Entertainment Weekly 16 10 2015, Czasopisma
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//-->OUR25THANNIVERSARY SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE!OCT. 16/23, 2015 • #1385/1386*FA M I LY T I E STHEEURLICIT YFERE& MOCLNSIONCASSICASTS TOGGAHER AETISSUETHE ROCK Y HOR RORPICTU R E SHOWIN!BR ING IT ONTHEFELICIT YCREW*WE’RE FINALLY OLD ENOUGH TO RENT A CAR!SCOTTSPEEDMAN,KERI RUSSELL,AND SCOTTFOLEYNO HAIR WAS CUT INTHE MAKING OFTHIS PHOTO!THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKJesse Plemons, Jean Smart, Kirsten Dunst, and Patrick WilsonBACKGROUND, WILSON: CHRIS L ARGE/FX (2); DUNST, PLEMONS, SMART: MATHIAS CL AMER /FX (3)1•It’s 1979 in the icy South Dakota heartland, and a triple murder hasFARGOensnared a family-run crime ring, a bumbling couple, and a youngLou Solverson (Patrick Wilson) in the masterful second installmentof the darkly satisfying anthology series.(FX, Mondays, 10 p.m.)TV2 5 T H A N N I V E R SA R Y D O U B L E I S S U EE W.C O MI L L U ST R AT I O N BYJ O H N R I T T E R1The Must List232345MUSICRETROSPECTIVE:THE MUSIC OFMAD MENand cure your Don Draperwithdrawal with tunesfrom the show’s sevenseasons, including tracksby Bob Dylan, the BeachBoys, and Nancy Sinatra.•Mix an old-fashioned4M OV I E SBEASTS OF NONATION•There’s nothing easyabout this war dramafrom Cary Fukunaga (SinNombre, True Detectiveseason 1): The searingportrait of an Africanchild soldier is one of theyear’s most unforgettablefilms.(NR)FADINGFRONTIER,DeerhunterMUSIC5•Beloved indie eccentricBradford Cox delivers themost accessible album ofhis career, enveloping hislilting melodies in a vel-vety psychedelic hazeand turning simple songslike “Living My Life” intobedroom symphonies.MY SOUTHERNJOURNEY,by Rick BraggB O O KSDEERHUNTER: RYAN STANG;THE UNBE ATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL:ERICA HENDERSON/MARVEL662E W.C O M2 5 T H A N N I V E R SA R Y D O U B L E I S S U E•The Pulitzer Prize-winning author revisitshis Alabama roots in thiscollection of essays, whichhilariously explore thequirks of Southern living.COMICSTHEUNBEATABLESQUIRREL GIRL•Don’t let the charminglygoofy title fool you:Squirrel Girl is a badass,and her book—equal partsaction, humor, and femaleempowerment—is oneof the sharpest comicsin Marvel’s quiver.ANHBOCOMEDY SPECIAL®SHE’S A LADYLIVE ATTHE APOLLOOCT 17AT10PMOR WATCH IT ONHBO NOW is only accessible in the U.S. and certain U.S. territories. Some restrictions may apply.©2015 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO®, HBO NOWSMand related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc.SMAMY SCHUMER [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->OUR25THANNIVERSARY SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE!OCT. 16/23, 2015 • #1385/1386*FA M I LY T I E STHEEURLICIT YFERE& MOCLNSIONCASSICASTS TOGGAHER AETISSUETHE ROCK Y HOR RORPICTU R E SHOWIN!BR ING IT ONTHEFELICIT YCREW*WE’RE FINALLY OLD ENOUGH TO RENT A CAR!SCOTTSPEEDMAN,KERI RUSSELL,AND SCOTTFOLEYNO HAIR WAS CUT INTHE MAKING OFTHIS PHOTO!THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKJesse Plemons, Jean Smart, Kirsten Dunst, and Patrick WilsonBACKGROUND, WILSON: CHRIS L ARGE/FX (2); DUNST, PLEMONS, SMART: MATHIAS CL AMER /FX (3)1•It’s 1979 in the icy South Dakota heartland, and a triple murder hasFARGOensnared a family-run crime ring, a bumbling couple, and a youngLou Solverson (Patrick Wilson) in the masterful second installmentof the darkly satisfying anthology series.(FX, Mondays, 10 p.m.)TV2 5 T H A N N I V E R SA R Y D O U B L E I S S U EE W.C O MI L L U ST R AT I O N BYJ O H N R I T T E R1The Must List232345MUSICRETROSPECTIVE:THE MUSIC OFMAD MENand cure your Don Draperwithdrawal with tunesfrom the show’s sevenseasons, including tracksby Bob Dylan, the BeachBoys, and Nancy Sinatra.•Mix an old-fashioned4M OV I E SBEASTS OF NONATION•There’s nothing easyabout this war dramafrom Cary Fukunaga (SinNombre, True Detectiveseason 1): The searingportrait of an Africanchild soldier is one of theyear’s most unforgettablefilms.(NR)FADINGFRONTIER,DeerhunterMUSIC5•Beloved indie eccentricBradford Cox delivers themost accessible album ofhis career, enveloping hislilting melodies in a vel-vety psychedelic hazeand turning simple songslike “Living My Life” intobedroom symphonies.MY SOUTHERNJOURNEY,by Rick BraggB O O KSDEERHUNTER: RYAN STANG;THE UNBE ATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL:ERICA HENDERSON/MARVEL662E W.C O M2 5 T H A N N I V E R SA R Y D O U B L E I S S U E•The Pulitzer Prize-winning author revisitshis Alabama roots in thiscollection of essays, whichhilariously explore thequirks of Southern living.COMICSTHEUNBEATABLESQUIRREL GIRL•Don’t let the charminglygoofy title fool you:Squirrel Girl is a badass,and her book—equal partsaction, humor, and femaleempowerment—is oneof the sharpest comicsin Marvel’s quiver.ANHBOCOMEDY SPECIAL®SHE’S A LADYLIVE ATTHE APOLLOOCT 17AT10PMOR WATCH IT ONHBO NOW is only accessible in the U.S. and certain U.S. territories. Some restrictions may apply.©2015 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO®, HBO NOWSMand related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc.SMAMY SCHUMER [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]