End Street Detective Agency 5 - The Case of the Purple Pearl - RJ Scott(1),
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//-->The Case of the Purple PearlEnd Street Detective Agency, book 5Copyright ©2015 Amber KellCopyright ©2015 RJ ScottEdited by Olivia VenturaCover design by Meredith RussellPublished by Love Lane Books LimitedISBN 978-1-78564-034-6The End Street seriesBook 1 – The Case of the Cupid Curse (in End Street Volume 1)Book 2 – The Case of the Wicked Wolf (in End Street Volume 1)Book 3 – The Case of the Dragon’s Dilemma (in End Street Volume 2)Book 4 – The Case of the Sinful Santa (in End Street Volume 2)Book 5 – The Case of the Purple PearlAll Rights ReservedThis literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingelectronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without the express written permission.This book cannot be copied in any format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer toanother through upload to a file sharing peer to peer program, for free or for a fee. Such action isillegal and in violation of Copyright Law.All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living ordead is strictly coincidental.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.DedicationFor everyone who waited so patiently for this next visit with Sam and Bob.And always for our families.With grateful thanks to our proofers. Christina Manole, Rick Mulholland, Hanne, BJ Williams,Catherine Lievens, Susan Kadlec, Ann-Marie O'Callaghan, and Tyra Berger. You all rock. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->The Case of the Purple PearlEnd Street Detective Agency, book 5Copyright ©2015 Amber KellCopyright ©2015 RJ ScottEdited by Olivia VenturaCover design by Meredith RussellPublished by Love Lane Books LimitedISBN 978-1-78564-034-6The End Street seriesBook 1 – The Case of the Cupid Curse (in End Street Volume 1)Book 2 – The Case of the Wicked Wolf (in End Street Volume 1)Book 3 – The Case of the Dragon’s Dilemma (in End Street Volume 2)Book 4 – The Case of the Sinful Santa (in End Street Volume 2)Book 5 – The Case of the Purple PearlAll Rights ReservedThis literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingelectronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without the express written permission.This book cannot be copied in any format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer toanother through upload to a file sharing peer to peer program, for free or for a fee. Such action isillegal and in violation of Copyright Law.All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living ordead is strictly coincidental.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.DedicationFor everyone who waited so patiently for this next visit with Sam and Bob.And always for our families.With grateful thanks to our proofers. Christina Manole, Rick Mulholland, Hanne, BJ Williams,Catherine Lievens, Susan Kadlec, Ann-Marie O'Callaghan, and Tyra Berger. You all rock. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]