Entertainment Weekly 11 09 2015, Czasopisma
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//-->“MY PARENTS CREATED A WORLD IN WHICH THE ONLY BARRIER TO YOUR SUCCESS IS YOUR OWN IMAGINATION.”—SHONDA RHIMESSHONDALANDSPECTACUL ARSPECIALCOLLECTOR’SCOVER1OF4SCOOPON ALL 33(!)FAVORITECHARACTERSSCANDAL!GREY’SANATOMY!HOW TOGET AWAY WITHMURDER!OF YOURIT’SSHONDARHIMESWORLDTHE TVTITANAND HERSTARS POPOPEN THEWINE ANDPOUR OUTTHEIRHEARTSWE JUST WATCH ITSEPT. 11, 2015 • #1380NEW SERIESSEPT 27#BloodandOilSUNDAYS 9|8cIS HOW WE DO ITINTRODUCING2-YEARTV PRICE LOCKNO HIDDEN MONTHLY FEES$4999190 CHANNELSHOPPER SMART DVRTHE AWARD-WINNING®MOPLUS YOU CHOOSEInstant access on any TVNo need to switch inputsNo need to switch remotes–or–with Multi-Sport PackNO NEEDTO CALL.AUTOMATICALLYREMOVEDAFTER 1 YEAR.*Included for 1 year with no hassle.Requires credit qualification, 24-month commitment with early termination fee and e-bill autopay.1-888-888-DISH | DISH.COMUpfront Fees:Activation and upfront receiver upgrade fee may apply based on credit qualification.ETF:Early termination fee of $20 for each month remaining applies if you cancel early.$49.99 Price lockincludesAmerica’s Top 120Plus and DVR fee for 1 TV. Available upgrades: $7/mo. for each additional TV (receivers with additional functionality may be $10-$12); $64.99/mo for America’s Top 200; $74.99/mo for America’s Top 250.Price lockdoes notinclude:Taxes or state-specific surcharges, add-on programming (including premium channels), protection plan or transactional fees. Applicable monthly fees, upfront fees or transactional fees for business customers. After 24 months, then-current prices and fees for all services apply.Protection Plan:After 6 months, you will be billed $8/mo for the protection plan unless you call to cancel. Price subject to change.Miscellaneous:All packages, programming, features, andfunctionality and all prices and fees not included in price lock are subject to change without notice. Offer for new customers only.*Netflix:Offer expires on October 30, 2015. Valid for twelve (12) months of Netflix Service on the $8.99(per month) “Two Screens at a Time Streaming Plan” (for total value of $107.88). Hopper w/Sling or other Netflix compatible device and Internet required. Not available with dishNET satellite Internet. Existing Netflix customers will returnto normal billing after $107.88 credit is exhausted. Offer is not redeemable or refundable for cash, subject to applicable law, and cannot be exchanged for Netflix Gift Subscriptions. You may apply the value of the offer to a different plan,or other services offered by Netflix. Exchanges in this manner may alter the duration of the offer. Netflix service price plans subject to change. Limit one promotion toward each monthly membership fee for your Netflix account. Fordetails, please visit www.netflix.com/termsofuse.Offer ends 10/30/15.Brand_16925© 2015 DISH Network L.L.C. All rights reserved.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEK(Clockwise from top) Stephen Colbert, Kendrick Lamar, George Clooney, Scarlett Johansson, Amy Schumer, and Toby KeithKEITH: GARY MILLER /GET T Y IMAGES; COLBERT: JEFFREY R. STA AB/CBS; L AMAR: MARK HORTON/WIREIMAGE.COM; SCHUMER:PATRICIA SCHLEIN/STAR MA X/GC IMAGES; JOHANSSON: JAMIE MCCARTHY/NBC/GET T Y IMAGES; CLOONE Y: JEWEL SAMAD/GET T Y IMAGES1TVTHE LATESHOWIf his first week’s guests (Scarlett Johansson, Kendrick Lamar, AmySchumer, Toby Keith, and George Clooney, among others) are anyindication, Stephen Colbert is determined to make his version oflate-night the most eclectic array of voices on TV.