Entertainment Weekly 11 12 2015, Czasopisma

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//-->CREED’sTKO!Fa-La-La-LaFace-offYour UltimateList of theRocky’s Officially BackIn the Oscar RingDEC. 11, 2015 • #139315 BestHolidayMovies, TV,Songs & BooksMeowFirst Look!THE BIGGESTMARVELMOVIE YETINTRODUCESHE’S TALL,POWERFUL—AND HAS CLAWSTHAT A REALHOUSEWIFEWOULD ENVYFROM LEFT: CHRIS EVANS ASCAPTAIN AMERICA,CHADWICKBOSEMAN ASBLACK PANTHER,ANDROBERT DOWNEY JR. ASIRON MANYOU’RE NOT YOUWHEN YOU’REHUNGRY.®®/TM trademarks ©Mars, Incorporated 2015. Other trademarks are property of their respective owners.SATISFIESTHETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKGaby Hoffmann, Amy Landecker, Jay Duplass, Judith Light, and Jeffrey TamborTR ANSPARENT:AMA ZON STUDIOS (3); LIGHT AND TAMBOR: JENNIFER CL ASEN/AMA ZON1•Thegroundbreakingseriesreturnsassharplyfunnyasever,withTRANSPARENTMaura (Emmy winner Jeffrey Tambor) and the dysfunctionalPfefferman family learning to navigate new life-changing deci-sions, including sex-reassignment surgery.(Amazon)DECEMBER 11, 2015E W.C O MTVI L L U ST R AT I O N BYJ O H N R I T T E R5235CHRIS MARTIN: KEVIN MA ZUR /WIREIMAGE.COM;YOU’RE THE WORST:BYRON COHEN/FX;THE L ADY IN THE VAN:NICOL A DOVE; SIVAN: UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP642 3 4 5 6MUSICTVB O O KSM OV I E SMUSICA HEAD FULLOF DREAMS,ColdplayYOU’RETHE WORST•After 2014’s melan-cholyGhost Stories,theBritish rockers bounceback with some of theirmost joyous music inyears, featuring an all-stargroup of collaboratorsincluding Beyoncé,Merry Clayton, Tove Lo,and others.6E W.C O M•The raunchy yetpoignant sitcom aboutthirtysomethings tryingto live and love has had awinning second season(available now on Hulu)thanks to nuanced story-telling that’s unafraidto show charactersat their, well, worst.(FXX,Wednesdays, 10:30 p.m.)THE IMPROBA-BILITY OFLOVE, by HannahRothschildTHE LADYIN THE VAN•Revisiting her role fromBLUENEIGHBOUR-HOOD, Troye Sivan•This wittily frothy firstnovel dives headfirst intothe outsize greed andintrigue in today’s artworld—and the havocwreaked when a lostmasterpiece falls intothe wrong (or maybeexactly right) hands.Alan Bennett’s auto-biographical play, MaggieSmith is crotchety,cantankerous, and ulti-mately charming as ahomeless woman whoasked to park her van inBennett’s driveway fora few weeks and stayedfor 15 years.(PG-13)•Hot 100 fans hungryfor something morefilling than the latestreleases from JustinBieber or One Directionshould pick up thisAussie’s moody full-length debut, brimmingwith lush synth-popsymphonies.DECEMBER 11, 2015Learn more at toyota.com/tacoma [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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