Enterprise JavaBeans, e-book, JAVA
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EJB 3RD EDITION - Richard Monson-Haefel
Authors’ Note
In the winter of 1997 I was working on a distributed object project using Java
RMI. Not surprisingly, the project failed miserably because Java RMI didn’t
address performance, scalability, fail-over, security, and transactions; qualities of
service that are so vital in a production environment. Although that lesson was
not new for me—I had seen the same thing happen with CORBA—the timing of
the project was especially interesting. It was at that same time Enterprise
JavaBeans was first introduced by Sun Microsystems – had Enterprise
JavaBeans been available earlier, that same project probably would have
At the time I was working on that ill-fated Java RMI project, I was also writing a
column for JavaReport Online called the “The Cutting Edge”. The column
covered what were then, new Java technologies like Java Naming and Directory
Interface (JNDI) and the JavaMail API. I was actually looking for a new topic for
the 3
edition of “The Cutting Edge”, when I discovered the first public draft of
Enterprise JavaBeans, version 0.8. I had first heard about this technology in 1996,
but this was the first time anything public has been available. Having worked on
CORBA, Java RMI and other distributed object technologies, I knew a good
thing when I saw it and immediately began writing an article about this new
“Enterprise JavaBeans”. Although the article in question has long since been
lost in the ether of the Internet, it was at that time the first article ever written on
Enterprise JavaBeans.
That seems like eons ago. Since I published that article in March 1998, literally
hundreds of articles have been written on Enterprise JavaBeans and several
books have come and gone on the subject. Over the past three years this book
has kept pace with three versions of the EJB specification and in its 3
edition is
considered by many, to my enormous satisfaction, to be the best book on
Enterprise JavaBeans. As the newest version of the specification takes flight
and a slew of new books on the subject daybew I can’t help but remember the
days when the words “Enterprise JavaBeans” drew blank looks from just about
everyone. I’m glad those days are over.
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
What Is Enterprise JavaBeans?
When Java™ was first introduced in the summer of 1995, most of the IT industry
focused on its graphical user interface characteristics and the competitive
advantage it offered in terms of distribution and platform independence. Those
were interesting times. The Applet was king, and only a few of us were
attempting to use it on the server side. I reality we spent about half our time
coding and the other half trying to convince management that Java was not a
Today, the focus has broadened considerably: Java has been recognized as an
excellent platform for creating enterprise solutions, specifically for developing
distributed server-side applications. This shift has much to do with Java’s
emerging role as a universal language for producing implementation-independent
abstractions for common enterprise technologies. The JDBC™ API is the first
and most familiar example. JDBC provides a vendor-independent Java interface
for accessing SQL relational databases. This abstraction has been so successful
that it’s difficult to find a relational database vendor that doesn’t support JDBC.
Java abstractions for enterprise technologies have expanded considerably to
include JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface™) for abstracting directory
services, JTA (Java Transaction API) for abstracting access to transaction
managers, JMS™ (Java Messaging Service) for abstracting access to different
message-oriented middleware products, and so on.
Enterprise JavaBeans™ was first introduced as a draft specification in late 1997
and has since established itself as one of the most important Java enterprise
technologies provided by Sun Microsystems. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
provides an abstraction for component transaction monitors (CTMs).
Component transaction monitors represent the convergence of two technologies:
traditional transaction processing monitors, such as CICS, TUXEDO, and Encina,
and distributed object services, such as CORBA (Common Object Request
Broker Architecture), DCOM, and native Java RMI. Combining the best of both
technologies, component transaction monitors provide a robust, component-
based environment that simplifies distributed development while automatically
managing the most complex aspects of enterprise computing, such as object
brokering, transaction management, security, persistence, and concurrency.
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) defines a server-side component model that allows
business objects to be developed and moved from one brand of EJB container to
another. A component (an enterprise bean) presents a simple programming model
that allows the developer to focus on its business purpose. An EJB server is
responsible for making the component a distributed object and for managing
services such as transactions, persistence, concurrency, and security. In
addition to defining the bean’s business logic, the developer defines the bean’s
runtime attributes in a way that is similar to choosing the display properties of
visual widgets. The transactional, persis tence, and security behaviors of a
component can be defined by choosing from a list of properties. The end result is
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
that Enterprise JavaBeans makes developing distributed component systems that
are managed in a robust transactional environment much easier. For developers
and corporate IT shops that have struggled with the complexities of delivering
mission-critical, high-performance distributed systems using CORBA, DCOM, or
Java RMI, Enterprise JavaBeans provides a far simpler and more productive
platform on which to base development efforts.
When Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0 was finalized in 1998, it quickly become a de
facto industry standard. Many vendors announced their support even before the
specification was finalized. Since that time Enterprise JavaBeans has been
enhanced twice: The specification was first updated in 1999 to version 1.1, which
was covered by the 2
edition. The most recent revision to the specification,
version 2.0, is covered by this, the 3
edition of O’Reilly’s EJB book. This 3
edition also covers EJB 1.1, which is for the most part a subset of functionality
offered by EJB 2.0.
Products that conform to the EJB standard have come from every sector of the IT
industry, including the TP monitor, CORBA ORB, application server, relational
database, object database, and web server industries. Some of these products are
based on proprietary models that have been adapted to EJB; many more
wouldn’t even exist without EJB.
In short, Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 and 1.1 provides a standard distributed
component model that greatly simplifies the development process and allows
beans that are developed and deployed on one vendor’s EJB server to be easily
deployed on a different vendor’s EJB server. This book will provide you with the
foundation you need to develop vendor-independent EJB solutions.
Who Should Read This Book?
This book explains and demonstrates the fundamentals of the Enterprise
JavaBeans 2.0 and 1.1 architecture. Although EJB makes distributed computing
much simpler, it is still a complex technology that requires a great deal of time to
master. This book provides a straightforward, no-nonsense explanation of the
underlying technology, Java classes and interfaces, component model, and
runtime behavior of Enterprise JavaBeans. It includes material that is backward
compatible with EJB 1.1 and provides special notes and chapters when there are
significant differences between 1.1 and 2.0.
Although this book focuses on the fundamentals, it’s no “dummies” book.
Enterprise JavaBeans embodies an extremely complex and ambitious enterprise
technology. While using EJB may be fairly simple, the amount of work required
to truly understand and master EJB is significant. Before reading this book, you
should be fluent with the Java language and have some practical experience
developing business solutions. Experience with distributed object systems is not
a must, but you will need some experience with JDBC (or at least an
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
understanding of the basics) to follow the examples in this book. If you are
unfamiliar with the Java language, I recommend that you pick up a copy of
Learning Java™
by Patrick Neimeyer and Jonathan Knudsen, formerly
Exploring Java™
, (O’Reilly). If you are unfamiliar with JDBC, I recommend
Database Programming with JDBC™ and Java™, 2
by George Reese
(O’Reilly). If you need a stronger background in distributed computing, I
Java™ Distributed Computing
by Jim Farley (O’Reilly).
Here’s how the book is structured. The first three chapters are largely
background material, placing Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 and 1.1 in the context of
related technologies, and explaining at the most abstract level how the EJB
technology works and what makes up an enterprise bean. Chapters 4 through 13
go into detail about developing enterprise beans of various types. Chapters 14
and 15 could be considered “advanced topics,” except that transactions
(Chapter 14) are essential to everything that happens in enterprise computing,
and design strategies (Chapter 15) help you deal with a number of real-world
issues that influence bean design. Chapter 16 describes in detail the XML
deployment descriptors used in EJB 2.0 and 1.1. Finally, Chapter 17 is an
overview of the Java™ 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) includes Servlets, JSP and
Chapter 1, Introduction
This chapter defines component transaction monitors and explains how they
form the underlying technology of the Enterprise JavaBeans component
Chapter 2, Architectural Overview
This chapter defines the architecture of the Enterprise JavaBeans
component model and examines the difference between the three basic types
of enterprise beans: entity beans, session beans, and message-driven beans.
Chapter 3, Resource Management and the Primary Services
This chapter explains how the EJB-compliant server manages an enterprise
bean at runtime.
Chapter 4, Developing Your First Enterprise Beans
This chapter walks the reader through the development of some simple
enterprise beans.
Chapter 5, The Client View
This chapter explains in detail how enterprise beans are accessed and used
by a remote client application.
