYE DA A K A LT U NN OV E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 5E W.C O M1223LIVE EVENTNEW YORKCOMEDYFESTIVAL•The biggestnames in stand-up(Trevor Noah, NickKroll, MargaretCho, and more)will step up to themic for six days ofperformances inthe annual festivalbrought to you inassociation withComedy Central.34MUSIC1+, the Beatles•With the 15thanniversary of theBeatles’ iconiccollection ofchart-toppers,1,all 27 tracks havebeen remasteredin a new releaseincluding a two-disc Blu-ray/DVDset containingrevamped videosand commentaryby Paul and Ringo.M OV I E S45MISS YOUALREADYNOAH: FREDERICK M. BROWN/GET T Y IMAGES;1+:APPLE CORP LTD;MISS YOU ALRE ADY:NICK WALL;SPOTLIGHT:KERRY HAYES•Drew Barrymoreand Toni Collettestar as Londonthirtysomethingswhose lifelongfriendship is testedby a cancer diag-nosis inTwilightdirector CatherineHardwicke’s afect-ing drama.(PG-13)52E W.C O MN OV E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 5M OV I E SSPOTLIGHT•The BostonGlobetakeson the CatholicChurch in a news-paper moviethat’s neitherpreachy nor melo-dramatic, withpowerful perfor-mances from thestar-studdedensemble.(R) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]