Entertainment Weekly 06 11 2015, Czasopisma

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//-->Empire’sJussie SmollettPIONEER! HEARTTHROB! AND THAT VOICE!P. 24“HELLO,” ITISYOU WE’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!P. 22NOV. 6, 2015•#1388All About Adele’s SmashMovie Preview!Holiday45New FilmsINCLUDINGTheScoop onTINA FEYANDAMYPOEHLERANDSISTERS’CONCUSSIONHUNGER GAMES:MOCKINGJAY—PT. 2THE FORCE AWAKENS(DUH, LIKE WE’DLEAVE THAT ONE OUT)WILL SMITH’SSTAR WARS:ready for you,indecisive music loverCurated radio for every moodwith Google Play Music.S E A S O NOR WATCH IT ONSUN NOV 8, 10PMThey’ll be with you until the end.P R E M I E R EHBO NOWSMis only accessible in the U.S. and certain U.S. territories. Some restrictions may apply. ©2015 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO®and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc.THETOP 10THINGSW E LOV ETHIS WEEKGrant Gustin23GUSTIN: CATE CAMERON/ THE CW;FRESH OFF THE BOAT:MICHAEL ANSELL /ABC;ROMEO AND JULIET:CAROL ROSEGG; PAUL: COURTESY JORDAN PAUL4151TV2 3 4 5MUSICTVSTAG ED I G I TA LTHE FLASH“HELLO,” Adele•Barry Allen (GrantGustin) may be the manwho saved Central City,but in the colorful, high-octane series’ sophomoreseason, he’s met hismatch with wormholes,parallel universes, and anasty new big bad intenton destroying the scarletspeedster himself.(TheCW, 8 p.m., Tuesdays)•It’s been more thanFRESH OFFTHE BOATBroadwayHD.comspeed Internet, he’dbinge Broadway shows—including the 2013 revivalofRomeo and Juliet—onthe new streaming sitethat ushers theater outof New York and London.It’s pricey ($14.99 permonth), but a promisingsign of Broadway’sentrée into the digital age.four years since her lastalbum,21,but Adelestill knows how to findbeauty in devastation.She tackles heartbreakas tenderly as ever on“Hello” with her soaringvoice—and raisesexpectations evenhigher for25,slatedto drop Nov. 20.•The Huangs may nolonger be fish out ofwater (they’ve met Shaq,which means they’vemade it), but the brilliantfamily comedy hasreturned funnier, sweeter,and, yes, fresher thanever.(ABC, 8:30 p.m.,Tuesdays)•If Shakespeare had high-@JORDANKPAULon Periscope•While the live videoapp Periscope alreadyboasts a bunch ofcelebrity users, thereare also emerging break-out talents, includingJordan K. Paul, who’scharming viewers withhis random observationsand high-energydance parties.E W.C O MI L L U ST R AT I O N BYJ O H N R I T T E RN OV E M B E R 6, 2 0 1 53 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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