Chapter 6, EJB 2.0 CMP: Basic Persistence
This chapter provides an explanation of how to develop basic container-
managed entity beans in EJB 2.0
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
Chapter 7, EJB 2.0 CMP: Entity Relationships
This chapter picks up where Chapter 6 left off, expanding your
understanding of container-managed persistence to complex bean-to-bean
Chapter 8, EJB 2.0 CMP: EJB QL
This chapter addresses the Enterprise JavaBeans Query Language (EJB QL),
which is used to query EJBs and locate specific entity beans in EJB 2.0
container-managed persistence.
Chapter 9, EJB 1.1: Container-Managed Persistence
This chapter covers EJB 1.1 container-managed persistence, which is
supported in EJB 2.0 for backward compatibility. Read this chapter only if
you need to support legacy EJB applications.
Chapter 10, Bean-Managed Persistence
This chapter covers the development of bean-managed persistence beans
including when to store, load, and remove data from the database.
Chapter 11, Entity-Container Contract
This chapter covers the general protocol between an entity bean and its
container at runtime and applies to container-managed persistence in EJB 2.0
and 1.1, as well as bean-managed persistence.
Chapter 12, Session Beans
This chapter shows how to develop stateless and stateful session beans.
Chapter 13, Message-Driven Beans
This chapter shows how to develop message-driven beans in EJB 2.0.
Chapter 14, Transactions
This chapter provides an in-depth explanation of transactions and describes
the transactional model defined by Enterprise JavaBeans.
Chapter 15, Design Strategies
This chapter provides some basic design strategies that can simplify your
EJB development efforts and make your EJB system more efficient.
Chapter 16, XML Deployment Descriptors
This chapter provides an in-depth explanation of the XML deployment
descriptors used in EJB 1.1 and 2.0.
Chapter 17, Java 2, Enterprise Edition
This chapter provides an overview of the Java 2, Enterprise Edition 1.3 and
explains how 2.0 fits into this new platform.
Appendix A, The Enterprise JavaBeans API
This appendix provides a quick reference to the classes and interfaces
defined in the EJB packages.
Appendix B, State and Sequence Diagrams
This appendix provides diagrams that clarify the life cycle of enterprise
beans at runtime.
Appendix C, EJB Vendors
This appendix provides information about the vendors of EJB servers.
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
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EJB 3RD EDITION - Richard Monson-Haefel
Authors’ Note
In the winter of 1997 I was working on a distributed object project using Java
RMI. Not surprisingly, the project failed miserably because Java RMI didn’t
address performance, scalability, fail-over, security, and transactions; qualities of
service that are so vital in a production environment. Although that lesson was
not new for me—I had seen the same thing happen with CORBA—the timing of
the project was especially interesting. It was at that same time Enterprise
JavaBeans was first introduced by Sun Microsystems – had Enterprise
JavaBeans been available earlier, that same project probably would have
At the time I was working on that ill-fated Java RMI project, I was also writing a
column for JavaReport Online called the “The Cutting Edge”. The column
covered what were then, new Java technologies like Java Naming and Directory
Interface (JNDI) and the JavaMail API. I was actually looking for a new topic for
the 3
edition of “The Cutting Edge”, when I discovered the first public draft of
Enterprise JavaBeans, version 0.8. I had first heard about this technology in 1996,
but this was the first time anything public has been available. Having worked on
CORBA, Java RMI and other distributed object technologies, I knew a good
thing when I saw it and immediately began writing an article about this new
“Enterprise JavaBeans”. Although the article in question has long since been
lost in the ether of the Internet, it was at that time the first article ever written on
Enterprise JavaBeans.
That seems like eons ago. Since I published that article in March 1998, literally
hundreds of articles have been written on Enterprise JavaBeans and several
books have come and gone on the subject. Over the past three years this book
has kept pace with three versions of the EJB specification and in its 3
edition is
considered by many, to my enormous satisfaction, to be the best book on
Enterprise JavaBeans. As the newest version of the specification takes flight
and a slew of new books on the subject daybew I can’t help but remember the
days when the words “Enterprise JavaBeans” drew blank looks from just about
everyone. I’m glad those days are over.
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
What Is Enterprise JavaBeans?
