English Watercolors - An Introduction by Graham Reynolds (Art Ebook), sztuka i nie tylko po angielsku

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//-->•-Er~GbISH..•WATJERCOLORS"·Englishartist s have madeauniquecontributionto the artof watercolorpainting. In no otherWesterncountryhas thisveryattractivemedium been usedso consistently. orforworksof suc hstature.asin Englandbetween 1750and the presentday.Inthis gene ralsurvey ofthe wholeperi od,Graham Reynolds,for merlyKeeperofPaintings andofPrintsandDraw ingsat the Victoria&AlbertMuseum,discusses the paintings of over100artistsincludingthe well-knownwatercoloristssuch as Cozens, Girlin,ColmanandDeWint. as well 35artistswho are equallyknownfor their wor k inothermedia-Gain sborough,Turner,Constable,Sargent, Henry Moore.The'40illustrations,64 incolor, showthewor koftheseandlesse r-knownart istsand re veal theversatilityof thismedium,sothe readerwillbeintroducedto its useforillustrativecaricatureandportraitureas well as to the finestexamplesoftradit iona llandscape watercolo rs.JAC KETFRONT:HillsandRiver(detail)byThomasGinin .THETRUSTEESOFTHE BRITISHMUSEUM.JAC KETBACK:The Artist'sWifebyAmbroseMCEvoy. THETATE GALLERV, LON DON.ENGLISHWATERCOLORS [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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