Entertainment Weekly 18 12 2015, Czasopisma
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//-->THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEK(Clockwise from left) Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, and Brad PittJA AP BUITENDIJK (4)1•Based on Michael Lewis’ 2010New York Timesbest-seller,THE BIGthis star-studded ensemble piece—featuring cranked-upSHORTperformances from Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling,and Brad Pitt—charts the lead-up to the 2008 financial meltdownin a quick-witted farce that doubles as the most engaging (andcameo-filled) economics lecture you’ve ever sat through.(R)M OV I E S2015 YEAR-END SPECIALE W.C O MI L L U ST R AT I O N BYE DA A K A LT U N5The Must List23234TVADELELIVE IN NEWYORK CITY•Don’t miss thechance to watch the“Hello” songstresswork her stirringmagic at Radio CityMusic Hall, whereshe performed aone-night-onlyconcert celebratingher return.(NBC,Dec. 14, 10 p.m.)B O O KSTHEULTIMATEGUIDE TOSTAR WARS•From the editorsof EW comesthis comprehensiveguide full of inter-views and rarelypublished photosfrom all sevenepisodes in the saga.45B O O KSGRATITUDE,by Oliver Sacks•Four essays by thebrilliant neurologistand prolific writerpublished in thefinal two years of hislife are collected inone slim volumebrimming with aninspiring, peacefulacceptance ofdeath that will makeyour heart swell.56E W.C O M2015 YEAR-END SPECIALMUSIC“SAX,”Fleur East•The BritishXFactoralum stakesher claim on yourholiday-party playlistwith her kaleido-scopic dance video,an iridescent whirl-wind featuring everypaint swatch youcan imagine andthe hookiest saxbreakdown this sideof “Problem.”ADELE: VIRGINIA SHERWOOD/NBCTHE VOICE |QUANTICO |BLINDSPOT |The Most TV-FullTime of The YearCurrent Episodes | Full Seasons | Hit Movies | Original Series | Commercial-Free OptionSECTION AThis holiday season,bring a friend into the foldwith this special offer.Reverse SideACut out along dottedline and flip to reverseside. Fold section Aalong fold line.Fold up again so thatjust the row of showsis upside down.Fold bottom cornersup to match the edgeof the previous fold.Get 1 Month Freehulu.com/start/EWto:from:For new subscribers only.Offer expires 1/31/2016.Fold both sides in toform a rectangle.Fold top corners downto meet in center,forming a pointed top.Fold pointed topdown to form anopen envelope.Cut out “Get 1Month Free” card.Place inside envelopeand close flap.Give to a friend! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEK(Clockwise from left) Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, and Brad PittJA AP BUITENDIJK (4)1•Based on Michael Lewis’ 2010New York Timesbest-seller,THE BIGthis star-studded ensemble piece—featuring cranked-upSHORTperformances from Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling,and Brad Pitt—charts the lead-up to the 2008 financial meltdownin a quick-witted farce that doubles as the most engaging (andcameo-filled) economics lecture you’ve ever sat through.(R)M OV I E S2015 YEAR-END SPECIALE W.C O MI L L U ST R AT I O N BYE DA A K A LT U N5The Must List23234TVADELELIVE IN NEWYORK CITY•Don’t miss thechance to watch the“Hello” songstresswork her stirringmagic at Radio CityMusic Hall, whereshe performed aone-night-onlyconcert celebratingher return.(NBC,Dec. 14, 10 p.m.)B O O KSTHEULTIMATEGUIDE TOSTAR WARS•From the editorsof EW comesthis comprehensiveguide full of inter-views and rarelypublished photosfrom all sevenepisodes in the saga.45B O O KSGRATITUDE,by Oliver Sacks•Four essays by thebrilliant neurologistand prolific writerpublished in thefinal two years of hislife are collected inone slim volumebrimming with aninspiring, peacefulacceptance ofdeath that will makeyour heart swell.56E W.C O M2015 YEAR-END SPECIALMUSIC“SAX,”Fleur East•The BritishXFactoralum stakesher claim on yourholiday-party playlistwith her kaleido-scopic dance video,an iridescent whirl-wind featuring everypaint swatch youcan imagine andthe hookiest saxbreakdown this sideof “Problem.”ADELE: VIRGINIA SHERWOOD/NBCTHE VOICE |QUANTICO |BLINDSPOT |The Most TV-FullTime of The YearCurrent Episodes | Full Seasons | Hit Movies | Original Series | Commercial-Free OptionSECTION AThis holiday season,bring a friend into the foldwith this special offer.Reverse SideACut out along dottedline and flip to reverseside. Fold section Aalong fold line.Fold up again so thatjust the row of showsis upside down.Fold bottom cornersup to match the edgeof the previous fold.Get 1 Month Freehulu.com/start/EWto:from:For new subscribers only.Offer expires 1/31/2016.Fold both sides in toform a rectangle.Fold top corners downto meet in center,forming a pointed top.Fold pointed topdown to form anopen envelope.Cut out “Get 1Month Free” card.Place inside envelopeand close flap.Give to a friend! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]