Encyclopedic Dictionary of Landscape and Urban Planning, EBOOKI
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//-->Encyclopedic Dictionary of Landscape and Urban PlanningMultilingual Reference Book in English, Spanish, French, and Germanwww.ebook3000.comIFLAINTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSFEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ARCHITECTES PAYSAGISTESMembers/miembros/membres/Mitglieder:Chairman and Editor-in-Chief/Coordinador y editor/Direction générale du projet etéditeur/Gesamtleitung und Herausgeber:Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Jürgen Evert BDLAStuttgart, GermanyDeutsch/GermanEuropean working group and co-editors/comité europeo y coeditores/groupe de travaileuropéen et coéditeurs/Arbeitsgruppe Europa und Mitherausgeber:David J. Elsworth MA, Dip LDStuttgart, GermanyUK-EnglishDipl.-Ing. Icíar OquiñenaBerlin, GermanyEspañol/SpanishDipl.-Ing. Jean-Marie Schmerber, BDLA Wolfenbüttel, GermanyFrançais/FrenchIn collaboration with/con la colaboración de/avec la collaboration de/unter Mitarbeit von:Lic. Jur. Marga MielgoMadrid, SpainEspañol/SpanishLic. Biol.Begoña OquiñenaMenorca, SpainEspañol/SpanishUK-English (1978-Prof. Richard Stiles MA, Dip LDWien, Vienna, Austria1990)US working group/comité americano/groupe de travail américain/ArbeitsgruppeUSA:Team leaders:Edward B. Ballard FASLA, MLA (1972-2000) (deceased) US-EnglishUS-English (sinceProf. Nicholas T. Dines FASLA, MLAWilliamsburg, MA, USA2004)Beatriz de W. Coffin FASLA MLADipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Oehme FASLAProf. Robert E. Stipe JD, MRPWashington, D.C., USABaltimore, MD, USA(1975-2007) (deceased)Español/SpanishUS-EnglishUS-Englishwww.ebook3000.comKlaus-Jürgen Evert (Editor-in-Chief)Encyclopedic Dictionary of Landscape and Urban PlanningMultilingual Reference Book in English, Spanish, French, and GermanDiccionario enciclopédico — Paisaje y urbanismoDiccionario multilingüe en inglés, español, francés y alemánDictionnaire encyclopédique du paysage et de l’urbanismeDictionnaire multilingue en anglais, espagnol, français et allemandEnzyklopädisches Lexikon — Landschafts- und StadtplanungMehrsprachiges Lexikon in Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch und DeutschCompiled by the IFLA Committee “Translation of Technical Terms”Elaborado por el comité de IFLA «Traducción de términos técnicos».Réalisé par le groupe de travail de l’IFLA « Traduction des termes techniques »Bearbeitet von der IFLA-Arbeitsgruppe „Übersetzung technischer Begriffe“Volume 1A-Zwww.ebook3000.comEditor-in-ChiefKlaus-Jürgen EvertRolandstr. 970469 StuttgartGermanyEditorsEdward B. Ballard (deceased), Alexandria Va., USADavid J. Elsworth, Florian-Geyer-Str. 35, 70499 Stuttgart, GermanyIcíar Oquiñena, Bänschstr. 41, 10247 Berlin, GermanyJean-Marie Schmerber, Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Str. 1A, 38300 Wolfenbüttel, GermanyProf. Robert E. Stipe (deceased), Chapel Hill, N.C., USALibrary of Congress Control Number: 2010924735ISBN: 978-3-540-76455-7This publication is available also as:Electronic publication under ISBN 978-3-540-76435-9 andPrint and electronic bundle under ISBN 978-3-540-76436-6This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of thematerial is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations,recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks.Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of theGerman Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use mustalways be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the GermanCopyright Law.© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in theabsence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws andregulations and therefore free for general use.Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Mediaspringer.comEditor: Christian Witschel, Heidelberg, GermanyDevelopment Editor: Sylvia Blago, Heidelberg, GermanyProduction: SPI-Publishing, Pondicherry, IndiaCover Design: Frido Steinen-Broo, Girona, SpainPrinted on acid-free paperwww.ebook3000.comForewordvForewordAfter 23 years of intensive work by the IFLA Working Group inthe translation of technical terminology and with the publication in2001 of the first edition of this comprehensive encyclopedia withGerman as its ‘lead language’, it seemed that a large gap in ourprofession had been closed. The second, corrected reprint waspublished as early as 2004 and by 2008 almost 1000 copies hadbeen sold worldwide. With continued interest and current strongdemand the need arose for the publication of a new, extendededition of the dictionary. And when Springer Publishing Houseannounced its