English garden 09 2016, Czasopisma

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//-->GARDENTHE ENGLISHSEPTEMBER 2016For everyone who loves beautiful gardenswww.theenglishgarden.co.ukSEASONAL GLORYInspirational gardens thatkeep the colour goingTransformyour gardenwith lightingPERFECT SCENTHow to create aperfume gardenVibrant dahlias forbright bordersThe best of late summer●●●●FLOWERSUNTIL THEFROSTS£4.30Make the most of your HARVESTHow to care for PRAIRIE plantingExpert garden DESIGN ideasHardy MEDITERRANEAN plantsThe NaTioNal TrusT GreeNhouse ColleCTioNwww.alitex.co.uk01730 826900CONTRIBUTORSAntoinetteGalbraithWelcome...TAntoinette lives in theScottish borders andspecialises in writingabout Scotland’sgardens. She exploresAbbotsford, Sir WalterScott’s former home,on page 22.Kerrie Lloyd-DawsonKerrie is a passionategardener and gardenwriter, who opens herHertfordshire gardenfor the NationalGardens Scheme.She visits the cottagegarden at RustlingEnd on page 30.here is no need to feel glum when September arrives. Don’tthink of it as a month that means summer is nearing its end,butone that can produce some of the most spectacular, colourfuldisplays of the year. I prefer it to August in many ways; perennialscan start to look tired, dusty almost, in the heat of high summer.September’s slightly cooler days and mellow light bring out the best inplants, especially the late summer stalwarts, such as dahlias – find expertadvice on these in our feature on the National Collection in Cornwall.The gardens we feature this month embrace the season with cleverlong-season planting that keeps the colour going, so much so it feelsas if summer will last forever. In the Scottish Borders,Abbotsfordisfamous for being Sir Walter Scott’s formerhome, but its gardens – largely designed byScott himself – are an example in colourfulperennial planting. AtRustling EndinHertfordshire, owner Julie Wise has created afull cottage garden look but managed to keepit low maintenance at the same time. Whiledahlias supply late flowers atTinkers GreeninEssex, salvias are the plant of the month atPenMill Farmin Somerset. Tapestries of colour,vibrant blooms, great gardening stories – thereis no need to hang up the trowel just yet.Clare Foggett, EditorON THECOVERNoel KingsburyCOVER IMAGEREBECCA BERNSTEINA garden designerand author, Noelanswers questionsabout his new bookon page 107 and notesthe artistically plantedWiltshire garden ofnurserywoman DerryWatkins on page 50.Derry Watkins’ gardenat her nursery, SpecialPlants, photographedby Rebecca Bernstein,features painterlyplanting and strongarchitectural details.DIGITALPLATFORMSPurchase digitaleditions ofThe EnglishGardenfor phone andtablet from the AppStore for iPhones,and Google Play forAndroid.The-English-Garden-Magazine@TEGmagazineenglishgardenuktheenglishgardenmagazineSEPTEMBER 2016THE ENGLISH GARDEN3plantsupportssupportsplantsupportsplantsupportsplant supportsplant supportsplantplantfor herbaceous perennials,Beautiful designsBeautifulherbaceousperennials,Beautiful designs forherbaceousperennials,Beautifuldesigns forherbaceous perennials,Beautifuldesigns for herbaceousperennials,Beautifuldesignsclimbers.designsfor herbaceousperennials,for herbaceousBeautifuldesignsclimbers.Made inperennials,roses,shrubs&for herbaceousEngland.Beautifulshrubs&climbers.Made inperennials,roses,England.roses, shrubs&England.roses, shrubs& climbers.Madeinperennials,roses,shrubs & climbers.MadeinEngland.shrubs & climbers.Made inEngland.roses, shrubs & climbers.Made in England.Made inEngland.England.roses,roses, shrubsMade in England.www.leanderplantsupports.co.ukwww.leanderplantsupports.co.ukwww.leanderplantsupports.co.ukwww.leanderplantsupports.co.ukwww.leanderplantsupports.co.ukwww.leanderplantsupports.co.ukTel: 01773 550495www.leanderplantsupports.co.ukwww.leanderplantsupports.co.ukTel:01773 550495for a brochureTel:01773 550495 fora brochurewww.leanderplantsupports.co.ukTel: 01773 550495for a brochureTel:Tel:01773 550495for abrochurea brochurebrochureTel: 01773 550495 for a brochureTel: 01773 550495 for a brochureFor everyone who loves beautiful gardenstheenglishgarden.co.ukTel:020 7349 3700Fax:020 7349 3701The Chelsea Magazine Company Ltd,Jubilee House, 2 Jubilee Place, London SW3 3TQEmail:theenglishgarden@chelseamagazines.comWebsite:theenglishgarden.co.ukEditorClare FoggettDeputy EditorGreg LoadesArt EditorJeremy BirdProduction EditorVivienne HamblyEditorial AssistantRachael FunnellEDITORIALAdvertisement ManagerCarly Bell Tel: 020 7349 3733carly.bell@chelseamagazines.comSales ExecutiveCasey Barton Tel: 020 7349 3735casey.barton@chelseamagazines.comSales ExecutiveJames Davenport Tel: 020 7349 3793james.davenport@chelseamagazines.comAdvertisement DirectorLyndal BeetonAdvertising ProductionallpointsmediaADVERTISINGManaging DirectorPaul DobsonDeputy Managing DirectorSteve RossCommercial DirectorVicki GavinPublisherCaroline ScottBrand ManagerChatty DobsonPUBLISHINGDigital Media ManagerJames DobsonDigital Marketing ManagerPhillip ParkerDigital Product ManagerOliver Morley-NorrisDigital Campaign ExecutiveEmma ShriwardhankarDigital Marketing ExecutiveMegan WrafterONLINEReprographics ManagerNeil PuttnamPrintingWilliam Gibbons Ltd, Willenhall, UKThe English Garden (UK issue) ISSN no 1361-2840. Printed in England.PRODUCTIONSUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES0844 848 8053SUBSCRIPTION OFFICESUBSCRIPTION RATESThe English Garden, CDSUK £66 (13 issues)Global, Sovereign Park,Overseas £69.50 (13 issues)Market Harborough,Leicestershire LE16 9EF,NEWS DISTRIBUTIONUK. Tel: 0844 8488053.Seymour Distribution Ltd,Europe and Rest of World:2 East Poultry Avenue,+44 (0)1858 438854.London EC1A 9PT, UK.Tel: +44 (0)20 7429 3667.From planters, fountains and statues to balustrades,porticos and follies – our stonework designs look fabulouswhen new and grow ever-more distinguished as they age.Browse our unrivalled collectiononlineorcallto request a catalogue.© The Chelsea Magazine Company Ltd 2015. All rights reserved. Text and pictures arecopyright restricted and must not be reproduced without permission of the publishers.The information in The English Garden has been published in good faith and every efforthas been made to ensure its accuracy. However, where appropriate, you are advised tocheck prices, opening times and dates etc before making final arrangements. All liabilityfor loss, disappointment, negligence or damage caused by reliance on the informationwithin this publication is hereby excluded. The opinions expressed by the contributorsof The English Garden are not necessarliy those of the publisher. www.chelseamagazines.com: Publishers of The English Home, Artists & Illustrators, Baby London, BabyHampshire, Baby Surrey, Little London, BRITAIN, Discover Britain, Cruise International,Independent School Parent and associated Guides, Racecar Engineering, Classic Boat,Sailing Today and Yachts & Yachting.haddonstone.com01604 770711 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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