(CBS, 11:35 p.m.)SEPTEMBER 11, 2015E W.C O MI L L U ST R AT I O N BYA R I A N B E H Z A D I3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->“MY PARENTS CREATED A WORLD IN WHICH THE ONLY BARRIER TO YOUR SUCCESS IS YOUR OWN IMAGINATION.”—SHONDA RHIMESSHONDALANDSPECTACUL ARSPECIALCOLLECTOR’SCOVER1OF4SCOOPON ALL 33(!)FAVORITECHARACTERSSCANDAL!GREY’SANATOMY!HOW TOGET AWAY WITHMURDER!OF YOURIT’SSHONDARHIMESWORLDTHE TVTITANAND HERSTARS POPOPEN THEWINE ANDPOUR OUTTHEIRHEARTSWE JUST WATCH ITSEPT. 11, 2015 • #1380NEW SERIESSEPT 27#BloodandOilSUNDAYS 9|8cIS HOW WE DO ITINTRODUCING2-YEARTV PRICE LOCKNO HIDDEN MONTHLY FEES$4999190 CHANNELSHOPPER SMART DVRTHE AWARD-WINNING®MOPLUS YOU CHOOSEInstant access on any TVNo need to switch inputsNo need to switch remotes–or–with Multi-Sport PackNO NEEDTO CALL.AUTOMATICALLYREMOVEDAFTER 1 YEAR.*Included for 1 year with no hassle.Requires credit qualification, 24-month commitment with early termination fee and e-bill autopay.1-888-888-DISH | DISH.COMUpfront Fees:Activation and upfront receiver upgrade fee may apply based on credit qualification.ETF:Early termination fee of $20 for each month remaining applies if you cancel early.$49.99 Price lockincludesAmerica’s Top 120Plus and DVR fee for 1 TV. Available upgrades: $7/mo. for each additional TV (receivers with additional functionality may be $10-$12); $64.99/mo for America’s Top 200; $74.99/mo for America’s Top 250.Price lockdoes notinclude:Taxes or state-specific surcharges, add-on programming (including premium channels), protection plan or transactional fees. Applicable monthly fees, upfront fees or transactional fees for business customers. After 24 months, then-current prices and fees for all services apply.Protection Plan:After 6 months, you will be billed $8/mo for the protection plan unless you call to cancel. Price subject to change.Miscellaneous:All packages, programming, features, andfunctionality and all prices and fees not included in price lock are subject to change without notice. Offer for new customers only.*Netflix:Offer expires on October 30, 2015. Valid for twelve (12) months of Netflix Service on the $8.99(per month) “Two Screens at a Time Streaming Plan” (for total value of $107.88). Hopper w/Sling or other Netflix compatible device and Internet required. Not available with dishNET satellite Internet. Existing Netflix customers will returnto normal billing after $107.88 credit is exhausted. Offer is not redeemable or refundable for cash, subject to applicable law, and cannot be exchanged for Netflix Gift Subscriptions. You may apply the value of the offer to a different plan,or other services offered by Netflix. Exchanges in this manner may alter the duration of the offer. Netflix service price plans subject to change. Limit one promotion toward each monthly membership fee for your Netflix account. Fordetails, please visit www.netflix.com/termsofuse.Offer ends 10/30/15.Brand_16925© 2015 DISH Network L.L.C. All rights reserved.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEK(Clockwise from top) Stephen Colbert, Kendrick Lamar, George Clooney, Scarlett Johansson, Amy Schumer, and Toby KeithKEITH: GARY MILLER /GET T Y IMAGES; COLBERT: JEFFREY R. STA AB/CBS; L AMAR: MARK HORTON/WIREIMAGE.COM; SCHUMER:PATRICIA SCHLEIN/STAR MA X/GC IMAGES; JOHANSSON: JAMIE MCCARTHY/NBC/GET T Y IMAGES; CLOONE Y: JEWEL SAMAD/GET T Y IMAGES1TVTHE LATESHOWIf his first week’s guests (Scarlett Johansson, Kendrick Lamar, AmySchumer, Toby Keith, and George Clooney, among others) are anyindication, Stephen Colbert is determined to make his version oflate-night the most eclectic array of voices on TV.(CBS, 11:35 p.m.)SEPTEMBER 11, 2015E W.C O MI L L U ST R AT I O N BYA R I A N B E H Z A D I3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]