classification as a major reference work, the entiredictionary had to be rewritten so that English would become the‘lead language’, enabling an even wider distribution.In 1978 the chairman of the working group, Klaus-Jürgen Evertformed the IFLA Committee on the Translation of TechnicalTerms together with Richard Stiles, Zdenek Zvolsk�½, IcíarOquiñena and Jean-Marie Schmerber. Over the years newcolleagues have joined the group: Edward B. Ballard, Bob E.Stipe, Wolfgang Oehme, David Elsworth, Beatriz de W. Coffin aswell as Marga Mielgo and Begoña Oquiñena and, following thedeath of Edward B. Ballard and Bob E. Stipe, Nick Dines.Now after seven years of intensive work, this improved andupdated glossary, supplemented by some 175 additional terms, canbe presented, to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of theestablishment of the working group.A very special circumstance was always of great benefit to theteam. It consists of the fact that it brought colleagues together, whoshared the same professional idealism. They still share thisidealism even after such a long period of time and it has allowedthem to continue working together across the continents on suchan extensive dictionary.The glossary takes into account the most important languages ofthe western world and is a fundamental tool in the hands ofplanning professions concerned with the environment, urban andlandscape planning, science and the entire profession of translatorsand interpreters. In addition, all of those employed in the sectors ofgarden and landscape construction and the construction industryitself will also benefit greatly from this work.Users of the dictionary are welcome to make any suggestions forits improvement, so that with future editions of the work, all ofthose, who use it, will profit from their comments.At the International Federation of Landscape Architects WorldCouncil meeting in June 2008, Klaus-Jürgen Evert outlined theextraordinary achievement of what might be described as a‘beautiful obsession’ on the part of its authors.The work of the committee received a standing ovation from theWorld Council delegates. I, too, applaud the publication of thismajor reference work and now look forward to a good start to thisnew edition and a great success, worldwide.Dr. Diane MenziesPresident of IFLADecember 2009www.ebook3000.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->Encyclopedic Dictionary of Landscape and Urban PlanningMultilingual Reference Book in English, Spanish, French, and Germanwww.ebook3000.comIFLAINTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSFEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES ARCHITECTES PAYSAGISTESMembers/miembros/membres/Mitglieder:Chairman and Editor-in-Chief/Coordinador y editor/Direction générale du projet etéditeur/Gesamtleitung und Herausgeber:Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Jürgen Evert BDLAStuttgart, GermanyDeutsch/GermanEuropean working group and co-editors/comité europeo y coeditores/groupe de travaileuropéen et coéditeurs/Arbeitsgruppe Europa und Mitherausgeber:David J. Elsworth MA, Dip LDStuttgart, GermanyUK-EnglishDipl.-Ing. Icíar OquiñenaBerlin, GermanyEspañol/SpanishDipl.-Ing. Jean-Marie Schmerber, BDLA Wolfenbüttel, GermanyFrançais/FrenchIn collaboration with/con la colaboración de/avec la collaboration de/unter Mitarbeit von:Lic. Jur. Marga MielgoMadrid, SpainEspañol/SpanishLic. Biol.Begoña OquiñenaMenorca, SpainEspañol/SpanishUK-English (1978-Prof. Richard Stiles MA, Dip LDWien, Vienna, Austria1990)US working group/comité americano/groupe de travail américain/ArbeitsgruppeUSA:Team leaders:Edward B. Ballard FASLA, MLA (1972-2000) (deceased) US-EnglishUS-English (sinceProf. Nicholas T. Dines FASLA, MLAWilliamsburg, MA, USA2004)Beatriz de W. Coffin FASLA MLADipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Oehme FASLAProf. Robert E. Stipe JD, MRPWashington, D.C., USABaltimore, MD, USA(1975-2007) (deceased)Español/SpanishUS-EnglishUS-Englishwww.ebook3000.comKlaus-Jürgen Evert (Editor-in-Chief)Encyclopedic Dictionary of Landscape and Urban PlanningMultilingual Reference Book in English, Spanish, French, and GermanDiccionario enciclopédico — Paisaje y urbanismoDiccionario multilingüe en inglés, español, francés y alemánDictionnaire encyclopédique du paysage et de l’urbanismeDictionnaire multilingue en anglais, espagnol, français et allemandEnzyklopädisches Lexikon — Landschafts- und StadtplanungMehrsprachiges Lexikon in Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch und DeutschCompiled by the IFLA Committee “Translation of Technical Terms”Elaborado por el comité de IFLA «Traducción de términos técnicos».Réalisé par le groupe de travail de l’IFLA « Traduction des termes techniques »Bearbeitet von der IFLA-Arbeitsgruppe „Übersetzung technischer Begriffe“Volume 1A-Zwww.ebook3000.comEditor-in-ChiefKlaus-Jürgen EvertRolandstr. 