When Java™ was first introduced in the summer of 1995, most of the IT industry
focused on its graphical user interface characteristics and the competitive
advantage it offered in terms of distribution and platform independence. Those
were interesting times. The Applet was king, and only a few of us were
attempting to use it on the server side. I reality we spent about half our time
coding and the other half trying to convince management that Java was not a
Today, the focus has broadened considerably: Java has been recognized as an
excellent platform for creating enterprise solutions, specifically for developing
distributed server-side applications. This shift has much to do with Java’s
emerging role as a universal language for producing implementation-independent
abstractions for common enterprise technologies. The JDBC™ API is the first
and most familiar example. JDBC provides a vendor-independent Java interface
for accessing SQL relational databases. This abstraction has been so successful
that it’s difficult to find a relational database vendor that doesn’t support JDBC.
Java abstractions for enterprise technologies have expanded considerably to
include JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface™) for abstracting directory
services, JTA (Java Transaction API) for abstracting access to transaction
managers, JMS™ (Java Messaging Service) for abstracting access to different
message-oriented middleware products, and so on.
Enterprise JavaBeans™ was first introduced as a draft specification in late 1997
and has since established itself as one of the most important Java enterprise
technologies provided by Sun Microsystems. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
provides an abstraction for component transaction monitors (CTMs).
Component transaction monitors represent the convergence of two technologies:
traditional transaction processing monitors, such as CICS, TUXEDO, and Encina,
and distributed object services, such as CORBA (Common Object Request
Broker Architecture), DCOM, and native Java RMI. Combining the best of both
technologies, component transaction monitors provide a robust, component-
based environment that simplifies distributed development while automatically
managing the most complex aspects of enterprise computing, such as object
brokering, transaction management, security, persistence, and concurrency.
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) defines a server-side component model that allows
business objects to be developed and moved from one brand of EJB container to
another. A component (an enterprise bean) presents a simple programming model
that allows the developer to focus on its business purpose. An EJB server is
responsible for making the component a distributed object and for managing
services such as transactions, persistence, concurrency, and security. In
addition to defining the bean’s business logic, the developer defines the bean’s
runtime attributes in a way that is similar to choosing the display properties of
visual widgets. The transactional, persis tence, and security behaviors of a
component can be defined by choosing from a list of properties. The end result is
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
that Enterprise JavaBeans makes developing distributed component systems that
are managed in a robust transactional environment much easier. For developers
and corporate IT shops that have struggled with the complexities of delivering
mission-critical, high-performance distributed systems using CORBA, DCOM, or
Java RMI, Enterprise JavaBeans provides a far simpler and more productive
platform on which to base development efforts.
When Enterprise JavaBeans 1.0 was finalized in 1998, it quickly become a de
facto industry standard. Many vendors announced their support even before the
specification was finalized. Since that time Enterprise JavaBeans has been
enhanced twice: The specification was first updated in 1999 to version 1.1, which
was covered by the 2
edition. The most recent revision to the specification,
version 2.0, is covered by this, the 3
edition of O’Reilly’s EJB book. This 3
edition also covers EJB 1.1, which is for the most part a subset of functionality
offered by EJB 2.0.
Products that conform to the EJB standard have come from every sector of the IT
industry, including the TP monitor, CORBA ORB, application server, relational
database, object database, and web server industries. Some of these products are
based on proprietary models that have been adapted to EJB; many more
wouldn’t even exist without EJB.
In short, Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 and 1.1 provides a standard distributed
component model that greatly simplifies the development process and allows
beans that are developed and deployed on one vendor’s EJB server to be easily
deployed on a different vendor’s EJB server. This book will provide you with the
foundation you need to develop vendor-independent EJB solutions.
Who Should Read This Book?
This book explains and demonstrates the fundamentals of the Enterprise
JavaBeans 2.0 and 1.1 architecture. Although EJB makes distributed computing
much simpler, it is still a complex technology that requires a great deal of time to
master. This book provides a straightforward, no-nonsense explanation of the
underlying technology, Java classes and interfaces, component model, and
runtime behavior of Enterprise JavaBeans. It includes material that is backward
compatible with EJB 1.1 and provides special notes and chapters when there are
significant differences between 1.1 and 2.0.
Although this book focuses on the fundamentals, it’s no “dummies” book.
