Entertainment Weekly 19 June 2015, Czasopisma

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//-->SLGISSUPECIALBTELAVERNECOXTheOrange Isthe New Blackstartalks abouther early strugglesin Hollywood,the Caitlyn Jennerphenomenon,and acceptance—finallyFromWill to WillowGAY TV ANDMOVIECHARACTERSWE LOVETHE MOSTPLUSA Gay OleTime With50THEBILLYEICHNER,JONATHANGROFF,ANDREWRANNELLSMORE!andandJUNE 19, 2015 • #1368HBO NOWSMis only accessible in the US and certain US territories. Some restrictions may apply.©2015 Home Box Office, Inc. All Rights Reserved. HBO®, HBO NOWSMand related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc.LEGENDS DON’T RETIRE.THEY REINVENT.OR WATCH IT ONTheTop 10Things We Love This WeekJURASSIC WORLD: UNIVERSAL PICTURES (4); CAR: CHUCK ZLOTNICK ; T-PAIN:ETHAN MILLER /GET T Y IMAGES;ME AND EARL AND THE DYING GIRL:ANNE MARIE FOXHold on to your butts!These dinos (and thismovie) are big, mean,and slick. Watchinga massive mosasaurusleap from the water tochomp a danglingshark? It’s enough toimpress even themost jaded box officepatrons.(Rated PG-13)JURASSICWORLD1Bryce Dallas Howardand Chris Pratt2“MAKE THAT S---WORK,” T-Pain feat.Juicy JIllustration byThe king of Auto-Tune reclaimshis throne with a bonkers club-readysmash featuring double-time handclaps,wind chimes, and a guest verse by Juicy J.dence and corruption, a dying heiress andher family tryto salvagetheir reputa-tions (andriches) buttrip over theirown secretsand lies.Culminating ina shockingcrime,TheUnfortunatesis a strong,gripping debut.3THE UNFORTUNATES, by SophieMcManusIn this witty saga of deca-A Sundance smash,the teen-cancer dramedy—with its sharpscript and star-making performances—hasbeen dubbed a smarter, scrappierThe Faultin Our Stars.Bring Kleenex.(Rated PG-13)4ME AND EARL AND THEDYING GIRLJE S SE LE NZJune 19, 2015EW.COM|1JONATHANSTRANGE& MR NORRELL5Bringing SusannaClarke’s belovedfantasy opusto screen, BBCAmerica pullsoff a dauntingmagic trickwith smarts,spectacle, andstunning perfor-mances by BertieCarvel and EddieMarsan as rivalillusionists.(BBCAmerica, Satur-days, 10 p.m.)6 series is juicier and pulpier than ever. Laura Prepon returns to get Taylor Schilling all hotand bothered, bedbugs bedevil everyone, and the prison gets a new…oh, why spoil it? Binge!ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACKSeason 3 of Netflix’s captivating prison8THE WOLFPACKThis rivetingdoc tells the story of six brothers whospent their youth locked inside theirManhattan apartment. Their onlyexposure to the outside world was thefilms they watched—and meticulouslyre-created at home.(Rated R)ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK:JOJO WHILDEN/NETFLIX;JONATHAN STRANGE & MR NORRELL:TODD ANTONY/BBC AMERICA (2); HUDSON MOHAWKE: TIM SACCENTI;THE WOLFPACK:DAN MARTENSENLANTERN,7Mohawke by HudsonThe second full-lengthalbum from the Scottish producer, DJ, andKanye West associate traffics in toughbeat science, gauzy soundscapes, and sexyvibes thanks to guest vocalists includingMiguel and Jhené Aiko.9SECOND LIFE,by S.J. WatsonFromthe author of 2011’sbest-sellingBefore IGo to Sleepcomesanother twisted thriller:After her sister turnsup dead, Julia learnsshe had been involvedin a dark world ofcybersex and logs on toinvestigate—but soongets caught up herself.10The French duo’s soundtrack to Sofia Coppola’s 2000 directorialdebut remains deeply moving and infectious, and this handsomereissue introduces extra tracks and includes a limited-edition vinyl.THE VIRGIN SUICIDES 15TH ANNI-VERSARY DELUXE EDITION, Air2|EW.COMJune 19, 2015 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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