Escaping The Friend Zone, pua, Dean Cortez, Facebook Seduction System Platinum Upgrade, Bonus, Tao Of Badass

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//-->The Friend ZoneThe Friend ZoneHave you ever been forced into the friend zone by a woman you werereally attracted to? Have you ever wanted to force a woman into thefriend zone because you weren’t attracted to her? The friend zone issurprisingly easy to control, but most men aren’t able to because theymake the same mistakes over and over again.Falling into the friend zone is almost always an accident, butunfortunately it’s an accident that’s very difficult to recover from.A man who is a badass with women has learned how to guideinteractions so that he will never just be a friend unless he wantsto. In this chapter, I’m going to teach you everything you need toknow to keep yourself out of the friend zone, and if you ever findyourself in a situation where you want to force a woman into it –because you’re not attracted to her, perhaps, or because you’re ina relationship – you can do so fairly easily by simplynotdoing thethings you’re going to learn here.When a woman starts using “we” verbiage, calls you “a goodfriend,” or says things like “I’m glad you’re around,” you’re seeingthe beginning signs of being placed into the friend zone. Eventhough they indicate that the process has just started, it’s already toothe Friend Zonelate to pull yourself out of it. There is only one way to potentiallyremove yourself from the friend zone, but you must risk everything– including the platonic friendship – to make it happen. You’re muchbetter off knowing how to stay out of the friend zone in the firstplace.Humans use their extraordinarily intelligent subconscious mindsto judge people almost instantly after meeting them. We gatherall of the information available to us about someone, and form animpression of that person based on what we learn from it. Whena woman looks at you for the first time, she decides immediatelyif you’re the kind of man who talks to a lot of people, or the kindof man who introduces himself to strangers. She assesses whetheror not you’re a man who would buy her a drink, or who would begood to bring home to her mother. In the first few moments, shewill make as many decisions about you as she possibly can with theinformation given to her. This is why it’s essential that your defaultmode is one that encourages your success later on in the interaction.Ask yourself now if you’re the kind of guy – or, more correctly, ifyou’re giving off signals that you’re the kind of guy – who naturallytouches everyone casually. If you’re not that guy already, you’re goingto need to become him. The reason this is so important is a conceptreferred to as a touch gap. Think of the touch gap like this: when youfirst meet a woman, there is a little crack in the ground between you.As you communicate with her without touching her, the crack growslarger until it becomes a crevice that you must leap to get over. If youcontinue to build rapport without touching her, it becomes a massivecanyon that you can’t cross. You’ll have to walk away, give the situationtime to reset, and then return later - months, maybe even years, later.www.TheTaoOfBadass.com2notesthe Friend ZoneObviously, that is not an effective strategy. The only way to defeatthe friend zone is never to fall into it. So why does it happen? Aman falls into the friend zone A) Because he does not bridge thetouch gap, and B) Because he builds rapport at the appearance of thefirst, tiny glimmer of interest from a woman. Many men, especiallythose who are new to learning this subject, tend to blow their chanceswith women by doing too much too quickly. Men who aren’t used tothinking of themselves as attractive to women tend to be needy, andpursue women too strongly when they’ve shown only minor signs ofinterest. Trying to build rapport too early in an interaction is a hugeerror that will land you in the friend zone.You might spend two hours at a bar connecting with a woman,discussing art, literature, philosophy, and find yourself stuck in thefriend zone afterwards because you failed to escalate. Combiningpoorly timed rapport building with a failure to bridge the touch gapwill destroy your chances all together.Scared yet? Don’t be. There is a system for escalation that every mancan learn. You may have noticed that certain cultures seem to breedDon Juans – the French, for example, and the Italians – who areintensely successful with women, particularly American women. Thishappens because they come from cultures in which people naturallytouch each other a great deal. They touch parents, friends, strangers– everyone! – because it is customary in their society in a way thatit is not in ours. Women tend to accept this increased amount oftouching when they find out that a man is from one of these cultures,and all of a sudden, he has a free pass to do whatever he wants to!He will be able to escalate more quickly than men who are not fromtraditionally touchy cultures.www.TheTaoOfBadass.com3notesthe Friend ZoneFortunately for you, you do not have to be Italian or French tosuccessfully escalate an interaction with a woman. When you meet arandom girl in a bar, she is not judging you based on your nationality;she judges you based on how you’re acting. If, from the verybeginning, you act like you touch a lot, she will accept that that’s apart of your personality. It’s just who you are. She will think of youin the same way that she thinks of a man who is from a culture thatfrequently physically engages with other people.Don’t expect a group of people who knew you before you startedstudying this to accept this new part of you immediately, becausethey’ve already made their judgments about you. When they metyou, you were not the kind of guy who naturally touched people.Changing your behavior can often lead to very adverse reactions frompeople you already know – they might even try to cut you out of theirlives or keep you from growing – but don’t be discouraged. If youfind yourself in this situation, there’s really nothing you can do to fixit. You must simply have the courage to leave it behind, secure in theknowledge that your self-improvement is more important than peoplewho are trying to stunt your growth.When you have become confident in the mindset that you are a manwho touches people, you’re ready to learn how to use the systemfor touch escalation to your advantage. How do you do it? Whathappens if you screw it up? How do you know you’re doing it well?How do you learn to make it natural instead of a conscious effort?Ultimately, the most important thing to remember is that touchescalation will only work if you touch with the proper mentality, atthe proper [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]