Enterprise JavaBeans embodies an extremely complex and ambitious enterprise
technology. While using EJB may be fairly simple, the amount of work required
to truly understand and master EJB is significant. Before reading this book, you
should be fluent with the Java language and have some practical experience
developing business solutions. Experience with distributed object systems is not
a must, but you will need some experience with JDBC (or at least an
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
understanding of the basics) to follow the examples in this book. If you are
unfamiliar with the Java language, I recommend that you pick up a copy of
Learning Java™
by Patrick Neimeyer and Jonathan Knudsen, formerly
Exploring Java™
, (O’Reilly). If you are unfamiliar with JDBC, I recommend
Database Programming with JDBC™ and Java™, 2
by George Reese
(O’Reilly). If you need a stronger background in distributed computing, I
Java™ Distributed Computing
by Jim Farley (O’Reilly).
Here’s how the book is structured. The first three chapters are largely
background material, placing Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 and 1.1 in the context of
related technologies, and explaining at the most abstract level how the EJB
technology works and what makes up an enterprise bean. Chapters 4 through 13
go into detail about developing enterprise beans of various types. Chapters 14
and 15 could be considered “advanced topics,” except that transactions
(Chapter 14) are essential to everything that happens in enterprise computing,
and design strategies (Chapter 15) help you deal with a number of real-world
issues that influence bean design. Chapter 16 describes in detail the XML
deployment descriptors used in EJB 2.0 and 1.1. Finally, Chapter 17 is an
overview of the Java™ 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) includes Servlets, JSP and
Chapter 1, Introduction
This chapter defines component transaction monitors and explains how they
form the underlying technology of the Enterprise JavaBeans component
Chapter 2, Architectural Overview
This chapter defines the architecture of the Enterprise JavaBeans
component model and examines the difference between the three basic types
of enterprise beans: entity beans, session beans, and message-driven beans.
Chapter 3, Resource Management and the Primary Services
This chapter explains how the EJB-compliant server manages an enterprise
bean at runtime.
Chapter 4, Developing Your First Enterprise Beans
This chapter walks the reader through the development of some simple
enterprise beans.
Chapter 5, The Client View
This chapter explains in detail how enterprise beans are accessed and used
by a remote client application.
Chapter 6, EJB 2.0 CMP: Basic Persistence
This chapter provides an explanation of how to develop basic container-
managed entity beans in EJB 2.0
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
Chapter 7, EJB 2.0 CMP: Entity Relationships
This chapter picks up where Chapter 6 left off, expanding your
understanding of container-managed persistence to complex bean-to-bean
Chapter 8, EJB 2.0 CMP: EJB QL
This chapter addresses the Enterprise JavaBeans Query Language (EJB QL),
which is used to query EJBs and locate specific entity beans in EJB 2.0
container-managed persistence.
Chapter 9, EJB 1.1: Container-Managed Persistence
This chapter covers EJB 1.1 container-managed persistence, which is
supported in EJB 2.0 for backward compatibility. Read this chapter only if
you need to support legacy EJB applications.
Chapter 10, Bean-Managed Persistence
This chapter covers the development of bean-managed persistence beans
including when to store, load, and remove data from the database.
Chapter 11, Entity-Container Contract
This chapter covers the general protocol between an entity bean and its
container at runtime and applies to container-managed persistence in EJB 2.0
and 1.1, as well as bean-managed persistence.
Chapter 12, Session Beans
This chapter shows how to develop stateless and stateful session beans.
Chapter 13, Message-Driven Beans
This chapter shows how to develop message-driven beans in EJB 2.0.
Chapter 14, Transactions
This chapter provides an in-depth explanation of transactions and describes
the transactional model defined by Enterprise JavaBeans.
Chapter 15, Design Strategies
This chapter provides some basic design strategies that can simplify your
EJB development efforts and make your EJB system more efficient.
Chapter 16, XML Deployment Descriptors
This chapter provides an in-depth explanation of the XML deployment
descriptors used in EJB 1.1 and 2.0.
Chapter 17, Java 2, Enterprise Edition
This chapter provides an overview of the Java 2, Enterprise Edition 1.3 and
explains how 2.0 fits into this new platform.
Appendix A, The Enterprise JavaBeans API
This appendix provides a quick reference to the classes and interfaces
defined in the EJB packages.
Appendix B, State and Sequence Diagrams
This appendix provides diagrams that clarify the life cycle of enterprise
beans at runtime.
Appendix C, EJB Vendors
This appendix provides information about the vendors of EJB servers.
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Reilly & Associates
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