Enemy Territory Quake Wars - IGN Insiders Guide, Prima, Bradygames IGN and other guide, Poradniki ENG

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The Quake franchise is getting a kick in the ass thanks to Splash
Damage and id. Turning back the clock to the early days of the
Strogg invasion, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is an exceptionally
deep team-based affair that takes everything that was good about
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and cranks it up.
This is a more strategic affair than your typical team-based shooter.
Your entire team must be a well-oiled machine, and victory is more
a result of organization and preparation as it is skillful fragging. It's
one of the most daunting online shooters to approach as a newbie,
and that's why IGN is here to give you a leg up on the winning
In this Enemy Territory: Quake Wars strategy guide, you'll find:
GENERAL STRATEGIES // An overview of how the game
is played and basic techniques for all 10 classes.
Familiarize yourself with the tools of
VEHICLES // All the vehicles, big and small, and the most
effective ways to use them.
CAMPAIGNS // All 12 campaigns and strategies for both
Guide by:
Travis Fahs
¨ 2007, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part,
without IGNÓs express permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.
All rights reserved.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Quake Wars General Strategies
General Strategies
GDF Classes
Strogg Classes
General Strategies
Ordinarily we call this section "The Basics," but there really isn't anything basic about Quake Wars. It can be a bit
intimidating at first, but don't let that scare you. The important thing is that you find a role to help your team. As your skill
level increases, you'll be able to get more ambitious with your goals.
Level Progress
Each map is set up so that one side is on defense, and the other side is on offense.
Which team does which is predetermined for each map.
The team on offense has a series of objectives to accomplish before the time runs out. Completing one of these main
objectives will open up the next one, so they cannot be done out of order.
The defending team has to stall the aggressing team by disrupting them as they attempt to achieve their goals. They do
not have specific goals beyond this. If the timer runs down to zero, the defense wins.
As you'd expect, working as a team is critical to your success, and for this reason,
having a group of regulars can make the experience more rewarding. Constant
communication is not as vital to teamwork in Quake Wars as it is in the likes of
CounterStrike or Shadowrun, nor is it as important to stay in small groups like in Team Fortress.
Instead you want to stay aware of the team's progress as a whole, and find out what role that is most neglected. This
might mean switching classes, or focusing on a different objective. Is your team struggling with the opposition's
defense? Maybe it's time to go distract them and lure them away. Are your teammates being ambushed? Try switching
to Field Ops/Infiltrator and establish some radar.
Similarly, try to be aware of your enemy's progress. Find out what they're doing right and respond to it, and find out what
they're doing wrong and exploit it. This is one area where reconnaissance can be very valuable. Simply observing your
opponent and letting your teammates know how they're progressing can help your team get organized and focus their
priorities. A good player will be able to determine his team's needs without being told, but it never hurts to communicate,
especially if you are playing on a public server with a new group.
Remember, this isn't a death match. Trying to rack up a lot of kills certainly won't hurt your team, but it's not as important
as racking up the right kills. Sometimes your enemy will knowingly make themselves a target to lure you away from the
objectives you should be guarding. The important thing is to shut them down, not wipe them out.
Also, remember it's more helpful to kill enemies that have wandered father away from the spawn points. Fragging a
player will take him out of commission until the next wave (up to 25 seconds), but if he has a long difficult trek to get
back to where he was, you've dealt a more damaging blow.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Keep tabs on what's being done and select your class carefully. There are five basic classes on each side. Each
GDF class has a basic equivalent on the Strogg side, but there are differences that should be appreciated, as well
as different armaments that will change up your strategy a bit. Learning to play different classes can make you a
more valuable asset to your team, so don't just pick your favorite. You don't need to do it all, but find a few classes
you're good at so you can mix it up. If you're feeling uncomfortable with a certain class, remember, you can always
play against the computer to get some practice before hopping into a live game. The bots aren't that smart, but
you'll still get a feel for how each class can help out.
General Strategies
GDF Classes
Strogg Classes
GDF Classes
The Soldier is the basic strongman of the GDF crew. He can move more freely with
heavy weapons, and he has 20% more health than the other classes. Soldiers have a
diverse assortment of weaponry to choose from with a Rocket Launcher, GPMG, and
Shotgun all available as alternatives to the basic Assault Rifle, and the secondary Machine Pistol.
This gives them some versatility in the kind of combat they can succeed in. They're good for anti-vehicle fire, thanks to
their speed with the Rocket Launcher, and they can be handy in close-range combat as well. However, they lack sniping
capabilities, nor are they useful in supporting other players.
Soldiers aren't just good aggressors, they're vital for completing certain missions, because only they possess High
Explosive charges needed to detonate certain targets. These charges are placed on a target, and then detonated from a
safe distance (50 meters). If you don't have soldiers on your team, you won't be able to succeed.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
The medic is good for players who might not be crack shots, but like to stay moving,
and respond quickly. They are, of course, primarily a support class, and they're not
especially useful at completing goals themselves. Still, a well-played Medic supporting
an offensive push can really make your squad tough to stop.
The defibrillators that Medics possess have a double use, too. Not only can they revive fallen comrades, but they can be
used to destroy Strogg spawn points and push the enemy further back. They also have some passive bonuses too.
Each Medic on the team will mean a 5-point health boost for all players, as well as larger MedPacks.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
These guys are your defensive line. Engineers are perfect for players that prefer to
focus on strategy. Their most important skill is their ability to construct turrets of
different kinds to guard key areas. The key to being a successful engineer is staying
aware of potential holes in your team's defense and filling them as quickly as possible. Engineers have mines that can
be used for strategic defense as well. Although they are quite limited, coordinating with other Engineers on the team will
make it possible to place them effectively.
They're also useful as a support class, repairing vehicles, turrets, and other equipment with their pliers. Vehicle spawns
can be slow, so this can make a big difference.
While they're still effective in combat, Engineers can be quite vulnerable while constructing or repairing. Because of this,
they're perfect targets for snipers. Engineers should learn to keep moving, even when they're repairing or constructing.
Jump around and keep your movements unpredictable. Using vehicles for cover can be an effective defense, but be
aware that some vehicles are easier to blow up than others.
¨ 2007 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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