English home 09 2016, Czasopisma
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//-->ENGLISHHOMEThe• Handblocked fabrics• Sophisticated lighting• New coral huesStyle ingredients • Design secrets from the experts • Discreet technologyPHOTOGRAPHANDREAS VON EINSIEDELDREAM BATHROOMSBeautiful looks • Design trade secrets • Smart showers, taps & moreTEH UK SEPT16 Bathrooms Section COVER.indd 121/07/2016 14:02Design inspiration for28 PAGES OFBATHROOMINSPIRATIONCelebrating the essence of English styleSeptember 2016 | Issue 139 | £4.20 | UK EditionElegant effectsModern ClassicCreating the perfect blend of period and contemporary styleSir TerenceConranDreamy looksClever layoutsSpecialist resourcesBeautifulbathroomsInsights fromthe design legendSENSE OF HARMONYUsing subtle symmetry for interiors that feel balanced and calmWooden Kitchens Handmade For You.Wooden Kitchens Handmade For You.KITCHENCOMPANYCOMPANYKITCHENTHE WHITETHE WHITEQ u oteQuote and BuyOn li nat Trade PricesPri c e sa nd BuyOnlinee a t T ra deQ uote and Buyto book a design visitPr ic e sContact usOnli ne at Tr adewww.thewhitekitchencompany.comwww.thewhitekitchencompany.com01604 82100301604 821003CONTENTSSEPTEMBER 201642Beautiful Buys12HOME COMFORTSJust the right touch of coloursets the scene for late summer at home.18FRUITFUL YIELDA bumper crop of harvest designs.20MODERN CLASSICBuys for elegant sitting rooms.22SLEEP COUNCILLuxurious elements for bedrooms.English Homes28RETURN TO SPLENDOURA beautiful former manorhouse is given an update in keeping with theelegant era in which it was built.38REFLECTIONS IN TRANQUILITYDesigner DianaBlanchard found her perfect home next door.48A PERFECT MIXA former bakery makes a wonderfulfamily home filled with character and charm.London for the country life led to creatinga home beloved by three generations.56GUARDIANS OF FAMILY HISTORYSwapping5664MY ENGLISH HOMEDesign legend Sir TerenceConran shares his personal home essentials.THE ENGLISH HOME5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->ENGLISHHOMEThe• Handblocked fabrics• Sophisticated lighting• New coral huesStyle ingredients • Design secrets from the experts • Discreet technologyPHOTOGRAPHANDREAS VON EINSIEDELDREAM BATHROOMSBeautiful looks • Design trade secrets • Smart showers, taps & moreTEH UK SEPT16 Bathrooms Section COVER.indd 121/07/2016 14:02Design inspiration for28 PAGES OFBATHROOMINSPIRATIONCelebrating the essence of English styleSeptember 2016 | Issue 139 | £4.20 | UK EditionElegant effectsModern ClassicCreating the perfect blend of period and contemporary styleSir TerenceConranDreamy looksClever layoutsSpecialist resourcesBeautifulbathroomsInsights fromthe design legendSENSE OF HARMONYUsing subtle symmetry for interiors that feel balanced and calmWooden Kitchens Handmade For You.Wooden Kitchens Handmade For You.KITCHENCOMPANYCOMPANYKITCHENTHE WHITETHE WHITEQ u oteQuote and BuyOn li nat Trade PricesPri c e sa nd BuyOnlinee a t T ra deQ uote and Buyto book a design visitPr ic e sContact usOnli ne at Tr adewww.thewhitekitchencompany.comwww.thewhitekitchencompany.com01604 82100301604 821003CONTENTSSEPTEMBER 201642Beautiful Buys12HOME COMFORTSJust the right touch of coloursets the scene for late summer at home.18FRUITFUL YIELDA bumper crop of harvest designs.20MODERN CLASSICBuys for elegant sitting rooms.22SLEEP COUNCILLuxurious elements for bedrooms.English Homes28RETURN TO SPLENDOURA beautiful former manorhouse is given an update in keeping with theelegant era in which it was built.38REFLECTIONS IN TRANQUILITYDesigner DianaBlanchard found her perfect home next door.48A PERFECT MIXA former bakery makes a wonderfulfamily home filled with character and charm.London for the country life led to creatinga home beloved by three generations.56GUARDIANS OF FAMILY HISTORYSwapping5664MY ENGLISH HOMEDesign legend Sir TerenceConran shares his personal home essentials.THE ENGLISH HOME5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]