Entangled Minds, EBOOKI

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//-->PRAISE FORENTANGLED MINDS“In this triumph of scientific imagination, Dean Radin shows in clear languagehow the mysteries of psychology and the mysteries of quantum mechanics maycombine to point to a ‘new reality’ that makes the most daring science fictionlook tame by comparison.”—Michael Grosso, Ph.D., philosopher, author ofExperiencing the Next WorldNow“The implications of Radin’s premises are majestic. His views strike at the heartof the notion of the isolated individual, and replace it with an image of the unityof all minds. Radin shows that togetherness does not have to be developed; italready exists and needs only to be realized. In a world seething with enmity,difference, and white-knuckled competition, it is difficult to imagine a moreimportant contribution.”—Larry Dossey, M.D., author ofThe Extraordinary Healing Power of OrdinaryThings“As scientists we tend a precarious campfire in the midst of the great Jungle ofIgnorance. Dean Radin’s work is a reliable and trustworthy guide to importantshapeshifting phenomena lying just outside that comfortable circle of light.”Nick Herbert, Ph.D., physicist, author ofQuantum Reality“It’s rare to find a book that is simultaneously an enjoyable, clear, and excitingread on the one hand and an authoritative reference text on the other, butEntangled Mindsis one. Radin reports the latest findings in parapsychologicalresearch while showing ways they can fit into the expanded picture of realitythat post-modern quantum physics gives us-and remembers the humanimportance of psychic phenomena while doing so!”—Charles Tart, Ph.D., psychologist, author ofAltered States of Consciousness“Dean Radin is one of the world’s most innovative parapsychologists, butEntangled Minds is more than a discourse on parapsychology. This remarkablebook proposes a new paradigm that challenges conventional perspectives onhuman nature as well as on the workings of the universe itself.”—Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., psychologist, co-editor ofVarieties of AnomalousExperience“Entangled Mindsis a terrific book. Radin demonstrates fact by fact that psychicexperiences and discoveries in physics spring from the same spiritual well. Astellar contribution to the understanding of ourselves and the world.”Bill Roll, Ph.D., psychologist, author of Unleashed… and for Dean Radin’s Award-Winning BestsellerTHE CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE“A brilliant book.”—Gertrude Schneider, Ph.D., psychologist,Journal of the American Society forPhysical Research“[An] intriguing, exhaustive tome.”—EntertainmentWeekly(rated B+)“The extensive data and sober arguments … show that psi research is worthy ofconsideration.”—MSNBC’s “The Site”“I loved it. It made my head spin for days.”—Scott Adams, cartoonist and author ofThe Dilbert Principle“Cutting perceptively through the spurious arguments frequently made byskeptics, Radin shows that the evidence in favor of [paranormal] existence isoverwhelming.”—Brian Josephson, Ph.D., Nobel Laureate and professor of physics, CambridgeUniversityALSO BY DEAN RADIN:The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic PhenomenaENTANGLED MINDSExtrasensory Experiences in a Quantum RealityDEAN RADINPARAVIEW POCKET BOOKSNew York London Toronto SydneyPARAVIEW191 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10011POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon Schuster, Inc.1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020www.SimonandSchuster.comCopyright © 2006 by Dean Radin, Ph.D.All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereofin any form whatsoever.For information address Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, NewYork, NY 10020Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataRadin, Dean I.Entangled minds: extrasensory experiences in a quantum reality / Dean Radin.p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.1. Parapsychology. 2. Quantum theory—Miscellanea. I. TitleBF1040.R33 2006133.8-dc22 2005058657ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-1677-4eISBN-13: 978-1-4391-8793-7ISBN-10: 1-4165-1677-8This Paraview Pocket Books trade paperback edition April 200610 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1POCKET and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.Manufactured in the United States of AmericaFor information regarding special discounts for bulk purchases, please contactSimon & Schuster Special Sales at 1-800-456-6798 orbusiness@simonandschuster.com.TO SUSIECONTENTSPrefaceCHAPTER 1: In the BeginningCHAPTER 2: Naked PsiCHAPTER 3: Who Believes?CHAPTER 4: OriginsCHAPTER 5: Putting Psi to the TestCHAPTER 6: Conscious PsiCHAPTER 7: Unconscious PsiCHAPTER 8: Gut FeelingsCHAPTER 9: Mind-Matter InteractionCHAPTER 10: PresentimentCHAPTER 11: Gaia’s DreamsCHAPTER 12: A New RealityCHAPTER 13: Theories of PsiCHAPTER 14: NextAcknowledgmentsEndnotesIndexPREFACEIf you do not get schwindlig [dizzy] sometimes when you think about thesethings then you have not really understood it [quantum theory].Niels BohrOne of the most surprising discoveries of modern physics is that objects aren’tas separate as they may seem. When you drill down into the core of even themost solid-looking material, separateness dissolves. All that remains, like thesmile of the Cheshire Cat fromAlice in Wonderland,are relationships extendingcuriously throughout space and time. These connections were predicted byquantum theory and were called “spooky action at a distance” by AlbertEinstein. One of the founders of quantum theory, Erwin Schrödinger, dubbedthis peculiarityentanglement,and said “I would not call thatonebut ratherthecharacteristic trait of quantum mechanics.” [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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