Encyklopedia Alternative Medicine, EBOOKI
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//-->ENCYCLOPEDIAofAlTERNATIVEMEDICINESECOND EDITIONTheGALEENCYCLOPEDIAofAlternativeMEDICINESECOND EDITIONVOLUMETheGALE1A-CJACQUELINE L. LONGE, PROJECT EDITORThe Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, Second EditionProject EditorJacqueline L. LongeEditorialDeirdre S. Blanchfield, Laurie Fundukian, ErinWattsEditorial Support ServicesAndrea Lopeman©2005 Thomson Gale, a part of The ThomsonCorporation.Thomson and Star Logo are trademarks andGale is a registered trademark used hereinunder license.For more information, contactThomson Gale27500 Drake Rd.Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535Or you can visit our Internet site atALL RIGHTS RESERVEDNo part of this work covered by the copyrighthereon may be reproduced or used in any formor by any means—graphic, electronic, or me-chanical, including photocopying, recording,taping, Web distribution, or information stor-age retrieval systems—without the written per-mission of the publisher.Rights Acquisition ManagementMargaret Abendroth, Ann TaylorImagingRandy Bassett, Lezlie Light, Dan W. Newell,Robyn V. YoungProduct DesignMichelle DiMercurio, Tracey RowensThis publication is a creative work fully protect-ed by all applicable copyright laws, as well asby misappropriation, trade secret, unfair condi-tion, and other applicable laws. The authorsand editors of this work have added value tothe underlying factual material herein throughone or more of the following: coordination, ex-pression, arrangement, and classification of theinformation.For permission to use material from this prod-uct, submit your request via the web atmay download our Permissions Request formand submit your request by fax of mail to:PermissionsThomson Gale27500 Drake Rd.Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535Permissions Hotline:Composition and Electronic PrepressEvi Seoud, Mary Beth TrimperManufacturingWendy Blurton, Dorothy MakiIndexingSynapse Corp. of Colorado248-699-8006 or 800-877-4253, ext. 8006Fax: 248-699-8074 or 800-762-4058Since this page cannot legibly accommodate allcopyright notices, the acknowledgments con-stitute an extension of the copyright notice.While every effort has been made to ensurethe reliability of the information presented inthis publication, Thomson Gale does not guar-antee the accuracy of the data contained here-in. Thomson Gale accepts no payment for list-ing; and inclusion in the publication of any or-ganization, agency, institution, publication,service, or individual does not imply endorse-ment of the editors or publisher. Errorsbrought to the attention of the publisher andverified to the satisfaction of the publisher willbe corrected in future editions.LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATAThe Gale encyclopedia of alternative medicine / Jacqueline L. Longe,project editor.-- 2nd ed.p. ; cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-7876-7424-9 (set hardcover : alk. paper) -- ISBN 0-7876-7425-7 (v. 1 : alk.paper) -- ISBN 0-7876-7426-5 (v. 2 : alk. paper) -- ISBN 0-7876-7427-3 (v. 3 : alk.paper) -- ISBN 0-7876-7428-1 (v. 4 : alk. paper)1. Alternative medicine--Encyclopedias.[DNLM: 1. Complementary Therapies--Encyclopedias--English. 2. InternalMedicine--Encyclopedias--English. WB 13 G1507 2005] I. Title: Encyclopedia ofalternative medicine. II. Longe, Jacqueline L.R733.G34 2005615.5'03--dc222004022502This title is also available as an e-bookISBN 7876-9396-0 (set)Contact your Gale sales representative for ordering informationISBN 0-7876-7424-9(set)0-7876-7425-7 (Vol. 1)0-7876-7426-5 (Vol. 2)0-7876-7427-3 (Vol. 3)0-7876-7428-1 (Vol. 4)Printed in the United States of America10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1CONTENTSList of Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viiAbout the Encyclopedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviiAdvisory Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xixContributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiEntriesVolume 1: A-C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Volume 2: D-K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .523Volume 3: L-R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1029Volume 4: S-Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1523Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2199Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2225General Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2293GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2VLIST OF ENTRIESAAbscessAcidophilusAcneAconiteAcupressureAcupunctureAdemetionineAdie’s pupilAfrican pygeumAgastacheAgingAIDSAlcoholismAlexander techniqueAlfalfaAlismaAllergiesAllium cepaAloeAlpha-hydroxyAlzheimer’s diseaseAmino acidsAndrographisAndrostenedioneAnemarrhenaAnemiaAngelica rootAnginaAniseAnkylosing spondylitisAnorexia nervosaAnthroposophical medicineAntioxidantsAnxietyApisApitherapyAppendicitisApplied kinesiologyApricot seedArginineArnicaAromatherapyArrowrootArsenicum albumArt therapyAshwagandaAsthmaAstigmatismAston-PatterningAstragalusAtherosclerosisAthlete’s footAtkins dietAtractylodes (white)Attention-deficit hyperactivity dis-orderAucklandiaAuditory integration trainingAura therapyAuriculotherapyAutismAyurvedic medicineBBad breathBalm of GileadBarberryBarley grassBates methodBayberryBedsoresBedwettingBee pollenBehavioral optometryBehavioral therapyBelladonnaBeta-hydroxyBeta-methylbutyric acidBeta caroteneBetaine hydrochlorideBhakti yogaBilberryBinge eating disorderBiofeedbackBioflavonoidsBiotaBiotinBipolar disorderBird fluBites and stingsBitter melonBittersBlack cohoshBlack currant seed oilBlack hawBlack walnutBlack cumin seed extractBladder cancerBladder infectionBlessed thistleBlistersBlood poisoningBlood clotsBloodrootVIIGALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->ENCYCLOPEDIAofAlTERNATIVEMEDICINESECOND EDITIONTheGALEENCYCLOPEDIAofAlternativeMEDICINESECOND EDITIONVOLUMETheGALE1A-CJACQUELINE L. LONGE, PROJECT EDITORThe Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, Second EditionProject EditorJacqueline L. LongeEditorialDeirdre S. Blanchfield, Laurie Fundukian, ErinWattsEditorial Support ServicesAndrea Lopeman©2005 Thomson Gale, a part of The ThomsonCorporation.Thomson and Star Logo are trademarks andGale is a registered trademark used hereinunder license.For more information, contactThomson Gale27500 Drake Rd.Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535Or you can visit our Internet site atALL RIGHTS RESERVEDNo part of this work covered by the copyrighthereon may be reproduced or used in any formor by any means—graphic, electronic, or me-chanical, including photocopying, recording,taping, Web distribution, or information stor-age retrieval systems—without the written per-mission of the publisher.Rights Acquisition ManagementMargaret Abendroth, Ann TaylorImagingRandy Bassett, Lezlie Light, Dan W. Newell,Robyn V. YoungProduct DesignMichelle DiMercurio, Tracey RowensThis publication is a creative work fully protect-ed by all applicable copyright laws, as well asby misappropriation, trade secret, unfair condi-tion, and other applicable laws. The authorsand editors of this work have added value tothe underlying factual material herein throughone or more of the following: coordination, ex-pression, arrangement, and classification of theinformation.For permission to use material from this prod-uct, submit your request via the web atmay download our Permissions Request formand submit your request by fax of mail to:PermissionsThomson Gale27500 Drake Rd.Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535Permissions Hotline:Composition and Electronic PrepressEvi Seoud, Mary Beth TrimperManufacturingWendy Blurton, Dorothy MakiIndexingSynapse Corp. of Colorado248-699-8006 or 800-877-4253, ext. 8006Fax: 248-699-8074 or 800-762-4058Since this page cannot legibly accommodate allcopyright notices, the acknowledgments con-stitute an extension of the copyright notice.While every effort has been made to ensurethe reliability of the information presented inthis publication, Thomson Gale does not guar-antee the accuracy of the data contained here-in. Thomson Gale accepts no payment for list-ing; and inclusion in the publication of any or-ganization, agency, institution, publication,service, or individual does not imply endorse-ment of the editors or publisher. Errorsbrought to the attention of the publisher andverified to the satisfaction of the publisher willbe corrected in future editions.LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATAThe Gale encyclopedia of alternative medicine / Jacqueline L. Longe,project editor.-- 2nd ed.p. ; cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-7876-7424-9 (set hardcover : alk. paper) -- ISBN 0-7876-7425-7 (v. 1 : alk.paper) -- ISBN 0-7876-7426-5 (v. 2 : alk. paper) -- ISBN 0-7876-7427-3 (v. 3 : alk.paper) -- ISBN 0-7876-7428-1 (v. 4 : alk. paper)1. Alternative medicine--Encyclopedias.[DNLM: 1. Complementary Therapies--Encyclopedias--English. 2. InternalMedicine--Encyclopedias--English. WB 13 G1507 2005] I. Title: Encyclopedia ofalternative medicine. II. Longe, Jacqueline L.R733.G34 2005615.5'03--dc222004022502This title is also available as an e-bookISBN 7876-9396-0 (set)Contact your Gale sales representative for ordering informationISBN 0-7876-7424-9(set)0-7876-7425-7 (Vol. 1)0-7876-7426-5 (Vol. 2)0-7876-7427-3 (Vol. 3)0-7876-7428-1 (Vol. 4)Printed in the United States of America10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1CONTENTSList of Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viiAbout the Encyclopedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviiAdvisory Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xixContributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiEntriesVolume 1: A-C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Volume 2: D-K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .523Volume 3: L-R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1029Volume 4: S-Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1523Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2199Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2225General Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2293GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2VLIST OF ENTRIESAAbscessAcidophilusAcneAconiteAcupressureAcupunctureAdemetionineAdie’s pupilAfrican pygeumAgastacheAgingAIDSAlcoholismAlexander techniqueAlfalfaAlismaAllergiesAllium cepaAloeAlpha-hydroxyAlzheimer’s diseaseAmino acidsAndrographisAndrostenedioneAnemarrhenaAnemiaAngelica rootAnginaAniseAnkylosing spondylitisAnorexia nervosaAnthroposophical medicineAntioxidantsAnxietyApisApitherapyAppendicitisApplied kinesiologyApricot seedArginineArnicaAromatherapyArrowrootArsenicum albumArt therapyAshwagandaAsthmaAstigmatismAston-PatterningAstragalusAtherosclerosisAthlete’s footAtkins dietAtractylodes (white)Attention-deficit hyperactivity dis-orderAucklandiaAuditory integration trainingAura therapyAuriculotherapyAutismAyurvedic medicineBBad breathBalm of GileadBarberryBarley grassBates methodBayberryBedsoresBedwettingBee pollenBehavioral optometryBehavioral therapyBelladonnaBeta-hydroxyBeta-methylbutyric acidBeta caroteneBetaine hydrochlorideBhakti yogaBilberryBinge eating disorderBiofeedbackBioflavonoidsBiotaBiotinBipolar disorderBird fluBites and stingsBitter melonBittersBlack cohoshBlack currant seed oilBlack hawBlack walnutBlack cumin seed extractBladder cancerBladder infectionBlessed thistleBlistersBlood poisoningBlood clotsBloodrootVIIGALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]