970469 StuttgartGermanyEditorsEdward B. Ballard (deceased), Alexandria Va., USADavid J. Elsworth, Florian-Geyer-Str. 35, 70499 Stuttgart, GermanyIcíar Oquiñena, Bänschstr. 41, 10247 Berlin, GermanyJean-Marie Schmerber, Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Str. 1A, 38300 Wolfenbüttel, GermanyProf. Robert E. Stipe (deceased), Chapel Hill, N.C., USALibrary of Congress Control Number: 2010924735ISBN: 978-3-540-76455-7This publication is available also as:Electronic publication under ISBN 978-3-540-76435-9 andPrint and electronic bundle under ISBN 978-3-540-76436-6This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of thematerial is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations,recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks.Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of theGerman Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use mustalways be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the GermanCopyright Law.© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in theabsence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws andregulations and therefore free for general use.Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Mediaspringer.comEditor: Christian Witschel, Heidelberg, GermanyDevelopment Editor: Sylvia Blago, Heidelberg, GermanyProduction: SPI-Publishing, Pondicherry, IndiaCover Design: Frido Steinen-Broo, Girona, SpainPrinted on acid-free paperwww.ebook3000.comForewordvForewordAfter 23 years of intensive work by the IFLA Working Group inthe translation of technical terminology and with the publication in2001 of the first edition of this comprehensive encyclopedia withGerman as its ‘lead language’, it seemed that a large gap in ourprofession had been closed. The second, corrected reprint waspublished as early as 2004 and by 2008 almost 1000 copies hadbeen sold worldwide. With continued interest and current strongdemand the need arose for the publication of a new, extendededition of the dictionary. And when Springer Publishing Houseannounced its classification as a major reference work, the entiredictionary had to be rewritten so that English would become the‘lead language’, enabling an even wider distribution.In 1978 the chairman of the working group, Klaus-Jürgen Evertformed the IFLA Committee on the Translation of TechnicalTerms together with Richard Stiles, Zdenek Zvolsk�½, IcíarOquiñena and Jean-Marie Schmerber. Over the years newcolleagues have joined the group: Edward B. Ballard, Bob E.Stipe, Wolfgang Oehme, David Elsworth, Beatriz de W. Coffin aswell as Marga Mielgo and Begoña Oquiñena and, following thedeath of Edward B. Ballard and Bob E. Stipe, Nick Dines.Now after seven years of intensive work, this improved andupdated glossary, supplemented by some 175 additional terms, canbe presented, to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of theestablishment of the working group.A very special circumstance was always of great benefit to theteam. It consists of the fact that it brought colleagues together, whoshared the same professional idealism. They still share thisidealism even after such a long period of time and it has allowedthem to continue working together across the continents on suchan extensive dictionary.The glossary takes into account the most important languages ofthe western world and is a fundamental tool in the hands ofplanning professions concerned with the environment, urban andlandscape planning, science and the entire profession of translatorsand interpreters. In addition, all of those employed in the sectors ofgarden and landscape construction and the construction industryitself will also benefit greatly from this work.Users of the dictionary are welcome to make any suggestions forits improvement, so that with future editions of the work, all ofthose, who use it, will profit from their comments.At the International Federation of Landscape Architects WorldCouncil meeting in June 2008, Klaus-Jürgen Evert outlined theextraordinary achievement of what might be described as a‘beautiful obsession’ on the part of its authors.The work of the committee received a standing ovation from theWorld Council delegates. I, too, applaud the publication of thismajor reference work and now look forward to a good start to thisnew edition and a great success, worldwide.Dr. Diane MenziesPresident of IFLADecember 2009www.ebook3000.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]