Entertainment Weekly 2015 03 20, Czasopisma

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//-->STAR WARSEXCLUSIVENEW BOOKS REVEAL WHATHAPPENED AFTERRETURN OF THE JEDIMARCH 20/27, 2015#1355/1356DOUBP ELEC I AISLSUSEGAMEOFTHRONESByJAMESHIBBERDYOURCOMPLETE,OBSESSIVE,GEEKTASTICGUIDE TOEmilia ClarkeasDaenerys TargaryenINCLUDING(YOU’LL LOSE YOUR HEAD!)SERIOUSSCOOP ONSEASON 5ANDNEDSTARKSPEAKS FROMTHE GRAVEWITH CLEAREYES ANDA FULL HEART,KYLECHANDLERLOOKSBACK ON HISCAREERWHAT WILL BE JOHN TRAVOLTA’S LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE OF THE YEAR?P. 15How Wendy’s®preps Romaine.How other “salad places” prep Romaine.You’d be surprised who’s cutting corners on salads. Not Wendy’s. We make our saladsfresh every day, starting by hand-washing and hand-prepping whole heads of Romainein our restaurants. Some other salad places often use Romaine that’s processed ina factory and shipped pre-bagged, then served in a fancy bowl with a fancy price tag.At Wendy’s, we believe it’s not what your salad goes into, it’s what goes into your salad.It’s time to look beyond the bowl at YouTube.com/Wendys.©2015 Oldemark LLC.E N T E R T A I N M E N T W E E K L Y|SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE 2015FeaturesGuide toGame ofThronesYou can’t26Your CompleteNews andColumns4The Cover Shoot6Editor’s Note8Sound Bites11The Must List15News and NotesThe next chapter ofStar Wars...book a ticket to King’sLanding—but you cantag along as EWspends 10 days in threecountries with the starsof HBO’s colossal hit.BY JAMES HIBBERD58Kyle ChandlerIt’s been four years sincethe actor disappearedfrom our TV screens.On the eve of his newNetflix series,Bloodline,we have just twowords: Welcome back.BY SARA VILKOMERSON23Binge!108The BullseyeReviews80Movies86TV92The Cheat Sheet97Music102Books64CinderellaDisneyis putting a fresh spinon the 1950 animatedfilm with a live-actionversion dripping in lushdetails fit for a fairy tale.BY CLARK COLLIS70Paula HawkinsHow an out-of-workjournalist spun herwindow-gazing day-dreams into the smash-ingly successful crimethrillerThe Girl on theTrain.BY CLARK COLLIS74DelilahFor 30 years,the loveliest woman inradio has been moppingup our messy love liveswith earnest platitudesand cheesy songs.BY RAY RAHMAN[P.]ELLEN VON UNWERTHBIBBIDI-BOBBIDI WHO?Lily James dons the famousglass slipper to bring theclassic fairy tale to lifeinCinderella(in theatersMarch 13)64Special Double Issue 2015EW.COM|3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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