Emilio Gentile - The Struggle for Modernity, Historia(2)(1)

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Nationalism, Futurism,
and Fascism
Emilio Gentile
 Recent Titles in
Italian and Italian American Studies
The Hunchback’s Tailor: Giovanni Giolitti and Liberal Italy from the Chal-
lenge of Mass Politics to the Rise of Fascism, 1882–1922
Alexander De Grand
Anita Garibaldi: A Biography
Anthony Valerio
Gaetano Salvemini: A Biography
Charles Killinger
Politics in a Museum: Governing Postwar Florence
James Edward Miller
The Poet and the Dictator: Lauro de Bosis Resists Fascism in Italy and America
Jean McClure Mudge
Born to Crime: Cesare Lombroso and the Origins of Biological Criminology
Mary Gibson
Making Liberalism Work: The Italian Experience, 1860–1914
Susan A. Ashley
Nationalism, Futurism,
and Fascism
Emilio Gentile
Foreword by Stanley G. Payne
Italian and Italian American Studies
Spencer M. Di Scala, Series Adviser
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Gentile, Emilio, 1946–
The struggle for modernity : nationalism, futurism, and fascism / Emilio
Gentile ; foreword by Stanley G. Payne
p. cm.—(Italian and Italian American studies, ISSN 1530–7263)
Includeds bibliography references and index.
ISBN 0–275–97692–0 (alk. paper)
1. Italy—Politics and government—20th century. 2. Nationalism—Italy—
History—20th century. 3. National characteristics, Italian. I. Title. II. Series.
DG568.5.G464 2003
945.091—dc21 2003042897
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.
Copyright © 2003 by Emilio Gentile
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be
reproduced, by any process or technique, without the
express written consent of the publisher.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2003042897
ISBN: 0-275-97692-0
ISSN: 1530-7263
First published in 2003
Praeger Publishers, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881
An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America
The paper used in this book complies with the
Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National
Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984).
Every reasonable effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright materials in this
book, but in some instances this has proven impossible. The author and publisher will be
glad to receive information leading to more complete acknowledgments in subsequent
printings of the book and in the meantime extend their apologies for any omissions.
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